View Full Version : Son and I.....International Star 1 1/2 day 7/10-7/12

07-12-2009, 10:46 AM
sons birthday trip. hes totally stoked. got down to the landing at 645p. luckily found a spot right next to H&M. cool. loaded our gear and waited a while. got to talk to a few friends like T-Bone, Alex(2nd on the big bird), Bubba, Doug Reed, Miguel, Marmaduke. got the scoop from them. fishing in the short area was scratchy, long area the day before was great. so im thinkin we're on a 1 1/2 day, we should have time to make a run to the long area and fish for a while. we'll have a chance at em. skippers call. condor was full w/ 35 and they were gonna haul it down to the long area. scott was off the weekend so the "master" steve was at the wheel on their trip. i wished them good luck and they shoved off around 7pm. we were scheduled to leave at 9pm. we left a little later. Dusty, the capt, says we left too late to head down there to the long area, so our plan was to stay in the short area, where some boats the day before scratched out a good day. cool. we're on a fishing trip so we cant complain. we head down to get some sleep after loading bait (mixed chovie and dines). the bunk room was freezing!! cool! finallyo get t sleep comfortably. son is stoked just listening to the reports. wake up to nice weather, the trollers are out and we're heading into the area. see a bunch of boats working the area. not much action going on. Dusty says for the entire fleet there only a handfull of fish caught. so we keep working the area till around 10am. then the boats scatter out and going prospecting. we head a little east from everyone and we start to see turns dipping, paddys to the east of the "albie" area we holding some yellows and bluefin. some big pattys out there guys. JD spots a paddy about the size of the boat! pin a dine on and cast out. 1-2-3 zzzzzzzzzz, im bit. set the hook and got him on for about 5 seconds and hook pulls. oh well. grab my sons 30 lb setup, cast out again and 1-2-3 zzzzzzzzzzzzz im on again! set the hook and im on!!! my son has already casted out and is 1/2 way up the rail. i yell "ANDEW, CMON I GOT ONE FOR YA" the yellow proceeded to take me into the kelp. by the time Andrew got to me the damn fish got me in there good. tried to horse him out for about 5mins. finally the line broke. ****!!! i go to retie and Andrews gone.i see him with rod BENT hard! apparently Dusty hooked one and handed it off to him. cool! it proceeds to beat him up for a while. finally color, and over the rail it comes. DUDE a BIG yellow!! get a quick pic and off we go again. son wants a couple more pics so i snap a few and down on the hold it goes. we see plenty more pattys some with fish some empty. we spot a patty with terns working hard dippin and crashin. good size patty. when we come up to it, nothing. we soak baits for nothing. i love down swell and see bluefin crashing, backflippin, boiling everywhere. thats what the terns were on. we pick up and head over there. slide in slowly, baits go out and nothing. they came under the boat good, just didnt want to eat. they pop up upswell this time crashinn, a yacht was in area, and proceeded to burn it over there, running right through the school!ried to read the boats name but couldnt make it out. what an amatuer!! there were at least 2 kelps that had bluefin on it the boiled up on the chum, but no biters. when this warmer water fish moves in good, it gonna be game on!!! at about 330pm we decide to head back out west to the "albie" area that produced a few moring fish. 12 miles straight west. trolled till pitch black for nothing. tried the swimbait technique on the troll and wasnt working. oh well. eat a fabulous tri tip dinner and call it a night. rool into post a 530am. not the best trip ever, but my son caught one,(which was actually the biggest yellow of the day). we werent in the JP because i usually hook and hand to him, so i didnt want any trouble. his yellow went about 25lbs!! thats the report.

the boat and crew.

+the boat was clean when we boarded

+heads are good sized and clean(for those moring throne meetings) lol

+cook, Nick made some great grub, he doesnt believe anyone going hungry

+deckhands, JD and RED, great guys who were on top of everything when we were busy

bunkroom, stateroom setup with some goodsized bunks for crashing out after a hard days fishing.

+capt, Dusty, great guy who is a wealth of knowledge. sat in the whell house with him fpor a while, and it actually benefited my son the most, he learned alot from Dusty,who was willing to share info and answer his questions. made us feel very welcome. if you read this Dusty, Thank You again bro!!

boat does up to 6 day trips and youd be very comfortable on this ride for up to 6 days. i highly recommend it. im looking at their schedule for something in the fall. Boat gets an A from me. heres some pics of the birthday boy and his biggest yellow to date. enjoy thr pics. im a very proud papa. another fishkiller in the making. (with another on the way)








07-12-2009, 10:57 AM
Happy B-Day Andrew and congrtas on that fat yellow buddy! Thanks for the report and pics bowboy, what an awesome birthday celebration :Thumbs Up:


07-12-2009, 11:02 AM
Congrats and Happy Birthday!

07-12-2009, 11:11 AM
thats awesome, i bet the lil guy was stoked

07-12-2009, 11:18 AM
If I ever do have kids...I hope they are as happy holding a fish as your kid looks holding that big yellow! :Cool:

07-12-2009, 02:34 PM
Way to slay Danny!!!! Hopefully I'll see you in in Sept. Bring your boy, the price is right for sure!!

07-12-2009, 04:23 PM
keep me posted D. im open to check out dates. pm me with the dates bro.



07-12-2009, 08:04 PM
fat yellows bro! i need to get out there...

07-13-2009, 06:44 AM
Awesome birthday present - kid is hooked for life esp with yellows like that. Nice proud papa and good report on the boat and the fishing. Thanks for sharing.


07-13-2009, 08:46 AM
Hi Bowboy,

Great report and detail !! WTG on getting the boy out !! Kudos to the skipper.

A note to Andrew ... Glad to know you agree to take a hand-off. The more practice you get actually fighting fish the better angler you'll be ... down the road !! No one can say that's not YOUR fish ! Excluding JP of course.



07-22-2009, 10:13 PM
hah i wnet to summit intermediate too