View Full Version : Castaic lagoon july 6th and 7th late day tube report

Ray Lopez
07-10-2009, 05:18 AM
well i decided to take the tube out after work for a few hours on Monday and Tuesday and it paid off quite well.

On Monday i got to the lake around 5:30pm launched in the back area of the lagoon west side shoreline. I got in the water and holy cow was it full of weeds. After i worked my way through the very heavy weed beds i got down to the swim beach and all was well. First thing first i toss out my drop shot with a 2ft leader from the weight to overcome any weed growth that i might encounter. I also toss out a rapala glass shad rap and slow troll it just under the water line. I slowly but surly start working my way down to the first main point going towards tree point. Nothing was really happening at this point so i turn back around and make another pass towards the swim beach. As i get around the bend of that main point i get slammed on the d/s (hologram shad of course). I reel up a nice little 2 pounder, let it go and back to the grind stone. I figure that this is a good spot so i cast out and get hit again right away. Pull in another bass this one smaller then then the first.

Well i go ahead and make two more passes on this spot for nothing. So i move back north to the middle of the two buoyed off swim beaches. As I'm working my way in to my nice cozy little spot i hit but no cigar. Once i settled in i cast out the hologram shad to the tip of the buoys and work it back and i get SLAMMED really hard!!!!. The rod goes full bendo but no line is peeling (HOLY CRAP i forgot to check my drag and it was locked into the strongest pull. I quickly loosen the drag and start fighting this beast of a fish. She comes up and rolls on the surface (you all know what that means BIG FISH). I Battle this fat back for a good 15 to 20 minutes she is dragging me around in my tube like a tug boat lol. She finally gets close enough to the tube to get a good glance at her she was well over 10 pounds. Then as i raise my pole to get my thumb in her mouth she freaks and darts around really fast and with a strong tug tosses my hook out like it was going out of style lol. Well after being bummed that i did not get a pic with this beast i cast out again and slam i land a nice 4 pounder right on the same spot.

Then around 6:30pm the fish start going crazy. I'm seeing fish boiling everywhere crashing on the silver side shad that are very abundant. I stop d/s'ing and toss out the shad rap and first cast as i move it through a ball of shad right after it exits the ball i get slammed again. Boom nice crank bait 3 pounder. I toss out a few more times with no love. Back to the drop shot i had left just sitting in the water while i was busy casting the crank and low and behold i pick it up and feel the tug tug tug of a bass on the other end lol. I land a baby 1 pounder. I caught about 4 more bass from 1 to 4 pounds the rest of the night. before i had to get of the lake by 8. It was a very good night.

Well after having a bang up day on Monday of course i had to go back on Tuesday. This time i launched out of paradise cove and worked my way north. I did not want to deal with kicking thru the weeds again. Same set up as Monday working my way north this time. No love at all until i got to the beloved swim beach. I landed a tiny dinker baby. Funny thing is that he did not want to let go of my thumb when i tried to release him. He sucked on my thumb for a good 45 seconds before he swam off lol. this day was much slower not much action on the surface and most of the fish i caught were dinks. I had no love on the crank this day it was all d/s. Well after catching only about 4 bass from 1 to 3 pounds i started to kick my way back to paradise cove. Nothing again the whole way back up until i was shored up and reeling in my lines to get out when sure enough i get Slammed. Fish put up one hell of a fight too. I finally land this one and it goes 4 pounds. Not a bad way to end the night.

P.S. i saw butch brown out there on Tuesday with his shad net netting the silver sides on the north end right in the weed lines. I guess they are active enough to net in the north end of the lagoon. I don't know how productive they are seeing as i have only had shad love on the upper lake. But thought it might be useful to some of you anglers.

tight lines to all!

P.S.S. sory about no pics

i have pics and vids but i cantr find the usb cord to upload them to the computer i just recently moved so things are not found right now lol Please forgive me

07-10-2009, 07:00 AM
Nice work on the double take.
Sorry to hear about the lost one. I farmed me an 8lber or so in an 1" of water last week. I feel ya! :LOL:

07-10-2009, 09:51 AM
Wow that sounds like a magical day for you. Except the lost one which suck.
i guess thats were im fishing next time im in my canoe

ghetto dad
07-10-2009, 10:07 AM
Great job Raylo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As always...lol


tall tales
07-10-2009, 03:20 PM
thanks and good to hear from you. youll getem next time.

07-11-2009, 02:21 AM
Well done!
Lots of fun.
Thanks for the post.