View Full Version : ouch my finger (graphic images)

07-09-2009, 02:52 PM
I got a bunch of PM's about CS2 and the stuff I'm selling but I'll have to get back to you guys tomorrow. Might be a day or two before I fish again too even though I had some plans tomorrow.

Just whacked my finger good with one of my tiny remote control helicopters. Blood went shooting everywhere like in the movies. Think I hit a vein and now I'm kinda light headed. Thing won't stop bleeding. I cleaned it up and put a butterfly bandage on so I'll see how it's doing in the morning and get back to you guys then. Thanks for all the help :LOL:

Always injured and keepin' you updated,




07-09-2009, 02:55 PM
ouch... looks ok though.. keep pressure on it and the blood shld start clotting. Leave the skin flap and it shld reattach as it grows back through the clot.

tall tales
07-09-2009, 02:58 PM
super glue or if you got it derma bond. youll be hookin fish and back flyin before you know it.

07-09-2009, 05:24 PM
Ouch! That had to hurt! Better there than the wrist though I guess. That Superglue trick Talltales mentioned works well, but it does cause more scaring than usual. If the butterfly doesn't cut it, I'd definitely go have that bad boy stitched. It looks pretty damn deep!

07-09-2009, 05:26 PM
OUCH!!!.....NOW paging OFG :Wink:

Hope that heals up quickly for you buddy,


calico killer kevin
07-09-2009, 06:09 PM
Not a problem bro, just put a bit of neosporin, bit of cotton, and wrap that bad boy up. If anyone asks, you got in a fight with some vatos carrying knives, and if they think your cut is bad, explain to them how you layed the *** whooping on them with your bare hands.:LOL:

ghetto dad
07-09-2009, 06:28 PM
Dude, thats weak TJ! I was expecting to see worse!! lol....get better homie....at least the fish will be safe for a couple days


07-09-2009, 06:38 PM
It's kinda like getting smashed with a hammer as well as cut with a dull blade to though mang. Those helicopter blades are haulin'! Think I hit a major vein too cause this sucker is still bleeding. I put the Neo on with the butterflyu bandage and covored the whole deal with gauz. Had to change the gauz twice already.

If this happens on a 16" span electric rc heli, imagine what I could do with my 6' span nitro :LOL:

The weird parts is I actually felt dizzy/light headed after I did it. That's never happened to me with any of my injuries before and this is somewhat minor in comparison to some of those. I've broken this same finger before even down the middle of the bone. I think this finger is doomed! Bad luck or something.

I think I told you guys a while back how dangerous that hobby is. No joke my knees shake still every time I fly. man the smallest thing and someone could die. One little screw pops out when your flying near yourself and that's it! Everything has to be 100% perfectly set up. I've done this for years and years and it can still happen to the experienced! I'm lucky it wasn't my eyeball. Try sticking your finger in a lawnmower.. about the same effect.

07-09-2009, 07:14 PM
Dude, thats weak TJ! I was expecting to see worse!! lol....get better homie....at least the fish will be safe for a couple days


Thats nothing!!! I once sliced my finger in half and used toilet paper and some duct tape to put it back together and got back to work!!! Thats how men work!! Duct tape fixes all!

07-09-2009, 07:48 PM
Damn... for a second there, I thought you got chomped on by a 40 inch Halibut! :Twisted: Heal up quick and fish! :Cool:

07-09-2009, 07:53 PM
That's the first thing I thought of after realizing I did not actually remove the whole finger. Wingnuts' halibut bite! Must have hurt like crazy man.

I'll count my blessings this time and try to be even more careful. Those things will get ya when you least expect it, like a big fish.

I might luck out this time thanks to the butterfly bandage. The bleeding is starting to clot up finally. Scared me pretty good when I saw blood squirt like on the adams family movie when pugsly and wednseday do the sword fight.

matt duarte
07-09-2009, 10:45 PM
dang dude that looks like it hurts! what you do try and catch you heli lol... hope it heals up dude!

07-09-2009, 11:17 PM
If I were you I would of gone to the Dr.'s and had it stiched up. Hope you heal fast.

07-10-2009, 07:30 AM
Here it is after sleeping it off.
You can see where I put the butterfly bandaid in the middle the wound was pinched together and already healed closed some from the "stitch" and neosporin! That stuff always works miracles.

It's still oozing a bit, but seems under control now. One more day of butterflies and neo, a week or so of keeping it clean, and I'll be good as new.
You guys can see one of the other scars on that finger right behind the cut. I have another 2" scar on the same finger with stitch marks from a carnival ride passenger bar closing on my finger in ventura county fair when I was 10 or so. I don't know why my mom didn't sue the crap out of them and get rich. This finger is doomed for sure. I always hurt this one!

07-10-2009, 02:00 PM
Dang bro, hope you didn't break one of those cool heli's. Glad to see it's still attached to your hand. Be safe brodawg!!

tall tales
07-10-2009, 02:10 PM
chicks dig scars whoa!

07-10-2009, 03:15 PM
Pfffft, and I thought I had some competition reading that headline :ROFL:

07-10-2009, 03:39 PM
Well I didn't want to not warn you guys cause then you'd be complaining I didn't warn you that you were about to see blood. I'll admit, the title sounds heavy. It's actually a little worse than it looks but oh well. Maybe I'm a big baby :LOL:

07-10-2009, 06:01 PM
super glue or if you got it derma bond. youll be hookin fish and back flyin before you know it.
The super glue does work, I have done it and had doctors do it to me (I seem to get deep cuts more than most people). The last cut I got was when a titanium blade slipped out of my hand on a wire wheel and cut where the middle finger joins the palm. The safety engineer (yeah, we have a safety engineer, and she's cute too) took me to the clinic and they super glued it! They said it was in a bad place for stitches and the super glue would work fine as long as I didn't flex it too much. It healed great!

Santa Fe Eric
07-10-2009, 06:31 PM
Pfffft, and I thought I had some competition reading that headline :ROFL:

That is the first thing that I thought!

Now all I see is Sue standing over TJ sating, "Be a Man!" Like Brando's character did to Johnny Fontaine in the Godfather!:ROFL::ROFL::ROFL:

Seriously though! That looks like a great deal of pain! Heal Quick Bro!

07-11-2009, 12:33 PM
Damn that sucks so bad. I did almost the exact same thing like 2 weeks ago with a filet knife at Irvine Lake. Literaly sliced my finger down the nail all the way down. I just kept it wrapped tight and cleaned it 3 times a day with peroxide and other antiseptics. Its healed now but i have a nasty alil scar and my finger has a bump now on the side. Good luck man, hope it heals soon!

07-13-2009, 09:27 AM
Lol I found some more damage from the finger incident!
Here's what it did to the wood
Thing wasn't even at half throttle yet.

Here's the little devil back together after rebuilding it

Granny Fish
07-13-2009, 01:46 PM
Lucky you still have a finger. Fingers always hurt bad and bleed a lot when cut. :Wink:

07-13-2009, 05:06 PM
no helis in the house KC. put some super glue on that ***** and go fishing.

07-13-2009, 05:46 PM
Damn that sucks so bad. I did almost the exact same thing like 2 weeks ago with a filet knife at Irvine Lake. Literaly sliced my finger down the nail all the way down. I just kept it wrapped tight and cleaned it 3 times a day with peroxide and other antiseptics. Its healed now but i have a nasty alil scar and my finger has a bump now on the side. Good luck man, hope it heals soon!

Ok Sue.:ROFL: J/K Jesse

That sucks man.

Next time I'll clean the fish for you. Free .:LOL:

07-15-2009, 07:15 AM

07-15-2009, 10:34 AM
ouch hope ur feeling better that is gnarly looks like it is bruised under the nail as well. heavy duty! hope ur back fishing already been a few days!

07-15-2009, 11:27 AM
I toughed it out all night without the duct tape last night! You guys would have been proud. My hookset was a bit week though man. :Razz:

Thanks guys, doing a lot better now but I think it hit a nerve. It's all numb on my finger still. I did that before on another finger and never quite got all the feeling back in that spot.

I'll never hear the end of this one. Haha, Trolly is gonna call me Finger Junkie now on my Legends name tag :LOL: