View Full Version : Differences

07-09-2009, 01:47 AM
Are there any advantages over a Round tube vs a open tube... ?? Other than gettin in and out of one

Also, are waders needed.. Shoes??

I probably would use one at Cataic, but open to other places.

I am thinking on getting a tube and have no idea what to look for.. Thanks for any info...

07-09-2009, 08:01 AM
One advantage I've noticed with a round tube is the ability to lean way forward over the bladder and kick forward as well as backwards. Other than that, the stability is better on the round ones (though tipping's not really an issue with any tube). On the other hand, they can also be more dangerous, as if the tube does flip somehow, you can end up trapped upside down. And like you said, it can be a real pain to get in and out of the round ones.

07-09-2009, 08:12 AM

Stay away from the round tubes!! The newer multi-bladder tubes are way safer and easier to get in and out of. Most freshwater lakes will require you to wear waders as for shoes I assume you are talking about wading boots, no they are not needed.

See Chris Fish
07-09-2009, 04:39 PM
Way better access in the "U" or "V" shaped tubes. Have a friend who saw a guy in June Lake area drown in a round tube. He somehow flipped it and was stuck upside down. Help just didn't get to him quickly enough. Very dangerous. Go with the U or V ones.
I own the Fish Cat. Love it.
As stated earlier, waders are a must in most lakes in this area. Check the info at the lake's websites or call the ranger.
Don't forget you MUST have a PDF and noise maker. California law. Don't have to wear the PDF, just must be accessible.
Boots, not mandatory, but keeps the stocking feet waders from getting holes in them. I use Crocs till I get in the water and just put the fins on over my stocking foot waders.
Oh, and some nice fins, and rod holders, and......etc!!!!

07-10-2009, 11:10 PM
Thanx for all the info.. Found another thread that pretty much answered all my other questions I was gonna ask..
Went and bought some waders today. Guess I'm gonna have to get a tube from online, seeing as how no one seems to have any where I live..

Again.. thank you..

07-10-2009, 11:54 PM
use a u style or v style. better yet a pontoon style. invest in a good set of fins . may spend upwards to a hundred bucks or better.