View Full Version : How to fish for gophers.

07-04-2009, 12:26 PM
Hello again fellow members I recently posted a section on G.discussion I dubbed tomatoes, tamatoes there I show some photos of my cherished tomato garden since then I have been victimized by gophers inflicting havoc on my harvest:Crying:: ''special''project you know the kind you've put lot's of time and hard work into TWO out of 8 tomato plants have suddenly disappeared in to the ground.Things to do to even the SCORE!!!:Evil: when gophers come to mind,throw a hose down the hole flush em out NO not me don't want to waste water,Buy smoke bombs to suffocate NO! not a guarantee gophers have elaborate tunnel systems to escape or seek air.GO FISHING FOR GOPHERS YYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 3685 SCENE of crime!!!okay weapon of choice13686 I dug down a bit where the gopher ate my poor tomato plant and found his''getaway route'' 13687 13688okay now here why I kinda call it fishing ive used these traps before and lost them completely gophers here are BIG!!!so what I do is tye a long piece of wire to a stick which I call a rod hehehe13689 at the end of the line or ''wire'' BAIT is required to entice TOP GOPHER BAIT CHOICE CELERY MIXED WITH LETTUCE COMBO in to you go 13690now add a bit of dirt on top to conceal the trap13691 set up rod next to hole bait and wait hehe13692to be continued ill let you know if I got those lil suckers!!

07-04-2009, 12:47 PM
If that don't work,
PM Skyler for a .22 cal gopher buster. :LOL:
Saved me hundreds of dollars on lawn replacement and gopher abatement! Quite literally.
The pest control guy was gonna kill them off with poison foam anyways.

Those gopher smokers don't work very good.

Nessie Hunter
07-05-2009, 08:28 AM
Go BIG or go home...... This is cool as hell!!!


07-05-2009, 09:18 AM
Go BIG or go home...... This is cool as hell!!!


Thats Awsome !! Looks like things could go bad if ya didnt know what you are doing though.

07-05-2009, 10:22 AM
Go BIG or go home...... This is cool as hell!!!


That is most definitely the ticket!!!!! Besides, what red blooded American male doesn't like blowing things up. I mean, if I had that thing, after I did my property, I'd be knockin' on my nieghbors door asking if he would want me to do his property!!!

07-05-2009, 11:29 AM
You know what the easiest way to get rid of gophers is? And I mean this really works! At least in your own yard. You have to own a dog or cat. Dogs are best. When you find an active burrow or mound of freshly dug up dirt, simply dig out the soil to find the tunnel, find some of your dog's fresh doodo that he has recently deposited, scoop it up and drop it down into the gopher's hole. Put the dirt back into the hole to cover so your dog won't break his leg by stepping into it, and there you have it! Do this to all fresh gopher holes. The gopher(s) will high tail it to the hills and go back to where he came from and doesn't seem to come back for a long time, if at all. The predatory smell of the dog shat really repels these rodent pests. I have done this for years every time a gopher digs into my yard from an adjoining property.

07-05-2009, 07:01 PM
i started reading your report in Carl the groundskeeper's voice from Caddyshack. that looks like fun fishing for gophers :)

man... that Rodenator is sweet...

calico killer kevin
07-05-2009, 11:44 PM
Oh my G, that Rodenator is absolutely WICKED!
But two grand...

07-06-2009, 10:02 AM
So hows the fishn' been?

If you can find it "The Black Hole" is the hot gopher killer.


I've had great success with it. Theres nothing more satisfying than actually seeing your dead rodent:Twisted:

07-06-2009, 03:21 PM
Tip: Radish greens and peanut butter are the best bait, he he. Good luck.

07-06-2009, 09:43 PM
That is most definitely the ticket!!!!! Besides, what red blooded American male doesn't like blowing things up. I mean, if I had that thing, after I did my property, I'd be knockin' on my nieghbors door asking if he would want me to do his property!!!

I agree. :LOL::Wink:

matt duarte
07-06-2009, 09:51 PM
i have some roman candles....could be fun...they pop at the end to lol

07-06-2009, 11:27 PM
In theory, the smoke from the fireworks would deter the said rodent,
have you tried putting some liquid smoke there to simulate an active fire source?

Brain on overdrive, sorry...

07-07-2009, 12:08 AM
cool, gopher fishing...but i have this errie elmer fudd feeling. like nick what ever you do don't stick the barrel of a gun down that hole beacause we all know what happens...

07-07-2009, 12:18 AM
Thanks guys for the advice, checked the trap today they ate the bait without triggering the trap?:EyePop:but,at least they stop eating my garden what to do?re-bait and wait,flush dog 5hit down the tunnel,buy rodentnator?or or I don't know? call skyler down for some 22 cal action:ROFL:anyway ill re bait and see what happens in two days :Secret:

calico killer kevin
07-07-2009, 10:00 PM
Get some of those smoke bomb fireworks, light 2 or 3 and close the hatch.

07-10-2009, 01:35 PM
Hey viewers breaking NEWS!!.COM:Popcorn:''C'MON'' i waited for this nightmare to end been fishing for gophers I know yuck! but some one has to do it god dammit .........13810SLAM WHAM!!!and up we go this lil:Censored: turd!!met his MATCH!!1381113815rip :Shocked:his last words were quick call PETA !!!13817now peace and prosperity rule over the land Hyrule once and for all THE END.

07-10-2009, 03:52 PM
If that don't work,
PM Skyler for a .22 cal gopher buster. :LOL:
Saved me hundreds of dollars on lawn replacement and gopher abatement! Quite literally.
The pest control guy was gonna kill them off with poison foam anyways.

Those gopher smokers don't work very good.

check it out.... my kid brother using his cross bow that was sweet!