View Full Version : Full day on the Tide Change, LBSF 7/3/09

07-04-2009, 10:59 AM
Me, Gus, and Fernie caught the Tide Change at 5AM out of Long Beach Sport Fishing for a full day trip. We had over 40 people with the” buy 2 get one free” promotion going on. Can’t beat that deal when you end up paying $43 for a 5 to 5 ride!

We stopped of at the bait barge for a mix of sardines and chovies, and then made the long run to Catalina where we headed to the west end. The Captain picked a spot just around the corner toward the back side where it was a steady bite of calicos and a handful of barracuda.

Most of the barracuda were short to barely legal as mine were. The calicos were mixed with shorts up to 3+ pounders. It didn’t matter if you used sardines or anchovies. The fish would take what they were given. We released a load of shorts today.

I caught most of my fish on fin bait except for 2 of my larger bass which came on a 1oz Kastmaster that was hit on the drop.

A few guys caught some calicos using plastics. I caught a few on the nuclear chicken jerk shad, but they were dinks. Fin bait ruled today. A handful of fish were caught on cut squid.

We moved several times through out the day as the bite died down.

Gus redeemed himself today by catching instead of farming, and he was rewarded with a couple of chunky calicos. Fernie didn’t do as well as he would have like to, but we all have days like that from time to time.


We had a lot of rookies, rent a rods, and Wal-Mart poles out there today which made it difficult to work around. Lots of folks were not paying attention to what was going on around them.

One guy had got stuck with a hook in his finger which the captain pushed though and cut off. After seeing all that blood sort of made me hungry, so I ordered a double cheese burger.

Another guy was stuck in the kelp fishing with spectra, using a ¾ oz lead head and kept pulling with his rod instead of trying to wrap a towel around his hand and pull the line out. Well he got it out. It shot out with such force that it rocketed out and hit me between the shoulder blades, and I was on the other rail. Man did it hurt like hell. I had to stop fishing for a while and shake it off.

I fish with spectra also. I have no problem using it, but I wish people would pay a little more attention especially when fishing on a cattle boat. People should look over their shoulder before they leave the rail or return form the bait tank. Just doing this would help avoid many unnecessary injuries IMHO.

OK rant over!

Gus’s catch

My Catch

Jack pot was a tie!

In spite of the occasional chaos it’s always good times fishing with you buds!

07-04-2009, 01:20 PM
Hi NY4Reels,

Always a very nice read .... thanks. I don't get in JP's but I wonder .... did they both win ? I assume the boat offers passes in lieu of the cash.

For the buy 2 for 1 free routine, 40 is not a bad load !! Those are often more crowded than the 2 for 1ers from past experience. Don't know about nowdays.

Sounds like a good trip with buddies...... which makes the catching kinda secondary. Nice bunch/mix of fishys.

Await your next trip's report,


07-05-2009, 10:00 PM
bump bump!!!!

ghetto dad
07-06-2009, 09:33 AM
Nice job and report brother....and nice job CAPT THROWBACK RANGER for putting them on the fish.....glad we had you running the boat this weekend homie.....


07-06-2009, 09:38 AM
Sure looked like a nice day out there. I don't know if it is me but do you notice more people getting stuck with jigs and hooks or getting whacked with weights like you explained getting hit yourself? Glad that hook on the leadhead didn't pierce your back!!

07-08-2009, 07:52 PM
Nice job and report brother....and nice job CAPT THROWBACK RANGER for putting them on the fish.....glad we had you running the boat this weekend homie.....


its all good!!! like the governor said
" i'll be back"!!!!!!

ghetto dad
07-08-2009, 08:50 PM
its all good!!! like the governor said
" i'll be back"!!!!!!

i saw you yesterday trying to eyeball me thru the 2 way glass, then you just flipped the hand and left...wth


07-09-2009, 06:49 AM
Thanks for the report.