View Full Version : TJ, VG, Matt D, Socalrippin and Flying's Friday Bassin' Session!

07-03-2009, 12:35 PM
Made it to the gate first in line this morning for some shore fishing with some of the crew. Not a bad turn out for 8 hours notice. :LOL:
Here's me first in line, ready and waiting.

I think I might go read what this sign says soon. I've heard others have seen lions in the area as well. Wouldn't surprise me with all the game I see around here all the time.

First in the lot and two minutes later first to secure my spot.

got down to the water in time to watch the last few LMB boil off while I tied on some baits. They didn't want my first offering but I was kinda aiming high for a fatty. Then VG shows up and we get to it. Not much for action. Matt D and Socalrippin showed up and they seemed to wake up the bass.

Finally figured something they wanted and hooked up my largest of the day.



The pressure was on everyone else to get a fish now. :ROFL:
I stopped with the plastics and began the reaction test on my new tactix rod. I don't know what it is about new rods but they sure bring in the fish! Pegged one who fought like an animal and bent the rod good on the chatterbait! About time I get that thing to work :Envious: Thanks fish! Mission accomplished. (a year late!)

FNN member "Flying" came by for a quick chat with us shorebounders.
Not sure how he did. I saw him kicking back in as I was pulling out. I'm sure we'll get an update! He watched me catch and release the fish as he was landing.


VG caught a fish on my huge fish head shaker with an underspin blade thing on it and a big fluke on the back I hack rigged up as backup in case the chatterbait didn't work! But his fished flopped back in the drink before the photograph. Nice job VG! That would be his only fish of the day. You always catch fish on my own baits before I do dammit! :LOL:

I backed it up with a fish on the TJ rig baitfish trick. Didn't have to move it, it moves itself. Left it sitting as far out as I could.

It was getting hot and crowded by 9am or so! Couple more casts!

Matt D actually boated a fish! :EyePop: He also farmed one right at shore

I caught one more dink before I couldn't take the heat anymore and our spot was being invaded.

I gave VG the 3lb bag of plastics I've been saving for him all year so he can catch fish on it for 2 years or more. Lots of good plastics in there still. Bags of ikas and DT hula grub and flick shakes etc. Keeps him busy for a while :Wink:

Totals! :
TJ - 4 on various bats? and a handful of trash from shore
VG - 1 on my fishhead shaker! You basstard!
Matt D - 1.5 fish (we got to see the one that shook him off! lol)
Socalrippin! - You're fired! (next time baby!)
Flying: ??????? I think he likes the skunk to be honest! I hope he had some luck out there. You're awesome man!

Thanks for meeting me down there guys. Had fun fishing with you all again. We don't do it enough any more!

Thanks for reading or wild shore bassin' adventure.

07-03-2009, 01:24 PM
always enjoy reading you Perris Junkies reports. good job fellas.

tall tales
07-03-2009, 01:39 PM
damn it i knew i should of got out today. thanks for the read , guess ill have to go tomorrow.

07-03-2009, 03:09 PM
nice report tj! it was good to get out there with you again bro. you reminded me of a few things i tend to overlook when fishing plastics. i know i failed to produce today but i feel my game coming back on.

can i have my job back boss?

oh yeah! big congrats on the chatterbait fish!!!! im super glad i was there to see that one!

07-03-2009, 03:44 PM
Wish I could of went. Thanks for the invite though..

07-03-2009, 05:35 PM
Flying: ??????? I think he likes the skunk to be honest! I hope he had some luck out there.

You guys must have smelt me coming in.:Skunk: Is that what scared you guys off:LOL:.

I got nipped a few times to keep me awake but I'm sure the fish weren't much bigger than my fly:Crying::LOL:

It was nice seeing you all out there and way to go on those fish :Thumbs Up:

matt duarte
07-03-2009, 05:41 PM
ya TJ it was nice to get out on the water with you again! its been to long...now that i got my job back ill be out there a lot more...weekends anyway lol.. defently awesome to see you get that chatterbait fish! bryan you will get them next time for sure!

flyin it was defently nice to finally meet you dude!

07-03-2009, 05:57 PM
damn it i knew i should of got out today. thanks for the read , guess ill have to go tomorrow.

You do not want to go there this weekend. Boat inspections have the entry pretty messed up on busy days. They do a very poor job on letting people know which line they should be in. The Moreno side maybe better because it has a full 2 lanes but the Perris side backs up into a single lane so the day users even get screwed waiting. I tried going Memorial day weekend and the line was backed up past the gocart track. If you must go (I now the feeling) then go to Bernasconi.

07-03-2009, 10:00 PM
Nice job guys. :Thumbs Up:

07-03-2009, 10:25 PM
VG looks like he just won the lottery. Not even a Mountain Lion attack could ruin his day with that nice bag to rummage through. He probably said to hell with the fireworks show and is sorting the plastics instead.

07-03-2009, 10:26 PM
Made it to the gate first in line this morning for some shore fishing with some of the crew. Not a bad turn out for 8 hours notice. :LOL:
Here's me first in line, ready and waiting.

I think I might go read what this sign says soon. I've heard others have seen lions in the area as well. Wouldn't surprise me with all the game I see around here all the time.

First in the lot and two minutes later first to secure my spot.

got down to the water in time to watch the last few LMB boil off while I tied on some baits. They didn't want my first offering but I was kinda aiming high for a fatty. Then VG shows up and we get to it. Not much for action. Matt D and Socalrippin showed up and they seemed to wake up the bass.

Finally figured something they wanted and hooked up my largest of the day.



The pressure was on everyone else to get a fish now. :ROFL:
I stopped with the plastics and began the reaction test on my new tactix rod. I don't know what it is about new rods but they sure bring in the fish! Pegged one who fought like an animal and bent the rod good on the chatterbait! About time I get that thing to work :Envious: Thanks fish! Mission accomplished. (a year late!)

FNN member "Flying" came by for a quick chat with us shorebounders.
Not sure how he did. I saw him kicking back in as I was pulling out. I'm sure we'll get an update! He watched me catch and release the fish as he was landing.


VG caught a fish on my huge fish head shaker with an underspin blade thing on it and a big fluke on the back I hack rigged up as backup in case the chatterbait didn't work! But his fished flopped back in the drink before the photograph. Nice job VG! That would be his only fish of the day. You always catch fish on my own baits before I do dammit! :LOL:

I backed it up with a fish on the TJ rig baitfish trick. Didn't have to move it, it moves itself. Left it sitting as far out as I could.

It was getting hot and crowded by 9am or so! Couple more casts!

Matt D actually boated a fish! :EyePop: He also farmed one right at shore

I caught one more dink before I couldn't take the heat anymore and our spot was being invaded.

I gave VG the 3lb bag of plastics I've been saving for him all year so he can catch fish on it for 2 years or more. Lots of good plastics in there still. Bags of ikas and DT hula grub and flick shakes etc. Keeps him busy for a while :Wink:

Totals! :
TJ - 4 on various bats? and a handful of trash from shore
VG - 1 on my fishhead shaker! You basstard!
Matt D - 1.5 fish (we got to see the one that shook him off! lol)
Socalrippin! - You're fired! (next time baby!)
Flying: ??????? I think he likes the skunk to be honest! I hope he had some luck out there. You're awesome man!

Thanks for meeting me down there guys. Had fun fishing with you all again. We don't do it enough any more!

Thanks for reading or wild shore bassin' adventure.

nice report i fished that spot before more bg than large mouth but that was my target.

07-04-2009, 04:53 AM
Looks like a good day brodawg! :Cool: Wish I could of made it. Soon buddy, soon. :Big Grin:

07-04-2009, 02:46 PM
Nice job out there guys. Good to see Matt and VG getting out again. Tj, as always great report, well have to get the gang together and hit Perris up again.

07-05-2009, 08:21 AM
great job on the pighunt guys.

BTW what time do the gates open?

07-05-2009, 08:55 AM
gates open at 6:00

07-06-2009, 03:04 PM
Good job, guys. Sorry I didn't roll. Had a new fly reel to test out, he he. Glad you guys got on some fish. Hit me up next time. Late.