View Full Version : Dick's Sporting Goods-Santa Clarita

06-27-2009, 05:02 PM
Oooppss!!! :Embarrassed:
My appologies to my fellow members. I said that I would post when I made a trip to Dick's Sporting Goods when they opened in Santa Clarita to check on their fishing department. I went there last week and forgot to post my finding.
Well here's the update...NO FISHING DEPARTMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amazing!!!... :Soap Box:
They sponsor fishing shows and get the hosts to tell us that Dick's is the place to go for fishing, then in one of the biggest markets in the nation, they build stores and eliminate that dept. that they tell us that we need them for. :Angry::Angry::Angry: Then with the economy they way it is, they ask us to support this sponsor during these down times but how can we when they don't carry those items that we primarily look to them for.
I only have a limited business marketing backround but with classes that I had taken in college that seems to be a waste of advertising dollars not to mention irritating a consumer base who does have other options when it comes to a FULL service sporting goods store (ie. Sports Chalet). Even Big 5 has a smattering of fishing tackle!
As for myself, whenever I need a sporting goods store for anything I will only shop at the afore mentioned stores (Dick's won't even be an afterthought).

06-27-2009, 05:16 PM
Yea, what were they thinking with all the lakes in the area, not to mention highway 14 that heads up to the sierras is right there man ! Duh !!

06-29-2009, 09:02 AM
I was shocked when I walked in there to see no Fishing stuff...

...that is why I asked an employee who stated that the fishing stuff is on its way and should arrive this month.

06-29-2009, 10:06 AM
I'd rather support the local tackle shop instead.