View Full Version : Santa Fe again 6-26-09

El Weirdo
06-26-2009, 02:00 PM
had the hankering to do some fishing...was going to take the boat but..still dealing with a nasty sinus infection..so did not feel 100% to get the boat up to speed...so went to
Santa Fe..the weather report said "cloudy and overcast."..technically it was..but it burnt off very quick..was wanting more top water action...alas no love...
plan "B" for blue bird skys.."DROP SHOT!"...
Got to one of my fave spots seen swarms of wee gills..and there was a nice sized bass just chillin with them...first cast
and it was on....
fan casted a few more times..
tap tap tap...
then it became dink city...
moved to next spot...
water got murkier as i wen went...changed up worm color..
just posting the note-ables ones...landed bunched of dinks from every spot..
made my way to my fave top water spot...sun was up higher now..so stuck with the D.S.
in same color that i have good luck at the pudd with... tap tap tap...(man love that feeling)
http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll198/elweirdo/puddingstonepurpleworksheretoo.jpg bingo...
worked a few more casts ..just as i called it quits..as i was reeling up my last cast..saw a flash near my bait...whamo!!
dink here..dink there..fun but can be annoying..they kept stealing my worms...dang rats...
worked my way back to the weirdo wagon...came a cross a spot..that is hit or miss
as i walked to it i spooked something..a nice bass...i jump into action...ds rod in hand..out goes the cast....shake shake...rod loads up...BINGO,FISH ON!!!!!
that was my last one..all fish released to be caught an other day..
if i may quote Ice Cube," Today was a good day."


06-26-2009, 02:07 PM
thnx for the report weirdo!!! nice catch...


06-26-2009, 02:22 PM
looks like you had a productive day at the dam.

keep the streak alive, weird dude.

06-26-2009, 02:25 PM
Looks like an awsome day at SFD...

06-27-2009, 08:59 PM
Awesome job EW! Nice fish.

07-07-2009, 08:02 PM
How far off the bank were they hitting?

Santa Fe Eric
07-07-2009, 11:41 PM
Great Post!

Yes! Please quote Ice Cube freely. That was very effective use of the drop shot and Ice Cube:Cool: