View Full Version : Condor 6-19 1.5 day Tough fishn great times

06-21-2009, 08:22 PM
Pushed this trip hard to make it a go on Thursday and Friday,so I figured I had better leave a report.
My buddies George and Hakaveli made it out, talked Hak into in about 20 minutes he was packed and on the road to pick me up. Grab George in Newport and off we go headed for the landing pumped like school girls on Prom night.
Get to the landing to find 22 reservations which is still a lite load for the 90 footer. A few guys we have fished with before were on the boat, Hammer, Nate and met madmart, so we all knew it was going to be a great trip no matter what. Well thanks for that, cause

Fishin was tough, grey light brought a few schools of small breezing bluefin that didn't want anything to do with us. So went on the offshore troll routine. One small yellowtail to George for most of the day, till we hit a kelp for two nice yellows George again about 20# and a monster in the 35-40 range. Another kelp I picked up one in the 20# range on my 20# sealine damn that was fun. We hit one nice school of bluefin around 4pm that wanted to play but we went 1 for 7 and the school left never to be found again.
I think final count was 5 yellowtail and 1 bluefin
As always the Captain and crew of the Condor is awesome, cause when you have bad day fishin and everybody leaves having a great time, the crew did there job. Thanks Capt Scott, Alex, Rob, Miguel, and oh yah you to Tad. Its always a good time on the Condor.

Side note caught a 14" Halibut in newport when we dropped george off, what a bonus. Hey hak we need to check ourselves into rehab we are fish addicts.

Can't figure out upload for pics now little tired

See Ya

06-21-2009, 08:59 PM
Pushed this trip hard to make it a go on Thursday and Friday,so I figured I had better leave a report.
My buddies George and Hakaveli made it out, talked Hak into in about 20 minutes he was packed and on the road to pick me up. Grab George in Newport and off we go headed for the landing pumped like school girls on Prom night.
Get to the landing to find 22 reservations which is still a lite load for the 90 footer. A few guys we have fished with before were on the boat, Hammer, Nate and met madmart, so we all knew it was going to be a great trip no matter what. Well thanks for that, cause

Fishin was tough, grey light brought a few schools of small breezing bluefin that didn't want anything to do with us. So went on the offshore troll routine. One small yellowtail to George for most of the day, till we hit a kelp for two nice yellows George again about 20# and a monster in the 35-40 range. Another kelp I picked up one in the 20# range on my 20# sealine damn that was fun. We hit one nice school of bluefin around 4pm that wanted to play but we went 1 for 7 and the school left never to be found again.
I think final count was 5 yellowtail and 1 bluefin
As always the Captain and crew of the Condor is awesome, cause when you have bad day fishin and everybody leaves having a great time, the crew did there job. Thanks Capt Scott, Alex, Rob, Miguel, and oh yah you to Tad. Its always a good time on the Condor.

Side note caught a 14" Halibut in newport when we dropped george off, what a bonus. Hey hak we need to check ourselves into rehab we are fish addicts.

Can't figure out upload for pics now little tired

See Ya

Im Hakaveli and im addicted to fishing hahahah

Jackpot Jimmy
06-21-2009, 09:06 PM
Im Hakaveli and im addicted to fishing hahahah

Just keep going to those Fishing Anonymous meetings... :ROFL:

Nice report and good job guys!

06-21-2009, 10:23 PM
You want me to be your sponsor Hak?

06-21-2009, 10:27 PM
Too bad about the slow fishing... Hak is hardcore...gets off a 2 day trip and jumps on a 1.5 the next day...WTH? LOL

06-22-2009, 07:47 AM
Hi Monkeyfishin,

Good couple of days spent for sure. Next time 'll be better on the catching end.
