View Full Version : Live from the tube in NPH!

06-16-2009, 11:41 AM
Tj reporting live on the float tube in Nph!
Three halis on the lc, four spotties, a pb
Croaker for cangler, a sandie an lots of
Missed bites. Not done yet though! Pics
And details when I get home!

Signed, rubin Tj!

Santa Fe Eric
06-16-2009, 11:58 AM
Dear Tubin' TJ,

I don't like you very much right now :Envious:.
I would like you better if I could break out of my cubicle and put my Portabote in the bay and fish with you:Razz:
But since neither you or I can make that happen; I am stuck with not liking you right now :Envious:

List of other people I don't like right now:

Everyone fishing while I am working:ROFL:
You da Man TJ! I got nothin' but love for you my brotha from another motha!
I can't wait to see the pics!

06-16-2009, 12:01 PM
I think i can see you from my office window :LOL:

Continued good luck out there!


06-16-2009, 12:56 PM
Ooooh! 3 more spots and a butt already! Hehe

06-16-2009, 01:06 PM
What's an "LC"?

06-16-2009, 02:22 PM
lucky craft

06-16-2009, 04:54 PM
damn tj your killin it!!!

be careful with that iphone and the water!!!!

06-16-2009, 06:51 PM
OK here ya go guys.
No monsters from me today but a couple 'those spotties kicked my butt hard! Damn those thing can FIGHT. Seems I always have to stop fishing for spotties because they either tore up my thumb, sprained my wrist or I want to beat the traffic home. They're always waiting!

Started off on foot near the surf as always. Managed three pancakes right quick on the LC. I'm not one to wait around for the bite to materialize so I headed out quick afterward. Happy with my dose of LC flinging and packing out with a wicked birdnest from chipping the water with the lure.




They were getting smaller with each go. Good thing I packed the tube!

Took me a minute to wake them up. Same ol gulp 3" pogy in any natural looking color still doing the trick. Gotta get rid of the last of my gulp!
This puppy hit hard.


Geez my drag is set at almost 2lbs and this fish pulled it! I swear I got a 10 foot run out of him. :LOL:

This was another amazing fight in it's own. That little hole always produces a fish. I thought I had that 3-4lb bass on the line and it was a wide belly croaker! A very vocal one at that! I don't know if this is my PB croaker or not. Probably by weight and fight but not length. Sheesh these harbor fish are PO'd! :Shocked:


More lil spotties on the gulp.

About now I made my post to FNN via iPhone to tell of the plentiful day I was having. The sandbass I caught munched my finger and flipped off the boat before the photo session.. all the better. He was like 8-10".

I always kinda wonder what that giant batray I saw on foot would do to me in the tube. I know I would probably crap myself if I looked down and saw him there! Never letting my guard down :LOL:

Now this THUG right here about finished my wrist off for the day. He didn't even budge when I set the hook. Lots of drag peeling followed.


more little un's

a tiny bay butt. Just after this fish I made my second post to this thread.

Now I started my long kick back to the landing. Any later and I'd be in traffic for four hours. This fish stopped my trajectory for a few minutes. Another fighter.


I think I tried flashtrix on the way back. Finally finished off the bag of gulp pogy things. First go was a little tiny smelt flashtrix to match the bait EVERYWHERE in the water.

I changed out to the white flashtrix cause they usually work good on the halibut. I was hoping for maybe one more on my way back.
No such luck on the halibut but I got the bendo I was looking for!

more wrist breaking fun!

Just missed the throat. They wer going for broke!

The whole time I was working several sizes and colors of big hammers on rod #2. Still trying to find a way I like fishing those. I missed tons of hits on the hammers today. This one just stuck on while I was dragging it. Not quite sure if it's a spot or a sandy.

Like always, I had a blast fishing saltwater today. It never fails to let me down with tons of hard fighting fish that go for broke!

Fish count: ?! haha. Few more than pictured. One or two jumped ship. Broke one or two off that felt solid as well. Who cares how many, I just know it was awesome!

Weapon choices

06-16-2009, 06:58 PM

fisherman from long beach
06-16-2009, 07:34 PM
im new to the sight and seeing this just makes me want to go fishing,i need to try diffrent harbors ,not just redondo,give directions to your spots, also do you keep the fish you catch

06-16-2009, 07:42 PM
hatin im new to the sight and seeing this just makes me want to go fishing,i need to try diffrent harbors ,not just redondo,give directions to your spots, also do you keep the fish you catch
I throw 99% of my fish back. I really have to be craving fish to want to take one, and even then I feel guilt and throw it back. lol, ask Skyler.

My spots are NPH and the Huntington Surf. I don't usually stray too far from there besides north more to Seal Beach sometimes and Malibu when I feel like a drive..

06-16-2009, 07:44 PM

I stopped in here in between errands and saw your first live report! I went east to pick up a tire for the boat trailer and checked in for the second report and now got to see your success in the bay!

A nice welcome back to the surf and an even better result from the harbor!!

Glad to see the vigorous Spotties showed today for you! They are built for battle and even the smallest will take you for a ride!!!! Congrats on you PB Spottie! As well as the other variety that the harbor offers.

As for the Bat Boy PM "bones" as to what that battle would have been as he was taken for a 40 min ride!!!!!

Hope to meet in the harbor one day!!!!!!!!

Great report as always!!!


06-16-2009, 07:52 PM
Thanks Steve!
Starting to expand a bit on the area you showed me!
Learning a bit on where they like to hold!

I had a good run. When I launched, the current was going out. On the way back, coming in! I just let it drift by right in front of 'em :Twisted: Amazing how they still go for it when there is so much bait in the water already! I guess it's the easy meal aspect just like with their FW cousins.

I gotta make it out there with you, Steve, and Mike the PMB as well one day.
I owe you guys some time for all the info you've shared. :Wink:

06-16-2009, 07:57 PM
way to go man hit me up next time you go, still haven't hit the saltwater from the tube yet

06-16-2009, 08:48 PM
Looks like a fun day out there Casey, nice job on all the nice Spotties. They do give you a run for the money. I'm off to the Sierras for a few days, that should be a nice change of pace for me. :Wink: See ya at the surf event. :Cool:

06-16-2009, 09:14 PM
Good job on those fish TJ. Spotties are really fun to catch. IMO, they fight better than a comparable halibut. If only spotties grew to be 20lbs...

On a completely different note, did you paint your Sol yourself? It looks awesome in that white pearl color.

06-16-2009, 09:39 PM
I painted one half white. The other is simply sanded clear of the bright orange scheme and was white plastic underneath. I also drilled a bunch of holes in the handle and on the drag star and then countersunk them for a crude look and it took a tiny bit of weight off.

These things are no joke to paint, or strip of paint for priming or sanding.
Not easy at all with all those crevices and curves. There is a reason it costs big bucks for office zpi or whatever to custom paint reels.

Took me several tries to do one side right so I still have not done the other (easier) side yet. Waiting to see how this half holds out. So far I dunk it in the salt a few times each trip with no problems. It is aluminum and I have tons of bearings on hand from rc helicopters I could use if I needed to replace any. At most I could order Boca Ceramics from the heli shop in about any size and probably will eventually.

It's kindof a work in progress. I still plan on doing more to it. My favorite reel and I don't really want a different one for what I use this for.

06-16-2009, 10:21 PM
Great day on the harbor!! And really nice job on that report. Hardly anything beats a fattie spottie and you definately got a few there. Gotta love nph!

matt duarte
06-17-2009, 07:49 AM
nice dude! we were out in redondo beach on a skiff....redondo blows...ill never go back there..we should of just hit nph...well always next time! good job bro! looks like you killed it!

06-17-2009, 12:34 PM
Great post - i gotta hit up the harbor soon

06-17-2009, 02:06 PM
Nice day on the water for sure. I gotta get back out to the salt, bro. It's been awhile. Hit me up next time you go. Tight lines.

Santa Fe Eric
06-17-2009, 02:39 PM
Excellent report TJ!

Gotta love the hurtin those spotties put on your wrist. Mike Gardner says that when most Bass become docile when you lip them, Spotties start trying to eat your hand.

06-17-2009, 02:53 PM
great thread. thanks alot for the post. enjoy'd........

06-17-2009, 07:05 PM
Looks like you did very well out there...

06-17-2009, 09:46 PM
im new to the sight and seeing this just makes me want to go fishing,i need to try diffrent harbors ,not just redondo,give directions to your spots, also do you keep the fish you catch

Hmmm, being new, you might wanna be more subtle, it will get you alot farther here. As for NPH, most of us encourage CPR in NPH, especially the Spotted Bay Bass.

06-17-2009, 09:47 PM
Wowser, looks like a great day TJ.

06-17-2009, 10:50 PM
tacklejunkie, nice report and good read. Looks like you slayed the spotties.

06-18-2009, 07:12 AM

06-20-2009, 06:00 PM
Nice post TJ, you're making my itch to fish go crazy!
Thanks for showing your weapons of bass destruction. Alway cool to see what other use on the water with success.