View Full Version : Must have accessories?

06-14-2009, 10:59 PM
I'm taking three boys to the Sierras tubing this summer. I want to get them all set up on their tubes. They will each have:

1 - Anchor bag, and about 50' of chord;
2 - Large carribeaner to attach to me if needed;
3 - Rod holder for three rods;
4 - Drink holder;
5 - 4' tether for each rod, attached to the holder;
6 - All the typical stuff - waders, hat, whistle, repair kit, PFD, flippers, etc.

What am I missing?

Also, we're thinking about Crowley and maybe June Lake Loop. Any other suggestions?


06-15-2009, 01:04 PM
Tackle boxes that don't spill hooks :Wink:
Sunblock (spray on kind works good for keeping scent off your hands! pump type bottles always leak..)
Plastic bags with a paper towel inside for dry storage of camera, cell phone etc

leashes on your pliers! extreme, but they sink like bricks when they go!

I like using my fly vest on my tube now to help carry stuff even if I'm not fly fishing. Adds more storage!

If you bought the outcast float tube anchor, replace the chord with something stronger. I lost mine cause the chord broke. =(

06-15-2009, 01:48 PM
Also good to have for kids are fin tethers......another good idea is to have a couple walkie-talkies to communicate with instead of yelling across the water, which many tubers hate to hear.


06-15-2009, 03:10 PM
Sweat pants to go under the waders, lol. Even in the middle of summer, some those lakes are COLD!

06-15-2009, 06:21 PM
WalMart sells a nice waterproof box (in the camping section) that you can store your camera, phone and any other stuff you want to keep safe.

06-15-2009, 11:27 PM
Thanks Gents! Keep these coming!

06-16-2009, 08:38 PM
I would also add to buy or make leashes for everything. Especially those rods! You never know when the rod decides to just slip out of your grip for a split second while you are releasing a fish or changing baits/lures.

Sunblock!!! Its already been said but this can't be said enough!!!

Steel City....City of Champions....:Beer Toast:

06-18-2009, 08:56 AM
BOTTLED WATER. Beer is good provided you are of age but you really need to keep hydrated in higher elevations and there are no convenient stores when you are in the middle of Crowley, Convict, Grant, Twin, George, Mary you get my point, none of them. I have left mine in the car before and was really hurting after only a few hours on the water.
Have a great time; I will be up there with my two boys 7 & 8 in early August.


06-18-2009, 01:33 PM
BOTTLED WATER. Beer is good provided you are of age but you really need to keep hydrated in higher elevations and there are no convenient stores when you are in the middle of Crowley, Convict, Grant, Twin, George, Mary you get my point, none of them. I have left mine in the car before and was really hurting after only a few hours on the water.
Have a great time; I will be up there with my two boys 7 & 8 in early August.


Just remember not to drink too much water. Pretty annoying having to take a leak while you're out on the water tubing, he he.