View Full Version : castaic lagoon 6/7

06-09-2009, 01:34 AM
went to the lagoon on sunday started to fish around 8:30. Fished the whole morning by the bouy line, as soon as i get there droped my worm straight down in about 10 ft. of water, around some submerged weeds and my first fish of the morning, a small 8 in. bass. Then I started to fly line my worm along what looked like a slight drop off of a few feet. The blue gill action was pretty wide open, then out of nowhere I get this hugh bite and BAM my drag goes crazy. Brought in this nice bass atleast 2 or 3 lbs the biggest I have ever got. (there is nothing like fighting a nice fish on 2lbs line) After catching a few more blue gill I hook up to what i thinks is a huge bass, that thing gave a pretty good fight, but it was a huge gill. Fished till about 1:30, it was a very productive outing.

06-09-2009, 08:45 AM
"After catching a few more blue gill I hook up to what i thinks is a huge blue gill, that thing gave a pretty good fight"

Sounds like a nice outing, what did you end up catching after the "good fight"? Where you out there for bluegill?

Thanks for sharing your results, good fishing to you.


06-09-2009, 08:48 AM
mostly gills nice size, was going for bass.

06-09-2009, 08:54 AM
Cool, I like fishing for the gills there...you can see them around the fishing pier. Good luck on your next fishing trip, the lagoon holds some really nice bass.