View Full Version : SCI 5/5-5/6 on the Seahorse

06-07-2009, 05:26 PM
***The dates where 6-5 & 6-6 not 5-5 / 5-6. I don't know how to change the title.

I decided Thursday to jump on the Seahorse for the overnighter leaving Friday to try for some of the big yellows they've been getting over at SCI.
I left Woodland Hills at 3:30pm Friday to try and beat the traffic, but it took me 3 hours and 45 mins to arrived at Dana Worf at 7:15 to hear I was jumping on a full boat and the owner/useawal Capitan was not going to be on the boat.

The boat started loading at 7:45pm and was picking up anchovies by 8:05. They already had some squid and we got to the front of SCI to try and make some more at around 3:45am.

We hit the back side of SCI to start fishing at around 5:15am Sat morning. There were a lot of PB's and cattle bouts already there. We tried a few drifs for YT that produced lots of bigger Macs and a few Sheephead.

At about 9am we went over to the front side and loaded up on some taco meet. I pulled up 3 really nice Red's (about 4-6 lb's) and 2 Salmon Groupers that I gave to some one else on the boat. One of my hookups was a double with one of the groupers and one of the reds. I asked the younger deckhand to gaff the red for me and he said I don't need it. He grabbed my line, gave it a yank up and off goes the red :Evil: The Capitan herd what happened and before we made the next drift swung over to my floating red with birds pecking at it and grabbed it for me :Confused:

After that we went to the other end (North) of SCI to try for some WSB. I guess some one got lucky the night before there. No WSB where around to be had but I did pull up a nice Checker (about 4 lb's) for a quick release. I think a few other people got some Calico's too and I was glad to not see any in the sacks at the end of the day.

The Capitan gave us an extra hour with no YT, WSB, Halibutt to be had. The JP at the end of the day went to 1 of 2 Ling's on the boat. It could not of been more then 9 lb's.

Once I paid my galley tab I got my gear together and pack from my bunk. We docked and people started to jump off the boat. I asked one of the Deck Hands about our fish and he said they were on the back deck and they would be handing them out on the dock. So I waited around and when people where walking up the docks to leave I asked about the fish again. The Deckhand said people just took there own fish even though they wanted people to wait.... My fish was gone. I only kept the 3 Red's in my sack for taco's, but I was still looking forward to them. I told the crew and they looked around and said some times that happens.... go figure :Angry:

It was my first time on the Seahorse. I might give it a try again. The Capitan that was standing in was working his a%s off to put us on better fish, but they just weren’t there. He was doing a great job. The deckhands on the other hand were not paying attention to anyone other then the regulars on the boat.

All in all it was great weather :Rolls Eyes:

I herd the BG90 got one YT all day there at SCI.

Sorry for no pics… I forgot my camera and my deck boots in the truck :Confused:

06-07-2009, 06:06 PM
I was there an wondered why the Sea Horse left the area.It was a tough day for the YT, we dumped the only one we hooked. Not many caught by the fleet. But a buddies boat killed em,3yt,2wsb,2hallie befoore noon in the cove. Sorry to hear about your hard won fish tacos walking. Guess the full moon screwed the pooch there

06-08-2009, 11:30 AM
I was there an wondered why the Sea Horse left the area.It was a tough day for the YT, we dumped the only one we hooked. Not many caught by the fleet. But a buddies boat killed em,3yt,2wsb,2hallie befoore noon in the cove. Sorry to hear about your hard won fish tacos walking. Guess the full moon screwed the pooch thereHope you did not have to pay for the fish filletts. The Sea horse usually rocks though.


06-08-2009, 12:00 PM
Friekn Thieves!!!! Lost part of my fillets on that boat. Hard working crew though. Thanks for reporting.

06-08-2009, 01:38 PM
Hi DrewRanch,

Very nice, balanced report ! Fish thieves !! Ya gotta love 'em for the garbage they are !! If you've read any of my reports, you might have noticed my fish bag. There is no mistaking that is not a boat's bag and there is no doubt fish (although I don't keep fish myself) inside are mine. Still, I've seen a couple of guys kinda look non-plused that there's no way NOT to be obviously at the wrong bag ! ha ha ha When I notice those looks I really grind it in with my buddies !

Sorry to hear about the donkey jerking your fish off the line. Hope your tip specifically to that guy reflected that attitude !! Kudos to the skipper. Did you catch his name. Sounds like a keeper ! Not idle curiousity.


06-09-2009, 10:53 AM
Evilone: I wish I had seen your post looking for a boat ho before I headed out... lol

FishingBee: Of course I had already paid for the filletts :mad: I keep seeing ever one with great reports on the boat, so I might try it again another time.

BassWhisperer: I feel ya man! I wish I could of seen some one with a bag marked "21" walking in the parking lot...

JapanRon: The skipper was the guy that is the normal 2nd Capitan I think. Realy nice guy; coverd with tat's. I can't remember his name. The 2nd/stand in Capitan for the trip was Dean. I was told he does not work on the boat when the main Capitan/Owner is there.

06-09-2009, 11:36 AM
Sorry to hear about the thieves, that's happened to me before. I jumped on the Seahorse 2 weeks prior to your trip and the crew and captain were great, not many yellows but quality yellows. I would consider the boat again, hopefully, you'll nailed the yellows and get j/p too! thanks for the report.

06-11-2009, 04:30 PM
Hi again DrewRanch,

thank you.
