View Full Version : Clark park : )

05-30-2009, 02:28 AM
Today clark park was wide open i was catching tons of 2lb and 3lbs it was a good day, my girl friend who doesent really like to catch bass was getting tired so we decided to switch out the rods for my light gear and just catch little blue gill. After about 20 blue gill i was scopeing out bigger ones to catch then i spoted a nicer size one and casted towrds it the little blues kept trying to get my bait but the bigger blue jumped in and took my worm. And as i was fighting it i saw a decent size bass chaseing him trying to get it in his mouth , then i saw a monster come up and just comepletly swallow this poor bluegill. And Im going now what ........ i have 2 pound test on with this toad at the end of my line.so i start fighting it and somehow i managed to land it, the funny thing was this bass was not hooked at all he just wouldent let go of that blue gill hahah. The bass ended up being close 2 7lb my i couldent tell on my scale for the lines are so close and i dident want to keep the bass out to long. over all it was a great day at the local park lake.

05-30-2009, 02:51 AM
dude i have been there but never fished it.cool play by play..nice 2lbs test line story, always a good drag race with 2lbs line and a monster on the other end...

05-30-2009, 09:33 AM
hell ya man good going!!!!! Now thats a bass! That looks like it could be a solid 7lb bass, its hard to tell though your holding it way far from your body. Ive been meaning to get a blue gill swim bait and I think your report seals it man. I have to get one now. Good job

a biley
05-30-2009, 09:54 AM
I've been going there lately... man those bass are finicky! I've managed a few already... Had a big one chase my jackall Giron bluegill, but turned away last second!

05-30-2009, 09:58 AM
wow! and on 2# test! nice play!
is clark lake in fullerton? i used to live there and actually got into fishing at laguna lake.

05-30-2009, 10:15 AM
sweet. nice ****** fish bro........
cant believe that happened. :Shocked:

05-30-2009, 10:31 AM
Ralph B. dude nice catch your right fish are wary over there it's kinda like fishing a aquarium but, I have had some awesome days as well.The lily's must getting outta hand right about now in the small pond

05-30-2009, 11:28 AM
wow! and on 2# test! nice play!
is clark lake in fullerton? i used to live there and actually got into fishing at laguna lake.
ya the lake is close to beach and rosecrans to give you an idea

05-30-2009, 11:34 AM
hell ya man good going!!!!! Now thats a bass! That looks like it could be a solid 7lb bass, its hard to tell though your holding it way far from your body. Ive been meaning to get a blue gill swim bait and I think your report seals it man. I have to get one now. Good job
does this pic pass your approval hahah

05-30-2009, 08:50 PM
Nice fish. Definately not 7. I'll go 4.8...

05-30-2009, 11:55 PM
nice fish, i avnt been there lately but looks like they are on the bite i might have to give it a shot

05-31-2009, 09:45 AM
i weighed him bud hate to break it to ya

05-31-2009, 09:46 AM
he got weighed sorry

05-31-2009, 12:51 PM
awesome! way to go Kyle.. Ive been wanting to get out there and fish with you but Ive just been busy!!! sometime soon we gotta get out there. :Envious:
Text me next time you land something like that! :LOL:


05-31-2009, 03:24 PM
scale helps out alot. trust me..

06-01-2009, 02:00 AM
scale helps out alot. trust me..

i can tell when they are above 6lb i dident care so much on this guy thats why i just kinda checked really quickly and it was arround 7lb on my scale. i dident care so much because i belaeve that live bait is cheating hahah when cathing bass

06-01-2009, 04:39 AM
hey you c&r for the next guy, thats the point. you got a good size bass just lookin at the gut on that baby.:Applause:bass anglers that catch bass on a regular know there weigh ins, as for me i just started a month ago and i need the scale..again kudos on the catch...now it's your turn occscheme...

welsh mob
06-01-2009, 08:48 AM
Nice catch on 2lb. I've seen some toads swiming around there lately. Problem is getting the bite.

06-01-2009, 11:31 AM
I it is illegal to use bluegill to catch bass. I know that it was incidental but, I used to fish that park when I lived down the street, and I have seen three people get cited for using bluegill for bait. Again, I know it was not your intention, but try to explain that to the warden. BTW everyone Clark Bass are C and R only. They are tough to get, as they are all C and R and have seen pretty much everything. Congrats on your catch nevertheless! Go to bob's and get a blue dragon fly, watch out for the trees!

06-01-2009, 12:01 PM
Hey bro that is AWESOME! Congrats. You know something very similar happened to me at El Dorado Park when I was 13. I hooked a small bluegill at Lake II on the small Remote Control operators pier and had a 5 lb bass inhale it right in front of my eyes.

I even got in WON for that one!

Good for you! Keep on fishin!

06-02-2009, 12:26 AM
Nice catch on 2lb. I've seen some toads swiming around there lately. Problem is getting the bite. If you have a swimbait rod throw a bluegill swimbait the big ones will almost always go for that . i cought a bunch of bass drop shoting with real light line ive noticed ive gotton alot more fishing 2 # test. With bigger bass its all about presentation useing lighter line will deffinitly make them notice ur lure alot more..

06-02-2009, 12:39 AM
I it is illegal to use bluegill to catch bass. I know that it was incidental but, I used to fish that park when I lived down the street, and I have seen three people get cited for using bluegill for bait. Again, I know it was not your intention, but try to explain that to the warden. BTW everyone Clark Bass are C and R only. They are tough to get, as they are all C and R and have seen pretty much everything. Congrats on your catch nevertheless! Go to bob's and get a blue dragon fly, watch out for the trees!

That is funny that you said that because the park ranger was next to me when i caught the bass. He actully knows me because he comes into my work sometimes and we talk,i dont know if that had anything to do with it haha but He saw it all happen he was pretty stoaked haha it was funny because he was telling some family scientific reasons they found not to feed the ducks hahah i was busting up.... yes clark is catch and relese that why i like it to due to the fact there is always a ranger there keeping an eye on things

06-02-2009, 03:14 PM
cool bro. great story for the grandkids.

06-03-2009, 12:14 AM
cool bro. great story for the grandkids.

Do i really look that old hahah