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05-26-2009, 10:33 AM
Hit the duct Friday after work.

Worked my lure diligently for a while, funny, just as I had advised Anglerism to do, as my lure came up the transition, I held the rod higher and reeled faster to avoid catching algae and to keep the lure “fishable” and actually still keep it presentable…….

About 2 ½’ out…..Juuuuust as I was about ready to pull the lure out of the water and re-cast…..

Swoooosh !.....Zzzzzzzzzzz!.....

A nice solid 8lb class fish attacked it hard and fast, I saw the whole strike right in front off me, his tail sloshed real aggressively as he took the KPN….

INSTANTLY my rod went bendo as he dashed while peeling drag, in a blink of an eye he was out in the middle as I battled on !

I fought him for a while, at least 2-3 minutes and I felt good about that, he was STRONG and I didn’t want to rush it..

My challenge of flesh against steel was taken as he came to the top to answer all challengers !

He sloshed and thrashed in the middle………….right on top….Head shakes !

More Head shakes !

This is when I get nervous!

And for good reason…..my fears became reality !........he shakes off !

Dayam !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another lengthy round of cast….and off to a whole different zone….and………….

I cast almost all the way to the other side……and so I have advised others…..

I work the lure slowly downhill….hyper slowly as the slightly moving water veers it slightly right……..

HoooK-uuuuuuuP !

Ohhhh Yeah………….It’s On….and I mean On !

This is a big boy….over 10lb class if he ever went 1 lb…..peeling drag down the current…..head shakin……thumpin’

Man this sucka was strong…..I battled it for about 1-2 minutes and that suckas was still peelin line !

All the way to the other side, he shows his head…..and as 2 knights in battle we square off….not unlike before with the 1st feesh !….this sucka started head shakin’…..right on the surface…

Nooooo…I don’t like that !......I try to steer him down to no avail…he’s too far out to control with the rod by holding it low to the water…….he continues to shake till again….my worst fears….

He shakes of !

Dayam Dayam Dayam !

I aint gonna go down this way and I aint going home with a stripe on my back !

So I fished the heck out of those zones with many casts……NO LOVE ! for a while…

So off to a completely different area….the water was movin’ more briskly there…..backflowin’……I worked the backflow hard…and as I mastered the drift through the harsh current…

Twitching the KPN as the current pulled it hard….

HooooK-uuuuP !

Oh yeah…….I state it out loud !

Your mine you &%$#@ !

I land it….no where near the size of the others but I’m just glad ta punk the skunk and get ‘em to stick and put ‘em to da net !

Another 10 casts or so……I knew the drag of the lure felt right…I could sense it and I knew the depth was about right….

HooooK….Up !

Another worthy battle ensues…….ahhhh yes…..a smaller model but yet another one falls to the Steel !

Victory is mine !

Another 10-12 casts or so and…

Hoookup !

Well now……I’m feeling like I’ve got my redemption as I land this nice solid power packed feesh !

Unfortunately the bigger models outsmarted me and took victory as their own…..BUT…I shall return !

Goood times…..and REDEMPTION !


05-26-2009, 10:56 AM
Its an amazing site when you get to see that fish attack your lure. Great job on the stripers Gary.

05-26-2009, 11:52 AM
Nice job slaying those stripers bro. You look great in those shirt :Wink:......Better with a smile :ROFL:.


05-26-2009, 11:53 AM
Man! great story,a fun read! good stuff man.

05-26-2009, 12:22 PM
Okay.... i'm really starting to get jelous. :) I was back late afternoon monday with a skunk again! Dude, how do u do it?!! I need that shirt for good luck.

Congrats on them stripers!!

trail blazer
05-26-2009, 01:50 PM
Nothing but a FISHING MACHINE!!!!!!!!
Thats what you are:Wink: