View Full Version : Castaic Comes to Life! Wingnut, TroutOnly & Anferny7 - Saturday 5/23

05-23-2009, 10:42 PM
The "Boss" was generous enough to give me three days off for the Memorial holiday weekend. I plan to fish all three days! :Dancing Banana: Today was the first day of my three day fishing excursion. Talked to Bob earlier in the week and planned a Striper slay today. Initially, I wanted to hit up Pyramid. But Bob told me that he had a hunch that upper Castaic was just about ready to go off and convinced me to head there instead. Bob, I'm glad that I listened to you... GOOD CALL! That's why you are the best!

So Bob, Anthony and myself decended on Castaic on Saturday with one goal... kill Stripers! :Twisted:

Conditions: Slightly foggy and cool morning, warm afternoon. Mild breeze turning into moderate wind later in the day. Water temperature at launch 68 degrees, 70 degrees in the afternoon. Water clarity fair with a greenish tint.

The day started off great! While Bob was talking to Scott in the tackle shop, Anthony & I noticed some Trout swimming around the launch ramp. We decided to tie on some Panther Martin spinners and kick off the morning with some stocker action... warming up for the real action.

We caught three limits (15) in about half an hour... fun stuff.



Then off we go in search of the Linesides.

Mr. Playboy with the legendary T.O.

Five minutes into the troll and we strike SILVER!
A double hook up for Anthony & I.

Anthony's schoolie. :ROFL:

Supersized mine please. :Envious:

Anthony gets on another one.

A bigger model.

Taking turns slaying the Linesides. They were out to play today!


Bob, stop the boat! I see some boils!!!

On the LC.




Another double hook-up!

They just kept coming!






Tragedy: This is not a fish story... it REALLY happened! While on the troll in the early afternoon, Anthony designated rod goes major bendo, clicker drag smoking! :Shocked: We initially thought that we caught structure but with the rod bouncing we knew that we had a major player on the line. Anthony was on this Brute of a Striper for almost ten minutes easy! Patiently playing this fish as it was stubborn and stayed down for most of the battle, taking off with blistering drag runs everytime it got close to the boat. I was ready with the net duty... leaning over to nab the beast. Anthony finally got it along side the boat, my net went down with a textbook head-in first netting maneuver. As I was lifting the massive fish out of the water with a loud cheer... the fish flexed it's body violently and flipped out of the net, snapping the #20 P-Line leader. :mad: We visually saw the massive Striper and I felt the weight in the net... between 15-20 lbs easy. I couldn't believe it... I lost Anthony's monster Striper at the net. :Neutral: Anthony, I know that you were so disappointed and believe me, I feel even worse. I have never lost a fish at the net before today... my bad bro and I'm sorry. :Embarrassed: I hope that you won't need counseling because of this tragedy. I know that it will haunt you & I both for awhile.
Go ahead, kick me in the Gonads!!! :ROFL:
Anthony fighting the Beast...


Bob says "Grab Wingnut's neck like this and...!" :Twisted:

Well, besides the lost monster Lineside, the day was a complete success. Coming out, we really didn't know what to expect because of the lackluster performance of the last couple of trips. But this one made up for it in style. Sixteen Stripers, the majority of them of quality caliber. Fifteen stocker Rainbows as an added bonus. Not bad at all and most importanly, gives us a hint of what's to come for this lake. :Wink:



Bob, thank you for another fantastic trip. This is a very good sign of positive things to come! You are second to none in the Striper guiding profession my friend. Take care and good luck tomorrow. :Wink:

Anthony, always a pleasure fishing with you my friend. Whether it is from a lake or the surf, you are becoming quite a fisherman. :Big Grin:

Now I need to get some sleep... two more fishing days coming up!!!! :Envious:

Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend everybody... God bless.

Arthur (Wingnut)

"A lot of fishermen are so busy learning the tricks of the trade, that they neglect to learn the trade."

Geordybass and Dad. Nice to see you & your dad out there "G". I hope you guys did well. :Cool:

Bob says, "Hail to the Redskins!"

Parting shot.
Go Lakers!!!!

05-23-2009, 10:58 PM
Great report you guys killed em'.

Anferny, you know Wingnut is going to net that bad boy 999 times out of 1000.....Just tough luck, bro!


05-23-2009, 11:19 PM
Awesome report guys!
Trout and linesides... what a day.

05-23-2009, 11:19 PM
Wow, all the reports From wingnut always end up suprising me. Always catching so many fishes and getting my hopes up that when i goto castaic, I am gonna catch some really nice stripers. But as always, I end up with a skunk.

Great job out there.

Panfish Junior
05-23-2009, 11:40 PM
Finally, I see lots of Action @ Castaic Lake filled up with fishermen. Congrats on the Strips and Trouts. Thanx 4 the pics and post!


05-23-2009, 11:43 PM
You're killin' me Larrrrry! :ROFL: It's about time Castaic woke up, nice job bro. T/O is the best.

05-24-2009, 06:46 AM
What a great Striper slaying trip, those are some beautiful fish. Good job on taking the gamble and coming up with pay dirt. T,O is da man. See you guys at the Legends 3 get together. :Cool:

05-24-2009, 07:25 AM
I thought fishing was your work as you are always fishing.Best pics,best tackle,great lures,ect.I thought I knew a little bout fishing until I read your posts.Have you ever been skunked?

ghetto dad
05-24-2009, 07:32 AM
NICE job Mr Wing, TO, and the pimp.....I dont even want to go to Vegas this morning now guys...grrrr....I wanna fish stripers damn it!!! And im totally serious....:Big Grin:


05-24-2009, 07:42 AM
Very Nice :) Hope theres a few fish left for me on Sunday :)

trail blazer
05-24-2009, 08:00 AM
The CASTAIC slaymasters at it again,,,,,LOOKOUT LINESIDES


05-24-2009, 08:05 AM
Those white shades are dope dude ! Uh No...

Nice Slay Job !!

05-24-2009, 08:51 AM
Great going Wingnut and Bob, Looks like you guys had the lake to yourself, didnt see another boat in the pictures. I was expecting to see the lake overrun with lake lice. Nice job on the linesides.


05-24-2009, 08:52 AM
Arthur, Bob,

looks like a great day on the water. How were the crowds? I puposely stayed away, as I want to avoid the jerks on the water.


05-24-2009, 09:30 AM
Nice report as always guys. I have to make it up there soon.....:Wink:.


05-24-2009, 03:48 PM
Hi Wingnut,

Congrat's to you and Bob on the slay!

I thought I told you guys that's it's not fair for you to fish together!:Razz:

Actually this news made my day. I've got an appointment tomorrow!

05-24-2009, 05:09 PM
wow you guys kicked ***. Nice job you three. Bummer about the lost one, I'm sure Bob will find him again.

05-24-2009, 05:32 PM
Well, folks, I can tell you before Bob reports in, that he picked up today where he left off yesterday ---

I was throwing swimbaits along the dam and dialing in a couple new reels--- I was really able to concentrate on that activity since my focus was never broken by having to reel in any fish---

Bob, on the other hand, had two nice schoolies in the boat within the first 45 minutes---don't know how he ended up the day, but I expect 'just fine'--

One thing had me wondering --While he was working his second fish, I watched two rental boats make a bee-line straight for him--they were buzzing around his boat like Sioux circling Custer---I don't know what they were thinking---maybe they're all pals.

Way to go, Bob--

05-24-2009, 06:04 PM
All I can say is, I'm super stoked on the day. Started with wide open trout bite, ended with some serious Striper lbs in my coolerS. Definitely bummed about "the one that got away", not as bummed at Bob was, but I'd rather it be Wingnut than me in that position! And at least we saw the fish, actually Wingut had his hands on it.

Thx fellas for taking me out. Had a great time, learned tons more info, heard some great experiences, and am about to have some gooooood fish tacos with the wife. Can't wait for Trout n eggs...

05-24-2009, 06:11 PM
Love the report and pics Arthur!:Thumbs Up::Thumbs Up:
I need to get out there and see my Buddy Bob so he can teach me how to catch some of those linesides.

05-24-2009, 06:55 PM
Humm, where should I go on Monday??
Right less driving bigger fish!
Less driving, Bigger fish!


05-24-2009, 07:02 PM

05-24-2009, 07:09 PM
The Striper deadly duo does it again! Does Anthony know how lucky he is to fish with T.O. and Wingnut? What kind of strings do you need to pull to ba able to do that anyway???? :LOL: Good luck fishing all weekend Art, lucky you. :Cool: I heard from Phuong that you got yourself some legal Butts in the surf today, can't wait to see the report! Oh yeah, don't lip the flatties!!! :ROFL:

05-24-2009, 07:10 PM
Very nice looks like Bob found the nicer models and they were on the chew, Nice way to stick them esp a few on the LC Arthur must have been a nice fight. Thanks for the report and pics now get back to the salt. Keep it up T.O


05-24-2009, 08:32 PM

http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp113/troutonly/100_0038WWWW---------1111111111.jpg,,,,,,,,,MY FAVORITE PIC,,,,,,,t/o

05-24-2009, 08:37 PM
Sorry to hear about the tough break, looked like a blast regardless...thanks for the play-by-play.


05-24-2009, 08:43 PM
Damn Bob, tell them to stop poaching "Phuong's Tree"! :ROFL:
Arthur, I think that you're either getting old and losing your touch at the net, or you're rusty because you're hardly ever on net duty, we're usually netting them for you. :LOL:

And yeah Anthony, you're one lucky bastard. :Envious:

05-24-2009, 09:11 PM
hahahaha.... wingnut! that was you! I can't believe i could not recognize you, we were the guy on the blu stratos. I was fishing the AC tourney, we saw each other at the coves, said hello, and then off our way.... Funny how we see each other and don't even recognize each other:P

05-24-2009, 10:21 PM
Loved all the pics and great report. Thats a day i would never forget. Awesome !!!!!!!!!!

05-25-2009, 12:16 PM
That's a phunny photo, Bob-o, with all of trout out-sizing some of the convicts--

05-25-2009, 04:31 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss. Geordy told me yesterday about what happened. :Crying: You'll get em! Nice day out though , huh?

05-25-2009, 07:37 PM
Way to kill the stripers and STEAL THEIR FOOD

05-25-2009, 08:11 PM
Man, if that Trout only, ah striperonly, doesn't quite his day job and guide full-tim I'm gonna personally "slap the taste out of his mouth".

T.O. for Trout, ah Striper, guide of the year!!!!!!!!


05-25-2009, 11:00 PM
o man...



SWEET pics and story Arthur, Uncle B wanted BLOOOOOD lol- hopefully we can all fish soon

Native Gal
05-26-2009, 12:52 AM
Way to give them Castaic fish a beat down, Stripers and Trout, SWEET :Thumbs Up:. You guys racked up some good #'s CONGRATS.
Anthony, Congrats on that Mega Super Sized Striper. BTW, next time just give WN a helping hand into the water to get it, he is such a cool guy I know he wouldn't mind, :ROFL::Envious:.
Thanks for the great report as always WN.
Gotta love the Holiday 3 day weekends, we get rewarded with 3 WN posts, :LOL:.

p.s. WN thank your Boss for me for letting you have an extra day off :Wink:.

:Big Grin:

05-26-2009, 09:43 AM
Most outrageous fish report EVER, WTG guys. Great photos too.

05-26-2009, 10:27 AM
good job out there!!

05-26-2009, 10:53 AM
Awwwww Helllll Yes !..........saweet catches there...congrats to all....and kudos to Bob for getting ya'll on the bite..

Great work...sweet feesh !

In was going to join you all out there on my tub but I was way tired from fishing the duct the night before so I just relaxed at home.

Great job guys so sorry about the lost monster !

that's gotta hurt !


05-26-2009, 03:51 PM

That has to be up there with one of the best SLAY days I have ever seen!
Way to go guys.. congrats!!!


Trout Nine
05-26-2009, 04:12 PM
Nice catch out there guys WTG!

05-26-2009, 08:46 PM

05-26-2009, 09:26 PM
So THIS is the infamous "big one got away" thread!!!

Anthony, you need to make Arthur your "netboy" for the next few trips....clearly he needs remedial netboy training! :ROFL:

Bob: when does the carnage ever stop with you? It's only a matter of time before the Greenpeace/PETA guys in zodiacs start circling you on the lake!

Santa Fe Eric
05-26-2009, 10:52 PM
TO, Wingnut, Anferny

Nice work fellas! Looks like a great day out on the water! :Envious:

05-26-2009, 11:02 PM
You guys had some fun fishing trouts and stripers!

05-27-2009, 07:51 AM

muuuuahahah :P save some for meee! lol...good stuff-

05-27-2009, 08:58 PM
my computer goes down and look what i missed out...wow you guys nailed them out there...great job guys!!

05-27-2009, 10:07 PM
Great catch. Good report. Nice pix.

05-27-2009, 10:39 PM
Great report you guys killed em'.

Anferny, you know Wingnut is going to net that bad boy 999 times out of 1000.....Just tough luck, bro!

I still can't believe it, such a rookie mistake. I guess until it's on the deck, you never know.

Awesome report guys!
Trout and linesides... what a day.
Thanks, I hope it's just a start of a great Striper season.

Wow, all the reports From wingnut always end up suprising me. Always catching so many fishes and getting my hopes up that when i goto castaic, I am gonna catch some really nice stripers. But as always, I end up with a skunk.

Great job out there.
Don't give up, keep at it and you will eventually score.

Finally, I see lots of Action @ Castaic Lake filled up with fishermen. Congrats on the Strips and Trouts. Thanx 4 the pics and post!

I'm sure the armada will be out there trying to get their share... go gettem!

You're killin' me Larrrrry! :ROFL: It's about time Castaic woke up, nice job bro. T/O is the best.
You're telling me, the previous trip was sad, it's about time!

What a great Striper slaying trip, those are some beautiful fish. Good job on taking the gamble and coming up with pay dirt. T,O is da man. See you guys at the Legends 3 get together. :Cool:
I trust Bob's hunches more than I do most people's educated guesses. We went with it and it paid off.

I thought fishing was your work as you are always fishing.Best pics,best tackle,great lures,ect.I thought I knew a little bout fishing until I read your posts.Have you ever been skunked?
I wish that I fish for a living... but unfortunately, I'm usually only a Sunday Warrior. Skunked? Yes, but fortunately not too often.

NICE job Mr Wing, TO, and the pimp.....I dont even want to go to Vegas this morning now guys...grrrr....I wanna fish stripers damn it!!! And im totally serious....:Big Grin:

You can fish for some strippers in Vegas Steve. You can troll with $20 bills. :LOL:

Very Nice :) Hope theres a few fish left for me on Sunday :)
There will be more than a few... :Wink:

The CASTAIC slaymasters at it again,,,,,LOOKOUT LINESIDES

Thanks TB, Bob is the best, I just follow his lead.

Those white shades are dope dude ! Uh No...

Nice Slay Job !!
Yeah, those shades are quite nice. You should get two pairs, one for you and one for WJC71.

Great going Wingnut and Bob, Looks like you guys had the lake to yourself, didnt see another boat in the pictures. I was expecting to see the lake overrun with lake lice. Nice job on the linesides.

Actually, the lake lice traffic wasn't that bad on Saturday. But I'm sure Sunday & Monday was a zoo.

Arthur, Bob,

looks like a great day on the water. How were the crowds? I puposely stayed away, as I want to avoid the jerks on the water.

Saturday wasn't too bad at all Scott. Hope you guys did well on the Striper slay today. Looking forward to the report.

Nice report as always guys. I have to make it up there soon.....:Wink:.

Get out there Khanh, they're beginning to stir.

Hi Wingnut,

Congrat's to you and Bob on the slay!

I thought I told you guys that's it's not fair for you to fish together!:Razz:

Actually this news made my day. I've got an appointment tomorrow!
Ha ha, go get them sir, they're out there and willing to play.

wow you guys kicked ***. Nice job you three. Bummer about the lost one, I'm sure Bob will find him again.
Yeah Juan, there will be others down the road...

Well, folks, I can tell you before Bob reports in, that he picked up today where he left off yesterday ---

I was throwing swimbaits along the dam and dialing in a couple new reels--- I was really able to concentrate on that activity since my focus was never broken by having to reel in any fish---

Bob, on the other hand, had two nice schoolies in the boat within the first 45 minutes---don't know how he ended up the day, but I expect 'just fine'--

One thing had me wondering --While he was working his second fish, I watched two rental boats make a bee-line straight for him--they were buzzing around his boat like Sioux circling Custer---I don't know what they were thinking---maybe they're all pals.

Way to go, Bob--
Oh yeah Sid, every time I'm out there with Bob, there are always people trailing us all over the lake. I've seen boats watching us with binoculars trying to see what colors we were running... pretty amusing stuff. One time, my buddy on board hung a B.A. so they can get an eyefull. :ROFL:

All I can say is, I'm super stoked on the day. Started with wide open trout bite, ended with some serious Striper lbs in my coolerS. Definitely bummed about "the one that got away", not as bummed at Bob was, but I'd rather it be Wingnut than me in that position! And at least we saw the fish, actually Wingut had his hands on it.

Thx fellas for taking me out. Had a great time, learned tons more info, heard some great experiences, and am about to have some gooooood fish tacos with the wife. Can't wait for Trout n eggs...
That was definitely a fun trip Anthony. Sorry again about the lost Pig. And yes, I do believe that Bob was more upset than you were. :LOL: Enjoy the bounty, you should have enough fillets to last for quite some time.

Love the report and pics Arthur! :Thumbs Up:
I need to get out there and see my Buddy Bob so he can teach me how to catch some of those linesides.
Right on Terry, maybe you can trade him a Catfish guide trip for a Striper one. :Wink:

Humm, where should I go on Monday??
Right less driving bigger fish!
Less driving, Bigger fish!

Hope you did well wherever you ended up Karl. :Cool:

The Striper deadly duo does it again! Does Anthony know how lucky he is to fish with T.O. and Wingnut? What kind of strings do you need to pull to ba able to do that anyway???? :LOL: Good luck fishing all weekend Art, lucky you. :Cool: I heard from Phuong that you got yourself some legal Butts in the surf today, can't wait to see the report! Oh yeah, don't lip the flatties!!! :ROFL:
If you would stop fishing the Pyramid shoreline Binh, you can hop aboard the Phenom. Ha ha, I guess you already heard about my Halibut brain fart incident. :LOL: Silly me...

Very nice looks like Bob found the nicer models and they were on the chew, Nice way to stick them esp a few on the LC Arthur must have been a nice fight. Thanks for the report and pics now get back to the salt. Keep it up T.O

Yup, the bigger boys were out the play Lucas. We only saw one group of boils today and picked off only one fish. I did go back to the salt the next day for some Hali action.


http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp113/troutonly/100_0038WWWW---------1111111111.jpg,,,,,,,,,MY FAVORITE PIC,,,,,,,t/o
My favorite pic too Bob. The only thing missing out of that pic is Anthony's Pig! :LOL:

Sorry to hear about the tough break, looked like a blast regardless...thanks for the play-by-play.

I will redeem myself and get that monster next time Aaron... that I will. :Twisted:

Damn Bob, tell them to stop poaching "Phuong's Tree"! :ROFL:
Arthur, I think that you're either getting old and losing your touch at the net, or you're rusty because you're hardly ever on net duty, we're usually netting them for you. :LOL:

And yeah Anthony, you're one lucky bastard. :Envious:
Man, I'm usually flawless at the net, it's just one of those things when you do it enough times it was bound to happen... never again!

hahahaha.... wingnut! that was you! I can't believe i could not recognize you, we were the guy on the blu stratos. I was fishing the AC tourney, we saw each other at the coves, said hello, and then off our way.... Funny how we see each other and don't even recognize each other:P
Ha ha, Mr. RonnieK, I did notice your boat and I think we looked right at each other... funny that we didn't make the connection. Hope all is well with your business and the family. We need to hit the surf together again... been too long. :Cool:

Loved all the pics and great report. Thats a day i would never forget. Awesome !!!!!!!!!!
Definitely a good day fishing Rob, see ya out there sometimes.

That's a phunny photo, Bob-o, with all of trout out-sizing some of the convicts--
Ha ha, that is pretty funny Sid.

Sorry to hear about your loss. Geordy told me yesterday about what happened. :Crying: You'll get em! Nice day out though , huh?
Great day on the water. Geordy & his dad was cirling us when Anthony was fighting that beast. They saw me lose that fish at the net... Geordy was laughing... that wasn't very nice "G". :LOL:

Way to kill the stripers and STEAL THEIR FOOD
That is FUNNY right there. :ROFL:

Man, if that Trout only, ah striperonly, doesn't quite his day job and guide full-tim I'm gonna personally "slap the taste out of his mouth".

T.O. for Trout, ah Striper, guide of the year!!!!!!!!

I keep telling Bob that he should do it fulltime... I'm sure when he gets his new boat "Phenom II", he may consider it. :Wink:

o man...



SWEET pics and story Arthur, Uncle B wanted BLOOOOOD lol- hopefully we can all fish soon
We do need to set up a Striper slay session with Uncle Bob Kewly. This season for sure.

Way to give them Castaic fish a beat down, Stripers and Trout, SWEET :Thumbs Up:. You guys racked up some good #'s CONGRATS.
Anthony, Congrats on that Mega Super Sized Striper. BTW, next time just give WN a helping hand into the water to get it, he is such a cool guy I know he wouldn't mind, :ROFL::Envious:.
Thanks for the great report as always WN.
Gotta love the Holiday 3 day weekends, we get rewarded with 3 WN posts, :LOL:.

p.s. WN thank your Boss for me for letting you have an extra day off :Wink:.

:Big Grin:
You're right NG, if I knew for sure that I could get that fish by diving in after it, I would have done it! I totally enjoyed my three day fishing excursion, even though only two out of the three sessions were worth posting about. BTW, my boss is a jerk! :ROFL:

Most outrageous fish report EVER, WTG guys. Great photos too.
Thank you AnglerBob.

good job out there!!
Thank you sir.

Awwwww Helllll Yes !..........saweet catches there...congrats to all....and kudos to Bob for getting ya'll on the bite..

Great work...sweet feesh !

In was going to join you all out there on my tub but I was way tired from fishing the duct the night before so I just relaxed at home.

Great job guys so sorry about the lost monster !

that's gotta hurt !

Yeah, we were expecting to see you pull up next to us on Saturday Gary. I'm sure you'll be out there very soon... bleed them all!


That has to be up there with one of the best SLAY days I have ever seen!
Way to go guys.. congrats!!!

It was one of our better trips John. You & your dad need to head back out there with Bob again.

Nice catch out there guys WTG!
Thanks T9, see ya at the Legends III event buddy.

Plenty of blood to spare!

So THIS is the infamous "big one got away" thread!!!

Anthony, you need to make Arthur your "netboy" for the next few trips....clearly he needs remedial netboy training! :ROFL:

Bob: when does the carnage ever stop with you? It's only a matter of time before the Greenpeace/PETA guys in zodiacs start circling you on the lake!
I do need some practice at the net... because I'm usually not the one doing the netting. :LOL:
I saw your report on the S.Q. trip Rich, that is some hilarious sh*t!

TO, Wingnut, Anferny

Nice work fellas! Looks like a great day out on the water! :Envious:
It was a fun day Big "E". Hey, PM me your mailing address big guy.

You guys had some fun fishing trouts and stripers!
We had a blast RB, you should get out there man.

muuuuahahah :P save some for meee! lol...good stuff-
Plenty of them out there waiting for us Kewly, I guarantee it!

my computer goes down and look what i missed out...wow you guys nailed them out there...great job guys!!
I was wondering where you were Seng. Plan a trip, they're starting to go off man.

Great catch. Good report. Nice pix.
Thanks Tony!