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View Full Version : SD Bay and PL Kelp report

06-20-2007, 09:06 AM
Late report here, been busy at work since Sunday.

Took my pops out to SD Bay for fathers day and man did he enjoy himself. He has only been out once last year on a boat we chartered. I think he is going to buy a boat the guy is 64 yrs old and like a kid about fishing LOL I love it.

Got out to Shelter Island around 6am to find a packed lot, waited around for 15 minutes for my buddy to show then launched. Got out to the cable and commenced to set up our first drift. Set my pops up with a fish trap and a few tips, no more than five minutes in he’s hooked up (I’m thinking this is gonna be a good day), a decent 2 – 3 lb sandie. I’m playing deck hand and taking care of his catch (released) and buttering up his bait with the Uni Butter while my buddy goes bendo, pulls out a 1lb spottie (I know this is gonna be a good day). Pops continues to rope one after the other my buddy gets one more and finally I get on the boards with a 3 – 4 lb sandie. We made a few drifts like this totaling 6 fish for pops 3 for my buddy and 2 for me.

Drifted the bait barge for nada then got a half scoop of dines and bailed.

Made a move outside the jetty to drift for some butts and started knocking the crap out of the spotties, one after the other. Finally after that calmed down set up some dines on the drift and landed 6 shorts, pops had 4 I had 2 my buddy was still on the spotties. I was so tempted to take one of the shorts for my dad, his last two were 1� short and a ½ inch short, I let them go but REALLY wanted him to take fish home.

After this we figured lets get my pops the inshore grand-slam, he already had spotted bay bass, sand bass, and halibut all he needed was a calico to top the day. Headed over to the Green tanks and set up for a drift, within seconds my buddy who is on the bow goes bendo, says there is like three chasers, no more than a minute later he goes bendo again we are thinking the calicos are gonna go off today! I’m helping my pops learn to pitch fishtraps in the weeds, and playing deck hand, but it seems that bite we anticipated never really materialized. I think we got there after the tide went slack and the bite was turning off??? Anyhow, made a few drifts here and figured that was it for us, my pops was not into the flip and pitch thing and enjoyed the open water better. I will get him sold on Calico fishing just needs time on the water is all.

The calicos are starting to change colors a bit, it looks like they are getting ready to spawn… I can’t wait for WFO Calicos, I can’t wait for the annual San Quintin trip and San Martine Isla! Calico fishing is far and away my most desired catch (& release)…


06-20-2007, 11:31 AM
Very nice report, good job on the all the fishfor pops :thumb: Shame on you for thinking of taking a UNDERSIZED halibut :beat: :slap: :rain:

06-20-2007, 12:27 PM
was there any red tide around??? i am going to the kelp this weekend.


06-20-2007, 02:32 PM
LOL SanDimasLMB I let him go but a half inch is only a half inch, and rules are rules... Ohwell I will get him out again.

ssrmr2, yes there was redtide all over, funny thing was there was great looking water right next to it as well. We had to make a few moves to get cleaner water I suspect you will do the same.

06-20-2007, 06:07 PM
LOL SanDimasLMB I let him go but a half inch is only a half inch, and rules are rules... Ohwell I will get him out again.

ssrmr2, yes there was redtide all over, funny thing was there was great looking water right next to it as well. We had to make a few moves to get cleaner water I suspect you will do the same.

Just strech your hali out just like the deckies do :twisted: but on a serious note, keeping an undersized hali is a BIG fine

06-20-2007, 08:23 PM
Think of this... Great times with Pops. I called my dad that too. Times like that are what life is made of right? Sounds like a great day... (Just say no to under size fish... I know... it hurts). :wink:

Greg Madrigal
06-21-2007, 05:52 PM
Awesome report my man. Glad you guys had some good luck out there!