View Full Version : Truly an Epic Trip!! Lake Isabella

05-18-2009, 09:38 AM
I finished up a weeks worth of assignment before last weekend to get out to the Kern. Friday, after finishing up my classes I shot back home quickly and prepared for a trout slay. My buddy James and I hit the road around 5pm We bought 2-24pk of Corona, 1 bottle of Patron Silver, 10lbs. of different meat(Carne, Fajitas, And T-bone), Bunch of corn and potato. After all the shopping and BS-ing on the way we arived around 10pm and set up camp around the lake. We started getting hammered. A 12 pk later I saw a cool looking English Bull Dog making his way over to us so I welcomed him by putting out my hand but was denied affection, instead, he walks around me and pissed on my tent:Shocked::EyePop::Evil::Angry::ROFL::ROFL: All over the head area and because it was my luck the piss made it passed the mesh screen into my tent and on my pillow!! I freaked out and started cleaning like no tomorrow. After the tent was cleaned I walked over to the owners and explained what happened and to ask them for some hand sanitizer and they asked me why, what do you want me to do about it?:Argument: So I replied "to rid your animals urine from my skin" the dumb lady said there's a lake right there, as though I didn't realize that my tent was 10 feet from it.:Explode: I told them that I thought that I was the only idiot on the lake without hand sanitizer and that got them to move. I got the sanitizer from them and cleaned my tent a little more with it. After all that I prepared to sleep and I rigged up a rod to leave out over night. I put on a huge chunk of Power Bait the size of a walnut and threw it out and fell a sleep around 1-1:30am. I woke up to the sound of bells and splashing I took a look and realized that it was my rod. :Shocked: I jumped out of the tent and saw my rod bent over and the bell was ringing and something was jumping around splashing like crazy. I grab the rod and start reeling in the line, after a little struggle I managed to land a monster trout 2lbs 8oz. This was the largest trout that I had ever caught there! Long story short, the trip was fun. Did a little 4x4 action in the lower river before we left.

05-18-2009, 10:05 AM
nice trout, next time you have dog issues let the ranger know, they have no problem handing out citations up there for letting the dogs run around without a leash.

05-18-2009, 10:34 AM
2lbs. 8oz. a monster???Thats a PECK son,stocker size!

Daddy needs give ya a schoolin' there boy,,,:Secret:

05-18-2009, 12:53 PM
sounds like fun. what no crappie . we were there sat. and it is crappie jack pot. and no wind to speak of. thanks 4 report.

05-18-2009, 05:52 PM
nice trout, next time you have dog issues let the ranger know, they have no problem handing out citations up there for letting the dogs run around without a leash.
I should have. Live and let live I guess. People live the way they feel. Is some one has a bad attitude it is because they are probably unhappy with them selves.

2lbs. 8oz. a monster???Thats a PECK son,stocker size!

Daddy needs give ya a schoolin' there boy,,,:Secret:

Show me how its done tough guy!

sounds like fun. what no crappie . we were there sat. and it is crappie jack pot. and no wind to speak of. thanks 4 report.
Not a sign of any. It was nice the first day but Sunday was windy and noisy from all the engine boats.

05-18-2009, 06:31 PM
nice report. like the pic of the tacoma off roadin it. NICE!

ghetto dad
05-18-2009, 06:41 PM
NICE job brother...thanks for the report...looks like you had a great time....


Mojave River Angler
05-18-2009, 09:34 PM
I took my wife and youngest (7) up there for the weekend as well. Spend Saturday setting up the boat (13' whitewater raft) and making a first stab at the crappie near the French Gulch marina. No joy for the day...probably just doing everything wrong...but it was nice out and we still had fun. Stayed the night over at Stine Cove. We got to see the Carp doing their thing on the north shore on Sunday morning. Seeing that, I knew we wouldn't be catching anything there, so we split to a cove hear the French Gulch for some swimming and fishing. I did manage one crappie there, but just couldn't coax any more to the jig so I threw the one and only back for next time. I usually do ok with the trout and cats at that lake and just couldn't get any action this time. A friend said he and his two buds pulled up about 150 crappie throwing most back. I believe he said they only cleaned about 20. Seems like they found a hot spot. Seems like the crappie move as much as the wind there.

The best part of the whole weekend came right at the end. I had thrown out some stink bait with a 13' surf rod to soak. So when my 7 year old Tim sees that it is time to pack up...yep, he goes for the big one. After carefully pulling the rod out of the holder (PVC pipe) he procedes to reel that puppy in. No fish to make this the golden moment...but just watching a 7 year old try to handle a rod and reel (big spinner) was blowing my mind. He reeled it all the way in...50 yards at least...and didn't drop the rod in the water or mishandle the situation at all. I can see Tim and I will be fishing together in the future. I can't wait to see him reel in his first 3+lb. fish.

I'll be spending lots of this summer at Isabella for sure.


05-18-2009, 09:37 PM
nice report. like the pic of the tacoma off roadin it. NICE!

Thanks. I cant wait until I get some BFG A/T's then Ill move around with all confidence.

NICE job brother...thanks for the report...looks like you had a great time....


My pleasure! I love the Kern bro! Id like to see more Kern reports, we don't see many.

05-18-2009, 11:50 PM
Show me how its done tough guy!

My pleasure brotha,,,LOL,,,It's all good,I'm glad u got your PB though,good eating!My pb was more or less 6lbs.....or .6?Were gonna fish soon Uncle deadroots,,,

05-19-2009, 12:02 AM
Nice report! Except for the dog incident it looks like you guys had one hell of a good time. thanks for the report.


05-19-2009, 07:59 AM
My pleasure brotha,,,LOL,,,It's all good,I'm glad u got your PB though,good eating!My pb was more or less 6lbs.....or .6?Were gonna fish soon Uncle deadroots,,,

You got a 6 lb trout out of Lake Isabella? I doubt it, don't lie. You ain't gotta lie to kick it! Ive landed larger trout out of different lakes. You got that 6lber from Irvine Lake or a lake like it.:ROFL:
The Kern produces these football shaped trout that I have yet to catch. Ive been going to there for the last 12 years or so and that was the largest one that I personally have seen out of there. Ive seen tons of photos but not in the physical.

05-19-2009, 08:03 AM
Nice report! Except for the dog incident it looks like you guys had one hell of a good time. thanks for the report.


Thank you! I think that dog streamed some luck my way! It was the owners that I wanted to throw in the lake:LOL:

05-19-2009, 02:05 PM
You got a 6 lb trout out of Lake Isabella? I doubt it, don't lie. You ain't gotta lie to kick it! Ive landed larger trout out of different lakes. You got that 6lber from Irvine Lake or a lake like it.:ROFL:
The Kern produces these football shaped trout that I have yet to catch. Ive been going to there for the last 12 years or so and that was the largest one that I personally have seen out of there. Ive seen tons of photos but not in the physical.

HUH?I've never said anything about isabella boyy,I said my pb is 6lbs....nuthin else...lol....i got it at the goon btw....haha

Granny Fish
05-19-2009, 02:26 PM
Did you only get the one chunky 2#er? When fishing its about the enjoyment factor sometimes more than the size and quanity of the fish. Sounds like a fun time... thanks for the report. :Cool:

05-19-2009, 05:17 PM

Like to see me doin' bad, but I'm doing good, f the police that rolling through the neighborhood! HA HA!!!!

Just to add to the report, we were at Isabella Sunday. Me and my buddy fished from 6:15-9:30. Landed 150 crappie and took 50 of them home. WIDE OPEN BITE for all that were around! Shoot me a PM if you want specifics!

05-19-2009, 11:59 PM
HUH?I've never said anything about isabella boyy,I said my pb is 6lbs....nuthin else...lol....i got it at the goon btw....haha

6 out of the Goon!!:High Five: if thats true:Confused::Dancing Banana:

Did you only get the one chunky 2#er? When fishing its about the enjoyment factor sometimes more than the size and quanity of the fish. Sounds like a fun time... thanks for the report. :Cool:
We both brought home limits for two days but they were all under a pound, but your right, it's not about the limit or size. Essentially just being there was a blessing:Smile: although a trip with both accommodations wouldn't hurt:Beer Toast:

Panfish Junior
05-20-2009, 06:36 PM
Looks like a fun day out there and love the sceneries. Thanks for sharing!


05-21-2009, 07:10 PM
That place is gorgeous isn't it?