View Full Version : Panfish 101

The Angler
05-16-2009, 05:49 PM
Since trout season is all but over pretty much in So.cal I need to learn alot more about fishing for Panfish. I have never fished for these fish types and have noticed alot of people on these boards that do nothing but panfish. So im asking for a little help.

Can u guys give me some beginner advice on panfish.

1. Types of bait & how to fish it
2. Times best to fish for panfish
3. Line recommendations
4. Rigs & terminal selection

Pretty much the whole 9 yards i have absolutly no knowledge of this type of fishing. I have caught 1 Crappie at corona lake before while trying for trout. So i take it is kinda like trout fishing ?:Confused:

05-16-2009, 06:37 PM
2 lb test works fine for me on an ultralight 7' rod. From there I ususally drop shot or split shot usnig size 8 mosquito hooks (long shank if possible) and put the hook about a ft from my weight. I started tying on 2 hooks about a ft apart and just learned how to hook 2 panfish at a time last week. I have to say its as good, sometimes better than landing a big fish. Ok, well not anything over 10 lbs :LOL:

As far as bait, I have been using mealworms or cut up nightcrawlers. I ream the mealworks with the hook on one end and slide them up and exit the hook right before it gets to their feet. They end up covering the shank with hook totally exposed. If I run out of mealworms, I'll cut up nightcrawlers into mealworm length and do the same thing. If you want them to float, slide a power egg or marshmellow onto the hook before putting the worm on. Cast, let your stuff hit the bottom, then slowly retrieve about a ft at a time, with short pauses inbetween. Keep your finger on the line because they are known to jack you without making your rod tip move.

bell sinkers: 1/8 and 1/4
split shots: the big ones that are close to 1/8 and smaller
line: 2-4 lb line works fine
rod: 7ft ultralight
hooks: size 8 or 6 long shank, thin wire hooks.

05-16-2009, 07:12 PM
get a diawa spinomatix rod, (very cheap yet effective ultra light rod) some small mosquito hooks (choose the size based on what bait) get some meal worms or crickets. for the meal worm put it about 2 feet under one of those nifty red and white bobbers with a small split shot 10 inches from the hook. Hook a meal worm on the hook and you are good to go. for the cricket just flyline it out there OR just put a small split shot on, (no bobber)

as far as line goes i always fish 2 lbs XXX line.

good luck!! Pan fish are one of the easiest and most fun fish to catch!

05-17-2009, 10:20 PM
go get one of those kid fishing kit in walmart, i think they are around 20 bucks. and then the smallest mosquito hook you can find size 10-12 i think . mealworm and redworm is the ticket. Look for shades to locate them. Crappies and bluegill like heavy vegitation, tullies, lilly pad, boat dock. If you find those you will have a basket full of fish. Don't take more than you need, and if you can practice CPR. And finally, good luck.