View Full Version : Misinformation or is there more to it?

05-12-2009, 09:28 AM
Was out @ Jenks this last weekend w/ the family. Caught a few fish w/ 3 being undesize bass.

As my kids were pulling in their bass, some guys proceed to id the catch as being undersized trout w/ no coloring. These guys had been there since the lake opened & had a small catch of trout already. Knowing better, I returned the bass to live another day. If we were to keep the fish, we would risk a huge $$$ fine per fish if the ranger showed up.

Has any one been given wrong fish ID? Do you think these guys were out there to mislead us in thinking we didn't know any better? There is a BIG difference between a trout & a bass for those who don't know any better.

Know your prey and please be careful as to what others say.

Thanks for reading.


05-12-2009, 09:47 AM
Trout don't have size limits only stringer limits. 5 trout any size.

City Dad
05-12-2009, 09:59 AM
people who think they know everything are particularly annoying to those of us who do;) but what are you gonna do? The world is chock full of dumb###es.

Once, a gentleman fishing beside us at Balboa was kind enough to inform me that the tilapia we were catching were really bluegill... "Really?" I stammered in a voice of utter amazement. "Yep" he said and then smiled knowingly (knowing nothing.) The man then proceeded to give us a lesson in how to sit motionless and watch one's limp line flap in the breeze while my kids reeled in cyclids hand-over-fist a few feet away. I don't know what kind of magical bluegill bait he was using bescause he sure didn't feel like sharing any more of his wisdome with us!

05-12-2009, 10:11 AM
Trout DO have size limits, they have to be at least six inches in lenth to be legal.

05-12-2009, 10:47 AM
Trout DO have size limits, they have to be at least six inches in lenth to be legal.

MISINFORMATION AGAIN>>>>THERE IS NO SIZE LIMIT ON TROUT PER 2009-2010 regulations.what section do you see the 6" reg????
of course on certain rivers/streams there's exceptions

05-12-2009, 11:02 AM
Trout DO have size limits, they have to be at least six inches in lenth to be legal.

Were you at Jenks last weekend? :LOL:

05-12-2009, 03:17 PM
There are size limits on trout but it depends on where you are fishing. Its best to know the regs for the body of water you plan on fishing. For Jenks lake the only limit that I know of is 5 trout per person. There are regs for bass I believe. However if you do happen to catch a smaller 6 inch trout, be nice and gently put it back in the water if it's not gut hooked. This way you can possibly catch the same fish months later and the fish will be smarter and larger :)


05-12-2009, 03:39 PM
I can either be misinformation or they dint want you to keep the bass. It is an unspoken "rule" to release all bass no matter their size so that they grow up bigger, stronger to fight another day. Then again I have heard a lot of dumb things from fisherman while fishing.

05-12-2009, 04:12 PM
I can either be misinformation or they dint want you to keep the bass. It is an unspoken "rule" to release all bass no matter their size so that they grow up bigger, stronger to fight another day. Then again I have heard a lot of dumb things from fisherman while fishing.

I hate it when the "know it all" people try to tell you how to fish. A-hole next door sees me leaving 2-3 times a week with fishing gear in hand and tells me one day "when you're serious about fishing, I'll give you some tips". :Rolls Eyes:

05-12-2009, 09:35 PM
Kind of makes you wonder. ( the guys saying the fish was a trout and it really was a bass ) . You will never know because you did not correct them and tell them it was a bass not a trout.:Wink: Thanks for the post.:Big Grin:

05-13-2009, 08:49 AM
Honestly, someone NEEDS to kill some of those little bass in jenks. All those dinks outcompete the larger models and take over the whole lake. Then the average size of a bass in that lake ends up being about 8". Not exactly a trophy lake. Though I did see two 5+ pounders on saturday.

But yeah, some people are just plain dumb. Even if they were trout, what the hell would you do with a 6" trout? Put it on a cracker with some mustard?

05-14-2009, 12:56 AM
those 6 inch trouts are no good with mustard, you gotta dip them in ranch.

05-14-2009, 01:06 AM
WSB has to be 28 inches Halibut have to be 22 no size on tomcod and lizard fish have to be 4 inches with no take limit.
