View Full Version : 1st time poke-poling

05-07-2009, 04:01 PM
with all the rocky areas up here, i decided to give a new form a fishing a try yesterday. The low tide of about .62 feet was perfect to give it a shot. I ran over to home depot and spent a whopping $12 to make my pole and another $3 on bait. Got over to the spot i wanted to try and got a poking. The very first hole i poked, i got bit and lost the bait. baited up and tried again...wham, snagged my bait. This went on for a good couple of minutes. The hook set poke-poling is quite different then fishing normally. Finally i get a good hook set and try pulling this fish out. and whatya know, its too big to come out from between the rocks...so it definitely wasn't an eel. most likely a big cabby. Although i ended up getting the skunk, i had countless bites and missed hook sets. I think i found a preferred method of fishing the low tide around here. however, im tired of getting skunked so i think im heading out on the ocean tomorrow. look for a report

05-07-2009, 05:11 PM
How did you make your poke pole? I remember reading about it in PCS, and wanted to give it a try but had no clue how. Thanks, and I look forward to seeing your report with a big cabezon or rockfish.

05-07-2009, 05:36 PM
i just got about 9 feet of pvc then took about 1 foot of coat hanger and secured it to one end of the pole, then took about 3 inches of 50 pound test and tied it to the wire and then attached a 1/0 hook

05-07-2009, 06:00 PM
That's awesome. I gotta try that sometime.

05-07-2009, 07:09 PM
Where were you poke poling? I've been thinking about trying it at the jetties at the entrance to Newport Bay.

05-07-2009, 07:22 PM
I have been interested in this kinda fishing ever since I read about it when I was kid, but have yet to try it...please be sure to keep these reports coming! How about throwing in a picture of the scenery/areas your fishing or some fish porn next time if ya got a cam?

Maybe I'll join you next time I cruise up the 101!


05-08-2009, 01:43 PM
yeah i saw some poke polling videos online and it seemed pretty cool for catching eels. too bad you got skunked. i'd love to see some pictures.

05-08-2009, 08:24 PM
Here's a couple links on poke poling
