View Full Version : Vail lake alge

Bassin Newbie
05-05-2009, 02:18 PM
Just got back from Vail today and the alge is horrible. Just wondering if anyone knows how long it usually lasts because I am a new member to the lake. I got 6 with zoom worms...All of them were on the small side though. Any help with this lake will be greatly appreciated.

05-05-2009, 04:03 PM
I am a little surprised at the intensity of the current algae bloom. Vail does not have much in the way of agricultural or suburban runoff to provide the kind of nutrients that are usually associated with that kind of bloom. There is not even a golf course in its watershed, just that one little farming operation up near the highway. The upside is that it may make the water skiers think twice. I was talking to a couple at the launch yesterday who were having second thoughts. So far, it is nowhere near those epic blooms at Hodges the last few years. Theoretically it is possible for it to deplete the oxygen level, because bacteria that feed on the dying algae take oxygen from the water. It did not seem to do any damage to the fish population at Hodges. I fished right through the worst of it, and it never bothered the fishing either. Makes a mess of your boat though. Even your line turns green.

As far as the fishing, I am no expert, but the bass at Vail seem to be focusing on the shad right now. If it does not look like a shad, they may be hard to convince. Good luck.

Bassin Newbie
05-05-2009, 04:10 PM
You are right about the skiers...there was one this morning for less than a couple of hours...thanks for the input

05-05-2009, 04:28 PM
get a guide art hill he will put you on some fish and definetly teach you a thing or two about that lake.

05-05-2009, 06:15 PM
you can ask(or hire) pete marino guide service or art hill guide service.they've been on a roll there lately.

05-05-2009, 08:27 PM
Hell, Invite me and goseango we will put you on fish to for free haha.

05-05-2009, 09:04 PM
Heck yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:Fishing Catch: