View Full Version : Castaic bug bites I received !

05-05-2009, 01:43 PM
Well break out the bug sprays ! I didnt feel these guys bite me.But I woke up this morning with my arm leaking.Its been itching for 2 days now.
I once gad these bites from Piru's bugs.They bite you the same day.You feel the bite 2 days later.And itches for about 3-5 days.



If you have head lamps for night fishing anywhere,use the read lights to keep the bugs away.

05-05-2009, 01:47 PM
Swine flu in the house!

05-05-2009, 01:57 PM
Swine flu in the house!

I just really dont get it ?:Rolls Eyes:

05-05-2009, 02:02 PM
If you have head lamps for night fishing anywhere,use the read lights to keep the bugs away.

I don't get it either??

05-05-2009, 02:05 PM
I don't get it either??


05-05-2009, 02:07 PM
I don't get it either??

Bugs are afraid of the color red.

05-05-2009, 02:11 PM
thats some big *** skeeter bites

05-05-2009, 02:43 PM
Dr Phil says...

Infected bites - if the red area around the bite continues to enlarge, becomes more swollen and painful, and starts to drain pus, then it has become infected. Here are some steps you should follow three times a day if this occurs:

Wash with warm soapy water
Apply a hot washcloth to the area for 10 minutes
Apply diluted hydrogen peroxide, then wash off after two minutes
Apply diluted Betadine solution (mix ¼ of this over-the-counter brownish red antiseptic with ¾ water) and let it dry for two minutes
Thoroughly wash off all Betadine
Apply over-the-counter antibiotic ointment. If your doctor will call in a prescription strength ointment called Bactroban, then this may work better.

It may take one or two days for this treatment to start to improve the infection, but it should not keep getting worse during this treatment.

More serious infection – if the redness and drainage continue to worsen, or your child develops fevers or red streaks extending out from the bite, then you should see your doctor right away. If it is after hours, you should page your doctor. Your child will probably need antibiotics to treat the infection.

05-05-2009, 03:35 PM
Hittsy, You have always been told your good enough to eat. The buggies think so too. Just take out a razor blade and lance that BEATCH!

ghetto dad
05-05-2009, 04:09 PM
Dude, youre whiter than me hitts......:ROFL:



05-05-2009, 04:36 PM
Those bugs 0wned me ! lma00

Im still leaking ! Lma00

Im washing out evry hour with alcohol prep wipes...lma00

Talking about getting caught slippn ! :ROFL:

Not cool Br0 !

05-05-2009, 04:43 PM
Make sure you put some Neosporin on them hitts.......those are infected. I am allergic to skeeter bites too. Believe me alcohol won't cut it. peroxide to clean and Neosporin to cover is the easiest. See the MD if the redness gets worse. (Those skeeter like ETOH......That's why they went after u :ROFL:)

05-05-2009, 04:47 PM
Since when did you start shaving your legs?


05-05-2009, 04:52 PM
Make sure you put some Neosporin on them hitts.......those are infected. I am allergic to skeeter bites too. Believe me alcohol won't cut it. peroxide to clean and Neosporin to cover is the easiest. See the MD if the redness gets worse. (Those skeeter like ETOH......That's why they went after u :ROFL:)

ETHO? Whats that ?

05-05-2009, 10:13 PM
Since when did you start shaving your legs?


:ROFL: since the day he started paying more attention to fishing and stopped
kickin it with stalker honey :ROFL:

05-06-2009, 08:21 AM
are those Fruit Of The Looms you've got on? I have that same color!!!


best thing for those bites is to "soak it insider" LOL

later bro.

05-06-2009, 08:51 AM
Man up!

Spray a little Windex or WD40 on that and keep fishing.