View Full Version : Santa Fe Dam Bass

05-04-2009, 06:29 PM
Never been fishing at the lake before. Did some bass fishing over the weekend. Bass were visible just took time to get the bigger ones to bite. Seemed some of the bass were still on beds. Plenty of 3-5LB range from shore fishing on the side with trees and brush. Got one 3 to 4lber to hit on a 4 inch purple strait tail fishing texas rig. Other than that it seemed like the lake had a type of Eldorado Lakes in Long Beach curse. Decent fish and see them roaming but they will not hit anything. I also went fishing at Eldorado today. Didn't get nothing but seen a guy pull a nice bass out of the tulies. Must say the park has gone down on the side of the large lake. Water is really dark compared to fishing the place awhile back and it shows the public knows how to take care of parks by leaving there mess everywhere to include diapers and barbecue in the lake.....(just put new line on, might as well change it now after seeing that,haha) Alot of the tulies have grown making shore fishing hard and having limited space for now. Anyone ever have better luck at any of these spots? Also, anyone float tube Sante Fe Dam?

05-04-2009, 08:52 PM
Sante Fe is cool to float tube.Fish the islands w/ crank or spinnerbaits.I think it's like $6 plus entry.Plenty of fish.Should get better as the water warms...wouldn't it be cool if float tubing was allowed at ED ?

05-04-2009, 10:14 PM
cant speak on the bass pop at SFD but when they stock trout/catfish you have about 4 days TOPS before most are fished/eaten by the birds. although i did have a LMB bite a kastmaster once at SFD lol it was a baby only like 4 inches lol...

05-05-2009, 09:25 AM
I float tubed there last week and plan on going again this week, the bass are there it just takes time.

05-12-2009, 04:54 PM
mark & darius, thx for breaking me in last week w/ tubing.

05-13-2009, 07:58 AM
how is the carp fishing here? Ive been there once and looks like a cool place to fish

05-13-2009, 07:42 PM
I heard the birds eat the trout quickly at SF dam but do they eat the catfish as quickly since they are bottom feeders?