View Full Version : A Very Long, but Productive Day! South OC Recon Mission - Sunday 5/3/09

05-04-2009, 02:03 PM
Got a call from my buddy Anthony (Anferny7) AKA "The Surfing Playboy", inviting me to come on down to do a little surf fishing on Sunday. So I gave Mike (Bones) a call and told him let's head South for a change. I have fished this area a few times, but mostly on the beaches. So the plan was to recon the entire area from the beach, to the jetties and into the harbor. And we did just that, it was the longest foot assaut for me ever. Hit the beach at 6:00am and back in the parking lot at 8:00pm. We covered many miles on the 14 hour foot assault. Mission completed, we gathered valuable information on the area and enjoyed some good fishing too.

Many firsts was accomplished on Sunday, along with a surprised catch and a PB for Mike. Just want to share with all you guys & gals my fun day fishing with friends. Enjoy!

Conditions: Early morning partly cloudy skies giving way to sunshine. Pleasant breezy day in the OC. Moderate to rough surf conditions with minimal salad. Fishing an outgoing tide. Water temperature has reached the 60 degrees + mark in the OC. All fish were caught on the LC FM110 or dropshotting Berkley Gulp Saltwater 4-5" Minnow & Jerkshads.

I will let the pics tell the story of our day and recap at the end.

Sunrise in the OC.

Mike gearing up with his new breathable waders.

First Flat Boy of the day.


Anthony's first Halibut on the dropshot. Congrats buddy, too bad you couldn't stay with us for the all day long assault.

Highlight of the day! While working a trough near the shore line on the dropshot. Mike gets hammered, strong fish ripping drag... I looked over and see him hanging on for dear life as the freight train is taking off. The end results was a trophy Corbina, Mike's personal best... beautiful fish, simply awesome!




The release.

One of many, many short Flatties for the day. They may be short, but they are fun to catch.

My juvenile Bat Ray or Sting Ray.

Mike's bendo on a short Butt.

Pesky Tom Cod, Queen Fish, City Dad's Squaw Fish or whatever you want to call these things.


So many shorts...


Here's an other one. I do believe that this is my smallest ever Flat Boy.













It was wide open on these annoying little guys during the evening bite. I lost count of how many we caught. We were horsing them in and shaking them off the hook constantly.


The last Flattie of the day.


Sunset in the OC.

Wow, what a fun day! By the time I got home it was almost 11:00pm. I was so tired, skipped dinner, dragged myself into the shower, downloaded the pics and as soon as my head hit the pillow... I was dead to the world. I'm certainly feeling it today.

Anthony, thanks for inviting me to come down to fish with you my friend. Surfing and fishing every day... living the good life!
Get that dropshotting thing down, it works!

Mike, what can I say buddy. You are as crazy as I am when it comes to fishing and one of the very few that can keep up with me. Congrats on the PB Croaker.
I had a blast, let's plan our next adventure!

Total fish count (all released)

Anthony (Anferny7) 2 hours only.
(1) Short Halibut

Mike (Bones)
(5) Short Halibut
(1) Corbina
(2) Sand Bass
Countless Queen Fish

Arthur (Wingnut)
(15) Short Halibut
(5) Sand Bass
(2) Spotted Bass
(1) Barred Surf Perch
(1) Bat Ray
Countless Queen Fish

Firsts for the day includes:
Mike's PB Corbina
Anthony's first dropshot Halibut.
A (15) Halibut day for me. Too bad they were all shorts.
A six species day for me (most ever).

Also, met a new FNN member out there on Sunday. Brendan (Buck48808) Thanks for introducing yourself and welcome!

Thanks for sharing our adventure everybody. Have a great week and don't forget about "Mom" next Sunday!

"I have come to realize, very few people go fishing that actually understand that it is not fish they are after."

Bonus pics.
The coolest thing is that at the end of the day when we were in the parking lot putting our gear away, we were approached by a DFG Warden. He checked our fishing licenses and asked about our catch and if we kept anything. We chatted with him for a few minutes and he proceeded to stop all the fishermen as they were coming off the jetties... AWESOME!

Flashlight in-hand, checking the bucket brigade. He told us that he caught a boater today with a short WSB and gave a fat ticket!

Junior lifeguards in training. I guess we're done fishing at this spot.

Mike, this is NOT how we do combat fishing!!!









Inputting vital data on the area.

Parting shot.
Were you expecting a pic of Wingnut Pug? Haha
These little guys were everywhere. They hopped in the car and stole Mike's bag of chips!

All ready for the Surf event!

05-04-2009, 02:17 PM
Looks like you guys really had a fun and producive day out there congrats to u both on your PB's........OFG

05-04-2009, 02:19 PM
That's hardcore!
Congrats on your, Anthony & Mike many "first" and productive day guys.


05-04-2009, 02:33 PM
I'm still smiling bro !!!!!!
What an adventure and a serious combat day. The S.W.A.T (Salt Water Attack Force) has done it's recon and Dana Point has felt the wrath. It's always nice to watch the bucket brigades and local fisherman struggle to put together a productive day but we usually can find the best pattern for the day and come out on top. I didn't see anyone in the area have nearly the productive day as we did. That's because we are always on a mission and trying to put together a pattern and find the bait and fish. Structure baby....Gotta find the structure and the bait. It was amazing to me how little bait there was (Virtually slim to none) but we still found the pattern and that would have not been accomplished without ALOT of moving around and rockhopping.
I actually overslept today !!!!!
I always wake up by 5am but today I woke up to the ringing of my cell phone and it was a call from one of my customers....LOL
Oh crap.........It's 8am !!!!
This was the most beat I've felt for a long time but I consider it Pre-conditioning for the REAL assaults in the next few months.....It's only going to get better and I'm excited about our next planned adventure already. Good luck to you,Steve and Eric next sunday my friend.
Thanks for all of the pics and the detailed aspects of our day........Absolutely Perfect.

That Bean really rocked my world and It's been serious long time since I've felt the drag burning runs of a big bean in the surf current.........Priceless......I'm still smiling!

I could have swore that you took a tape measure pic of my PB bean.......Just for the record folks.....She was 23" and I'd say about 4lbs give or take!

05-04-2009, 02:40 PM
Nice job out there on the bounty of fish, quite a vast array as well.

Always good to expand your horizons and explore new options and dial them in....
Looks like you guys did just that.

Congrats on a solid days bite, looks like a lot of fun and many fish for your efforts.

Nice work,

05-04-2009, 02:41 PM
WOW 14hr foot assault. Nice little adventure there. Hellz yeah Keep fishing HARD!!!!! Congrats on the PB Corbina Mike!

Santa Fe Eric
05-04-2009, 03:55 PM
Absolutely Awesome Report!:Applause::Applause::Applause:

When you guys do it....You do it big!

05-04-2009, 04:02 PM
Sadly Wingnut I've caught smaller Halibut...lol. Wow a six species day that's awesome you guys always kill out there.

05-04-2009, 04:12 PM
You guys are hardcore! From sunrise to sunset....looks like you guys did the grand tour of all the local spots!

That is one outstanding corbina Bones!

I went out yesterday afternoon to Torrey and flung the Kroc in the big waves, with the result being one small foul-hooked pinback (I think thats what it was cause it was brownish and had a thorn coming out of its dorsal). I didn't have the heart to even take a pic cause the fishing was so dismal....I never tried the sand crabs either cause while the beds are loaded, their all small still.

Looking forward to more reports from you guys this summer!

05-04-2009, 04:31 PM
Wow! a 14 hour southern recon! Great job on all the flatties and congrats on that NICE corbina. That must have been a new first right? 14 hours on foot? or is this a typical wingnut/bones outing. I hate it when people ask for spots and dont realize how much time and dedication you have to put into finding them. Thanks for the report guys and i look forward to bumping into u guys on the sand this summer!

- Vic

05-04-2009, 04:34 PM
Good job on the personal best corbina bones and the first 6 species day Arthur! That corbina is definitely a trophy, what did it tape out at? I can tell you guys went far south because that is a diamond sting ray. I have only heard about them being caught with regularity in Mission Bay, but you guys found a stray in the harbor.

Also, is bones fishing with a spinning reel?!

05-04-2009, 04:55 PM
Damn, that's a crazy long day. :Shocked: Pretty impressive for a couple of old farts. :ROFL: Nice job guys.

05-04-2009, 05:01 PM
Nice report and pics guys! Congrats Bones on your pb corbina. That thing has some sholders on it, nice! I didn't think you would end up hanging with Arthur because of your toe, nice job biting the bullet on that.

Kill, Kill, Kill!!!!

05-04-2009, 05:05 PM
Sweet looks like you guys had a great day out there one had a PB bean the other had the most multi spec in one outing and a first DS fish very cool. Thanks for the pics and report now all we need to do is find the legals stacked up.


ghetto dad
05-04-2009, 05:16 PM
NICE NICE report brother!!! Excellent!! I saw that color jerk shad today, i was going to pick them up, and didnt...im going back!! :LOL:GD

05-04-2009, 05:44 PM
nice report! lots of fish... can you beat this hali???
even the pic is small!

05-04-2009, 05:45 PM
nice report! lots of fish... can you beat this hali???
even the pic is small!
that doesnt look like a halibut, looks like a sandab

05-04-2009, 05:53 PM
WOW that is quite an adventure you guys went on, congrats on all the sweet looking fish. Great report Arthus, lotsa cool pics! WTG on that big ol' bean Bones!


05-04-2009, 06:11 PM
Fantastic trip, equally fantastic report Arthur and Mike. I'm not surpised that you guys outfished the bucket brigade. With the artificials, you move around a lot more and locate the fish, not just sit there in one place and wait for a bite. :Wink: Darn, all those flatties and no legals, just imagine what if. See ya at the poker party Saturday night Art, you're going for an all nighter again? :Twisted: Ahhh, the carefree life of a bachelor. :Envious:

05-04-2009, 06:43 PM
Arthur, Mike & Anthony,

As always another productive day.

Congrats on the first D/S Flattie. Too bad you could not hang out for the long haul of Combat Fishing due to other commitments!


Congrats on the very nice Bean and from the Bendo Shot I thought you had something much bigger but they are a very tough fish to be able to survive in their hunting grounds and get pounded time after time by the surf and make a speedy escape only to be back hunting the shallow before the next set!:Thumbs Up:

I feel your pain as I have been out with you 2 and also know where you guys were in every pic and know you put in some miles today. Maybe it was a good thing you took the long walk down the Jetty in Ventura our last trip out as preparation for this adventure!


Great trip as always! The legals avoided you again but only 15 Flatties and new PB # of Species in 1 day.

Here I am again on page 2 or 3 because I saw your post come up around 12, went to pick up Brad from school at 2, and did some cooking, and I come back to being bumped to the back burner!


Thanks for another great report!


05-04-2009, 07:19 PM
Very nice report Wingnut, man 14 hours of fishing now that's crazy!

05-04-2009, 08:55 PM
Haven't posted anything in a while, but I gotta say this session was pretty cool. I only caught 1 butt, but was super stoked to finally get one on a ds. Confidence builder for sure! I learned much from Bones and Wingnut, and was definitely paying very close attention to where and how they both fished.

I remember at one point Wingut was fishing between Bones and I, and he brought in 6 or 7 short butts... to my 0!!! Then he fell in the rocks(not that I was happy about that or anything). Thx fellas, looking forward to hitting your turf someday.

05-04-2009, 09:07 PM
OUTSTANDING REPORT!! Really nice photographs too!! Wow!

05-04-2009, 11:59 PM
It is simply too much! 14 hrs of fishing is just insane. man, you guys do it hardcore. I wish I had that much energy.

great report Wingnut. I look forward to your reports. it's like reading a greate novel.

great job.

05-05-2009, 12:01 AM
Arthur, it seems you slay the hali's where ever you go!! You caught more fish in this 1 outing than I have since the beginning of the year!! :LOL:

Mike, very nice Bean on the gulp there too

If that was just a recon, I can only imagine what you guys will catch down there when things get going!!

05-05-2009, 12:36 AM
You play as hard as you work Art. I guess you have to do that to keep a good balance in life and to maintain your sanity. You are one of the few that get it buddy, don't ever change. :Cool:
You call that only a recon trip??? If I had a day like that I'd retire from fishing. :LOL: See you Saturday, let's lock up our spots in Vegas for July.

btw, good call on the games tonight, you're two for two so far. I can't believe you took Houston and Orlando. Lakers in six!

05-05-2009, 12:38 AM
Awesome job on the the mixed species!! Bones, that is a beautiful corbina! Definitely a species i want to catch this summer. :Smile:

Wingnut, sorry to hear that the legals weren't out to play, but it seems you had every other fish jumping all over your line.

14 hours on foot must have been exhausting, but at least it paid off. Good job out there guys.

05-05-2009, 07:15 AM
Great story!! You guys caught alot of fish!! You took alot of photos too!! Have you ever dropped your camera into the water when taking a photo?

Cool picture of the DFG guy. That guy looks like an ex-NFL linebacker!! Nice to see them around...

City Dad
05-05-2009, 08:46 AM
WTG, Wingnut!

Could you post another, enlarged pic of the perch please?

05-05-2009, 09:01 AM
Nice catches guys. The harbor has been really good lately. If I wasnt going out of town, I'd be hitting it up. Nice to see people on this board fishing in my neck of the woods.

05-05-2009, 09:25 AM
Great report Wingnut! Always enjoy reading them.

Nessie Hunter
05-05-2009, 11:15 AM
Mike, congrats on the PB, nice catch dude!!!

Great read & pics (like always)..
A pleasure to read. That was quite the 'walk about'!!!
Good job....

Native Gal
05-05-2009, 02:30 PM
14-hour aggressive recon, wow, can't wait for the full on assault from you guys. With the weather finally warming the assault looks to be soon, very soon. WTG on the multi-species day and major Congrats to Bones on yet another PB from the surf in such a short time. Just leave the mini-cakes alone, LOL.
Thanks for a great report and all the awesome pixs :Thumbs Up:.
Oh, to be in the know on the data inputted, :Secret:. Watch out for them pesky little ground squirrels, I guess even they have heard of you Wing"NUT", he looks to be on the attack.


05-05-2009, 02:30 PM
Art, we've been friends forever. You're my age and to this day, I still have no clue where you get all your energy from. No drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes, come to think of it, you don't even drink coffee. Lauren tells me FORGET the VIAGRA, do what Arthur is doing! :ROFL::ROFL::ROFL:
A fourteen hour fishing session, not chillin' on some boat but on foot! Props to Bones for keeping pace. :EyePop: I've been surf fishing with you before so I know how demanding it can be. Tough but fun, Wingnut never fails to entertain his guests. See you this weekend buddy, one more good tournament and I'll be going to Vegas with you guys in July!!! :Envious:

Phuong - BW

05-05-2009, 03:41 PM
Great Day out there guys. Phenom Corbina Bones! MY PB is 20" and that thing dwarfs it. Awesome Job!

05-05-2009, 05:02 PM
Looks like you guys really had a fun and producive day out there congrats to u both on your PB's........OFG
Thanks Chris, make sure that you come to the upcoming surf event in July!

That's hardcore!
Congrats on your, Anthony & Mike many "first" and productive day guys.

Thanks Khanh, I'm still trying to catch that big legal on the custom surf creation you made for me.

I'm still smiling bro !!!!!!
What an adventure and a serious combat day. The S.W.A.T (Salt Water Attack Force) has done it's recon and Dana Point has felt the wrath. I actually overslept today !!!!!
I always wake up by 5am but today I woke up to the ringing of my cell phone and it was a call from one of my customers....LOL
Oh crap.........It's 8am !!!!

Thanks for all of the pics and the detailed aspects of our day........Absolutely Perfect.

That Bean really rocked my world and It's been serious long time since I've felt the drag burning runs of a big bean in the surf current.........Priceless......I'm still smiling!
I do believe that the reason that we had a decent day is because we moved around a lot Mike. We went to the fish and found them instead of waiting for them to move into a particular area. A lot more fun, that's for sure. Strange how we really didn't see that much bait in the water at all and what we did see were only micro-baits. Oh well, it can only get better.
I was dead tired too, I did exactly what I told you that I would do when I got to work, closed the office door and took a nice long nap. :LOL: Congrats again on the PB big Bean, that was definitely the highlight of the trip. The pic of it taping out at 23-24 inches is up.
You and Lucas should tube NPH when Steve, Eric & I get out there here shortly, maybe this weekend. I had a great time on Sunday, let's plan our next assault.

Nice job out there on the bounty of fish, quite a vast array as well.

Always good to expand your horizons and explore new options and dial them in....
Looks like you guys did just that.

Always good to make time to recon different areas so when the time is right, you will be prepared. It was fun catching all the different species, pretty normal fishing most jetties and harbors... you never quite sure what's on the other end of the line. :Twisted:

WOW 14hr foot assault. Nice little adventure there. Hellz yeah Keep fishing HARD!!!!! Congrats on the PB Corbina Mike!
Thanks Russ, you need to join Mike & I one of these days bro.

Absolutely Awesome Report!

When you guys do it....You do it big!
If you're gonna do it, do it right! Looking forward to fishing with you very soon Big "E". :Wink:

Sadly Wingnut I've caught smaller Halibut...lol. Wow a six species day that's awesome you guys always kill out there.
Any smaller and we'd be calling them "bait". :LOL: Multi-species days are always fun.

You guys are hardcore! From sunrise to sunset....looks like you guys did the grand tour of all the local spots!

That is one outstanding corbina Bones!

Looking forward to more reports from you guys this summer!
Rich, the SD area is on our hit list of one of the places we need to recon. I'll hit you up when it's time, maybe you can be our personal guide.

Wow! a 14 hour southern recon! Great job on all the flatties and congrats on that NICE corbina. That must have been a new first right? 14 hours on foot? or is this a typical wingnut/bones outing. I hate it when people ask for spots and dont realize how much time and dedication you have to put into finding them. Thanks for the report guys and i look forward to bumping into u guys on the sand this summer!

- Vic
You're right Vic, that was the longest foot assault ever. Tough, but fun and we learned a lot. I feel that it's much more satisfying putting in the time and effort finding spots than to have somebody hand it to you. Most of the time, the info. you get is not quite correct anyways. It's best to get out there and find out for yourself. I'm sure that our paths will cross in the sand one day Vic.

Good job on the personal best corbina bones and the first 6 species day Arthur! That corbina is definitely a trophy, what did it tape out at? I can tell you guys went far south because that is a diamond sting ray. I have only heard about them being caught with regularity in Mission Bay, but you guys found a stray in the harbor.

Also, is bones fishing with a spinning reel?!
Mike's Bean taped out between 23-24 inches. We took a quick measure, snapped a couple of pics and back into the surf it went.
The Sting Ray was cool, but I didn't like that tail whipping around with the stinger showing.
Mike uses the spinning outfit while working tight structures. I prefer to do the same thing. Take care Marc and I hope you're doing well on your exams.

Damn, that's a crazy long day. Pretty impressive for a couple of old farts. :ROFL: Nice job guys.
You know what they say, you're only as old as you feel. When I'm out there fishing, I feel like a twenty year old again. :LOL: Are you coming over Saturday night for the party?

Nice report and pics guys! Congrats Bones on your pb corbina. That thing has some shoulders on it, nice! I didn't think you would end up hanging with Arthur because of your toe, nice job biting the bullet on that.

Kill, Kill, Kill!!!!
Thanks Pat, the truth is Mike was hurting all over, so he didn't really notice the pain in his toe. :ROFL:

Sweet looks like you guys had a great day out there one had a PB bean the other had the most multi spec in one outing and a first DS fish very cool. Thanks for the pics and report now all we need to do is find the legals stacked up.

You missed another nice trip Lucas. You & Mike should tube the NPH when Steve, Eric & I hit it up here very soon.
Yeah, we're ALL waiting for the "legals" to start stacking up, it's hit or miss right now.

NICE NICE report brother!!! Excellent!! I saw that color jerk shad today, i was going to pick them up, and didnt...im going back!! GD
My favorite colors are Smelt, Silver Mud, Black Shad, Pearl White and Emerald Shiner. I use the 4 or 5 inch Minnows and Jerkshads, depending on the size of the bait I see in the water. I don't fish live bait often, but this Gulp product is as close as it gets. :Twisted:

nice report! lots of fish... can you beat this hali???
even the pic is small!
Haha, where did you catch that... IHOP??? That's about as long as a 5 inch LC. It's amazing how aggressive these Flatties get, no matter what their size is.

that doesnt look like a halibut, looks like a sandab
You're probably right, I lump them all into one class... "pancakes". :LOL:
BTW - Bob called me this morning, he's hitting up both Castaic AND Pyramid today. :Twisted:

WOW that is quite an adventure you guys went on, congrats on all the sweet looking fish. Great report Arthus, lotsa cool pics! WTG on that big ol' bean Bones!

Thanks Aaron, I'll see ya at one of the upcoming events.

Fantastic trip, equally fantastic report Arthur and Mike. I'm not surpised that you guys outfished the bucket brigade. With the artificials, you move around a lot more and locate the fish, not just sit there in one place and wait for a bite. Darn, all those flatties and no legals, just imagine what if. See ya at the poker party Saturday night Art, you're going for an all nighter again? Ahhh, the carefree life of a bachelor. :Envious:
Vincent, you couldn't get me to sit still long enough to join the bucket brigade. :LOL: Man, don't I wish that some of those shorties were legal. I would trade all fifteen of my shorts for a single legal.
My life is not so carefree, I have stress just like everybody else. But it's how you manage that stress that determines the difference between being miserable and being happy. Good luck Saturday night, you're gonna need it. :Twisted:

Arthur, Mike & Anthony,

As always another productive day.

Congrats on the first D/S Flattie. Too bad you could not hang out for the long haul of Combat Fishing due to other commitments!


Congrats on the very nice Bean and from the Bendo Shot I thought you had something much bigger but they are a very tough fish to be able to survive in their hunting grounds and get pounded time after time by the surf and make a speedy escape only to be back hunting the shallow before the next set!:Thumbs Up:


Great trip as always! The legals avoided you again but only 15 Flatties and new PB # of Species in 1 day.

Here I am again on page 2 or 3 because I saw your post come up around 12, went to pick up Brad from school at 2, and did some cooking, and I come back to being bumped to the back burner!


Thanks for another great report!

Thanks Steve, we were thinking about you on Sunday. Mike & I were saying that Steve would really dig fishing in this area either on foot or on the boat. We're gonna get you on that legal Butt in the surf shortly. Let's firm up our plans for the next couple of weekends before you lose your Sundays. :Wink: See you very soon my friend.

Very nice report Wingnut, man 14 hours of fishing now that's crazy!
Time really flies when you're having fun. We didn't realize how late it was getting until it started getting dark. A tough, but fun outing.

Haven't posted anything in a while, but I gotta say this session was pretty cool. I only caught 1 butt, but was super stoked to finally get one on a ds. Confidence builder for sure! I learned much from Bones and Wingnut, and was definitely paying very close attention to where and how they both fished.

I remember at one point Wingut was fishing between Bones and I, and he brought in 6 or 7 short butts... to my 0!!! Then he fell in the rocks(not that I was happy about that or anything). Thx fellas, looking forward to hitting your turf someday.
You only fished with us for a couple of hours so one decent short Hali is not bad at all Anthony. Keep practicing that DS technique, it works!
When we were all fishing together in close proximity in that one spot, I must be casting into a barrel or something down there. All those shorts were just going nuts with every cast. I think I nailed six of them in like 15 minutes. Sorry that they didn't pay much attention to you... maybe they smell the suntan lotion or the surfboard wax coming off your hands or something dude. :ROFL: And I did see you trying to hold it in when I fell on my a** on the rocks. :Evil: Lucky I didn't break my tail bone. :LOL:
Yes, you do need to come up to our neck of the woods one of these days. There's plenty of hot surfing spots up here too.
Let's see if I can set something up with Bob for us to hit Castaic or Pyramid in the next few weeks, he's been swamped with guide trips lately.

OUTSTANDING REPORT!! Really nice photographs too!! Wow!
Thanks man, this was a fun report to write.

It is simply too much! 14 hrs of fishing is just insane. man, you guys do it hardcore. I wish I had that much energy.

great report Wingnut. I look forward to your reports. it's like reading a greate novel.

great job.
Thanks HF, I appreciate that. I need to find myself a Butt like the one you nabbed a couple of weeks ago, that's something else man!

Arthur, it seems you slay the hali's where ever you go!! You caught more fish in this 1 outing than I have since the beginning of the year!!

Mike, very nice Bean on the gulp there too

If that was just a recon, I can only imagine what you guys will catch down there when things get going!!
Thanks John, I only wish that the Flatties were more of the legal variety but I can't complain. :LOL:
Sometimes, the recon trip turns out to be even better than the thoroughly planned out ones. Take care and good luck out there.

You play as hard as you work Art. I guess you have to do that to keep a good balance in life and to maintain your sanity. You are one of the few that get it buddy, don't ever change.

btw, good call on the games tonight, you're two for two so far. I can't believe you took Houston and Orlando. Lakers in six!
Hey, if you work hard... you earned the right to play hard. :Cool: I got a good formula going, no need to change it for anything, or anyone. :Wink:
Yes, it was quite a recon trip, well worth the effort that's for sure.
I analyzed the points standings and I'm already in no matter what happens Saturday bro. You need to come in at least seventh place in the tournament to lock up your spot. Just make the final table and I think you'll be in, good luck!
About the bets, I had a feeling that the Celtics & Lakers was going to fall flat on their faces. It was clean sweep for me for both games, taking the point spread, halftime and over/under... ohhh yeahhhh. I got Cleveland and Denver to cover the spread tonight.

Awesome job on the the mixed species!! Bones, that is a beautiful corbina! Definitely a species i want to catch this summer.

Wingnut, sorry to hear that the legals weren't out to play, but it seems you had every other fish jumping all over your line.

14 hours on foot must have been exhausting, but at least it paid off. Good job out there guys.
Thanks Jaysuuun, I've been stuck in the short Flattie mode here for a little while. Mike (Bones) is leading me in the legal category so far this year by at least five fish. :Envious: But he also fish three times more a week than I do so... :Wink:
Yeah, it was a long and strenuous outing but totally worth it. I'll be hitting up the NPH with the Harbor Master very soon, so maybe I'll see you & Tess out there. :Wink:

Great story!! You guys caught alot of fish!! You took alot of photos too!! Have you ever dropped your camera into the water when taking a photo?

Cool picture of the DFG guy. That guy looks like an ex-NFL linebacker!! Nice to see them around...
Thanks Dean, no worries about the camera. I learned my lesson a long time ago after two water damaged beyond repair units. Now I have a waterproof, sandproof, shockproof, freezeproof... Wingnutproof camera. :LOL:

WTG, Wingnut!

Could you post another, enlarged pic of the perch please?
Haha, Tim you know that the Perch will always have a special place in my heart. It was a Perch that was responsible for my surf fishing addiction.

Nice catches guys. The harbor has been really good lately. If I wasnt going out of town, I'd be hitting it up. Nice to see people on this board fishing in my neck of the woods.
The water has warmed up quite a bit down there. The wide open bite shouldn't be too far off for you guys, lucky you! I was talking to a couple of kayak fishermen and there has been some quality fish being taken in the last couple of weeks. :Wink: Good luck to you out there!

Great report Wingnut! Always enjoy reading them.
Thank you! This was a fun report to put together.

Mike, congrats on the PB, nice catch dude!!!

Great read & pics (like always)..
A pleasure to read. That was quite the 'walk about'!!!
Good job....
Thanks Frank, I would say that we probably walked about 5-6 miles in total on Sunday. That's nothing, it's the rock hopping that gets a little tiring and a bit awkward. The reels you took care of for me are perfect. :Thumbs Up:

Oh, to be in the know on the data inputted, :Secret:. Watch out for them pesky little ground squirrels, I guess even they have heard of you Wing"NUT", he looks to be on the attack.

NG, I know my secrets are safe with you. :Secret: God forbid if my laptop or handheld GPS unit ever go missing. :Twisted:
It was so funny, I dropped a Gulp Jerkshad and one of the Squirrels grabbed it and took off. You should have seen the look in its face when it tried to eat it. It shook it's head wildly, dropped the bait and ran off... hilarious. Hope you & Mike can get back out there and fish soon.

Art, we've been friends forever. You're my age and to this day, I still have no clue where you get all your energy from. No drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes, come to think of it, you don't even drink coffee. Lauren tells me FORGET the VIAGRA, do what Arthur is doing! :ROFL:
I've been surf fishing with you before so I know how demanding it can be. Tough but fun, Wingnut never fails to entertain his guests. See you this weekend buddy, one more good tournament and I'll be going to Vegas with you guys in July!!!

Phuong - BW
Don't need all that stuff to enjoy life Phuong. The best way to go through life is doing it sober. :Cool: See you Saturday my friend, hope you make the point standings!

Great Day out there guys. Phenom Corbina Bones! MY PB is 20" and that thing dwarfs it. Awesome Job!
Thanks Binger, I have yet to catch a Corbina legally... I snagged one accidentally once. My true goal is to get one on the fly gear one of these days.

05-05-2009, 05:04 PM
Arthur, Mike,

that was definitely a dedicated assault on the sea.

When I spoke to Mike Monday, his conversation was split between pain, and the PB croaker.

Way to go, friends, fishing, fun, not much more can be said.


05-05-2009, 05:59 PM
Great work fellas! Thanks for the report!

05-05-2009, 07:17 PM
You know what they say, you're only as old as you feel. When I'm out there fishing, I feel like a twenty year old again. :LOL: You coming over Saturday night for the party?

Damn, I wish I had your energy brother. Can't make it to your party Saturday night, I'll call ya later.

By the way, I have all the stuff that Dana wanted, i'll give it to you Friday so you can give it to him. I gave him the Good Guy discount. :Wink:

05-05-2009, 08:15 PM
I don't know what to say, everybody else pretty much covered it. My buddy in Henderson NV that I use to surf fish with let me know about this post. And I thought we were hard core!

Now I have to get back down to South OC and play. Thanks for the tease!

05-05-2009, 08:38 PM
Great report as always, Arthur! Reading your report makes me want to go out surf fishing... Haven't been out for a while due to foul weather (windy!!) and kids' sports but hopefully soon. See you out there!

05-05-2009, 09:17 PM

05-05-2009, 10:54 PM
Arthur, Mike,

that was definitely a dedicated assault on the sea.

When I spoke to Mike Monday, his conversation was split between pain, and the PB croaker.

Way to go, friends, fishing, fun, not much more can be said.

Thanks Scott, it was a very enjoyable day. Hey, congrats on the nice Linesides at Castaic, awesome job!

Great work fellas! Thanks for the report!
Thanks man, your avatar pic cracks me up. :ROFL:

Damn, I wish I had your energy brother. Can't make it to your party Saturday night, I'll call ya later.

By the way, I have all the stuff that Dana wanted, i'll give it to you Friday so you can give it to him. I gave him the Good Guy discount. :Wink:
No sweat bro, I'm tired of taking your money anyway. :Twisted: Thanks for getting that stuff for the Godfather, I'll see ya on Friday. :Cool:

I don't know what to say, everybody else pretty much covered it. My buddy in Henderson NV that I use to surf fish with let me know about this post. And I thought we were hard core!

Now I have to get back down to South OC and play. Thanks for the tease!
They're out there and willing to play, hopefully soon, the bigger models will join the fun. Get out there man. :Wink:

Great report as always, Arthur! Reading your report makes me want to go out surf fishing... Haven't been out for a while due to foul weather (windy!!) and kids' sports but hopefully soon. See you out there!
Your priorities are a little different than mine Steve. :Wink: Keep me posted on the conditions and the bite at our spots up there will ya? Hopefully, I'll be seeing you up there very soon. :Cool:

Haha, you know me too well Bob. Just doing a little business on-line and business has been good. :Wink: :Twisted: :Secret: As soon as I clear my current commitments in the salt, we'll be heading out on the Striper kill together. You're killing me with the almost daily reports! :LOL: :Envious:

Additional pics.
















Wingnut Pug says "Hey, when is this Surf Event anyway?!? I'm ready!"


05-06-2009, 12:04 AM
About the bets, I had a feeling that the Celtics & Lakers was going to fall flat on their faces. It was clean sweep for me for both games, taking the point spread, halftime and over/under... ohhh yeahhhh. I got Cleveland and Denver to cover the spread tonight.

Oh my God bro, two for two again tonight. Your bookie must hate you. :Twisted:
It's no joke how lucky you are and I'm not even talking about fishing. :Envious:

05-06-2009, 08:11 PM
Oh my God bro, two for two again tonight. Your bookie must hate you. :Twisted:
It's no joke how lucky you are and I'm not even talking about fishing. :Envious:

Okay, Art's got the first game tonight right, Cleveland -11 1/2, let's see if he can get the second game too, Lakers -10. If you win again Art, dinner on you Saturday night. :Wink:

After May 18th, I can hit the surf with you, I earned a couple of weekend furlows!

05-06-2009, 10:35 PM
Oh my God bro, two for two again tonight. Your bookie must hate you. :Twisted:
It's no joke how lucky you are and I'm not even talking about fishing. :Envious:
Luck...? Yeah, let's just call it luck... :Wink: People who think it's luck have no business sports betting. :Twisted:

Okay, Art's got the first game tonight right, Cleveland -11 1/2, let's see if he can get the second game too, Lakers -10. If you win again Art, dinner on you Saturday night. :Wink:

After May 18th, I can hit the surf with you, I earned a couple of weekend furlows!

Walk in the park Phuong, dinner on me Saturday night. :Wink: Looking forward to hitting the surf with you my friend, it's been too long. :Cool:

Go Lakers!!!


05-09-2009, 09:10 PM
wow!!! look like you guys had a blast out there..cant wait to give it a try one day on the surf...i just picked up some LC so i need to put it to use very soon

05-10-2009, 12:08 AM
a little late with this reply but great job out there! i love all the pics... looks like a really nice area down there. wowzers on the corbina, bones! and 6 species with 15 halis, what a great day! ya, like the others said, i don't know how you guys lasted all day... i had to take a short nap when we went out with the harbor masters for the day on jason's bday, lol. :LOL: hope to see you around nph sometime!

05-10-2009, 07:30 PM
wow!!! look like you guys had a blast out there..cant wait to give it a try one day on the surf...i just picked up some LC so i need to put it to use very soon
We had a great time Seng. Take a break from slaying all those Panfish & Striper and hit the surf. :Wink:

a little late with this reply but great job out there! i love all the pics... looks like a really nice area down there. wowzers on the corbina, bones! and 6 species with 15 halis, what a great day! ya, like the others said, i don't know how you guys lasted all day... i had to take a short nap when we went out with the harbor masters for the day on jason's bday, lol. :LOL: hope to see you around nph sometime!
Yeah Tess, we're old, but we're bold! It was a long and funfilled day. I will probably hit the NPH with the Harbor Master Flyngby next Sunday, maybe we'll see you guys out there. :Cool:
Got myself a legal Butt today. :Wink:

05-11-2009, 07:44 AM
Thanks for the report!

05-11-2009, 11:51 AM
Good stuff as always Arthur!...

Whenever I can't get out surf fishing...... YOUR PICTURES MAKE ME FEEL EVEN WORSE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! J/K! .... great pics my friend!

Six species day? Sweet!... always cool to keep bringing up something new... and 15 short butts is not bad either!

Great to see the DFG out there...... they are so short handed, but glad to see them on the prowl for poachers!.... next time ask if you can touch his gun! LMAO!

Nice to see Anthony (Anferny7) again!.... tell him I hope to see him at Legends III.

</end of shameless plug>.


05-12-2009, 12:12 AM
Thanks for the report!
Thanks Curt, where have you been man? :Cool:

Good stuff as always Arthur!...

Whenever I can't get out surf fishing...... YOUR PICTURES MAKE ME FEEL EVEN WORSE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! J/K! .... great pics my friend!

Six species day? Sweet!... always cool to keep bringing up something new... and 15 short butts is not bad either!

Great to see the DFG out there...... they are so short handed, but glad to see them on the prowl for poachers!.... next time ask if you can touch his gun! LMAO!

Nice to see Anthony (Anferny7) again!.... tell him I hope to see him at Legends III.

</end of shameless plug>.

It's getting harder and harder to fish with you my friend now that you're practically domesticated. :LOL: We're going in opposite directions my friend. :Wink:
I actually have seen more DFG officers out there this year than last year. Last year, I didn't even see one while out surf fishing. This year, three times already, pretty cool. You should have seen some of the bucket commandos sweating it out as he was measuring their little Sand and Calico Bass. He told us that he had instances when some of them dropped their buckets and ran. :ROFL:
Anthony lives not too far from Irvine Lake, I'm sure he'll make it to the Legends III event. Get signed up people, it's gonna be a good one! :Big Grin: Don't miss out on my Mom's egg rolls. :Envious:

05-17-2009, 07:32 AM
The S.W.A.T (Salt Water Attack Force)

i think SWAT sounds cool and would like to use it as much as possible throughout my day just like the next guy, but that's really stretching it!


05-17-2009, 02:51 PM
Awesome report Wingnut , what an adventure , a better report in a long time , thanks // db

05-17-2009, 11:40 PM
i think SWAT sounds cool and would like to use it as much as possible throughout my day just like the next guy, but that's really stretching it!

I think Mike meant to say Salt Water Attack Team. :Wink:

Awesome report Wingnut , what an adventure , a better report in a long time , thanks // db
Thank you, it was definitely a fun trip. :Cool: