View Full Version : Pyramid Hayhem 5-3-09

05-03-2009, 08:05 PM
Well I spent Saturday prepping the boat and tackle for a day of striper hunting. The day started out normal, trolling through the channel and landing a few in the normal spots. There was a bait and wait spot that was mentioned that I wanted to try before continuing the trolling game.

Well, I metered around for a good 1/2hr, until I found a very fishy stretch. I position the boat and make my way to the bow to drop the anchor, wait where is the anchor? No problem, I can slowly control my drift with the trolling motor. I managed two fish in a very short period. As I re bait and cast out again, a boat with three angler’s plows with in 10’ from me and beaches them selves. A call is made and with in 10 minutes, two other boats appear with 3 to 4 anglers apiece. They give me the same curtsey as the first and proceed to spread out on the LZ. I thought to my self, “no problem”, I will just reset further from the shoreline. Well to make a long story short, I had underestimated the salvo distance of a 10 and 12’ rod. What do you do?

On the troll again, a loud crack and the sight of my $500 outfit leaving my boat leaves me in shock! What the SH-T? I throw the buoy right behind it and reel the second outfit. I grab the Kroc rod and start fishing for my ˝ grand. In time the wind backs off enough for me to slowly jig the bottom to finally snag the line. I hand line the rod and reel then the spreader rig with a 6lb striper attached to it. What are the odds of that happening in 40’ of water?

I ended the day with just over a hard limit (released). I could not find a solid pattern to these fish today, but that’s what next week is for.


Big Ed
05-03-2009, 09:12 PM
That was an awesome report!

I felt like i was right there. Y'know some people have no class at all. Its those types of idiots that makes some of the other fishermen look bad.

Good job getting your limit!

Later; Big Ed!