View Full Version : Duct Perch

05-01-2009, 11:56 AM
Hit the duct this morning for a couple of hours and got the big 'ol skunk today. At the last spot I hit, there were 2 guys soaking bait and they got a DD at around 10lbs and another one around 5 to 6 lbs. earlier in the morning. They were taking off and I tried for a bit but nothing. They dumped like 3 bags of chovies and 2 tubs of liver in the duct before leaving. I guess someone is going to have a feast when they find all that food. I did see a school of perch playing near the edge and they were not spooked so there were no stripers in there at the moment. That was my clue to give it up for the day and go home. Here are 2 video clips I took of the perch. I wanted to have some visual since I didn't catch a fish to take a pic of.

http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo144/JetSkiJunkie118/Duct%20Perch/th_MVI_2980.jpg (http://s370.photobucket.com/albums/oo144/JetSkiJunkie118/Duct%20Perch/?action=view&current=MVI_2980.flv)

http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo144/JetSkiJunkie118/Duct%20Perch/th_MVI_2981.jpg (http://s370.photobucket.com/albums/oo144/JetSkiJunkie118/Duct%20Perch/?action=view&current=MVI_2981.flv)

05-01-2009, 12:02 PM
It's hard to see them in the uploaded clips. It was much better direct on my pc. You can still see one come up to the surface and nip on something. In the original clips you can see the whole school of them. Sorry for the quality after upload but I tried.

05-01-2009, 12:08 PM
Yeah! It is very hard to see the school. I only see 1 perch came up.
You'll get em next time bro. The Duct is juct a hit & miss place to fish.
check your PM's.


PS: My Perch lure's pattern I got from the perch out of the Duct.

05-01-2009, 12:11 PM
That's the one I won at the $mack Talk II raffle and I got it hung up and lost it earlier this week :( It is an excellent match to the tule perch in the duct.

05-01-2009, 12:16 PM
That's the one I won at the $mack Talk II raffle and I got it hung up and lost it earlier this week :( It is an excellent match to the tule perch in the duct.

It came from the belly of 22 lbs striper my buddy caught 2 yrs ago. He took a picture of the perch & give em to me.....That's how I got the Perch pattern lure.


05-01-2009, 12:21 PM
Do you have that one in 3/4 oz or just the 1 oz?

05-01-2009, 12:45 PM
good with the bad.....good with the bad...we all know....cant be good w/o bad...

And (proverb style) "grandfatha say...it neva rain every day !"

Consider it Dues paid, got that one out of the way, thats 1 trip closer to that monster trophy you seek...

Be ready....could be coming up soon.....

My # is in that lotto too.....can't win it...if you aint in it !
Sorry bout the skunk, you'll get ur revenge I'm sure..

05-01-2009, 12:48 PM
Do you have that one in 3/4 oz or just the 1 oz?

I got some of them, but did not have a chance to work on them yet. Lately the striper hit right on the bottom, so I just make the 1oz size, may be I'll make that next. They're kind of small compare to the 1oz size, but will see.


05-01-2009, 01:01 PM
I got some of them, but did not have a chance to work on them yet. Lately the striper hit right on the bottom, so I just make the 1oz size, may be I'll make that next. They're kind of small compare to the 1oz size, but will see.


In the Palmdale area, the weeds are far worse than other locations for some reason. The 1oz sinks too fast and snags the weeds too quick for my liking. Having trebles on the bottom like lipless crankbaits have is snag heaven in the duct if going low or on the bottom. I like to fish jigs, small swim shad and flukes on the bottom because of the jig head and upward hook are way less prone to snag and break off. I catch most of my fish in the mid to upper water column. I do get quite a few clam shells on the big trebles when fishing a lipless on the bottom. That or a snag and many times break off.

I would love to try out a 3/4oz skinny perch when available.