View Full Version : 1st Trip to the Pudd this year 4/25/09 *Pics*

Socal Bassman
04-26-2009, 12:05 PM
Bassguy called me up on friday and wanted to know if I was going fishing. After checking the weather forecasts for Perris and the Lagoon, it looked like the wind was going to be a factor. So, we decided to fish somewhere close to both of us. The Pudd seemed like it was the best option as the back of Sail Cove would give us some protection from the wind. So we thought. :LOL:

The weather was a bit breezy with a slight chill in the morning, but it wasn't too bad. Mostly cloudy in the beginning, until the sun came out and the clouds scattered as the day progressed. Water temps were 68*F-69*F in the main lake stuff and 70*F towards the back of Sail Cove. Water clarity was heavily stained at the docks with visibility to about 1.5ft. The rest of Sail Cove had visibility of about 2-3ft. The wind wasn't a problem until 3:00p.m.

Although the wind was cooperating for most of the day, the weren't. We started out at the shoreline across from the docks at 8:00a.m. and fished the entire shoreline out towards the main lake. Bassguy was the first to shed the Pudd skunk with a dink bass. Then we chatted a bit with a couple guys fishing out of their sweet looking Rangers. Not much was going on in the shallows, so we headed out towards the buoys. I was metering a lot of suspended fish, but no takers. By this time the wind started to pick up, so we decided to head towards the back of the cove. Bassguy worked one side and I worked the other. I went through several colors of Robos on a dropshot before going back to the Margarita Mutilator. Finally, I shed the Pudd skunk with a dink of my own fishing in 8ft. of water. Nothing after that. Both of tried several different techniques for nothing. Both of us eventually ended the day fishing a wacky rigged Jackall Flick Shake on a dropshot. Which produced not one, but two bonus fish for me. Although, they were not my intended target, fighting a couple nice looking rainbows to the boat is better than no fish at all. Both were in about 9ft. of water. I tried to fish the docks for a little while when the wind started gusting, but it was near impossible to stay in one place. I called it a day at 3:15p.m. and Bassguy came in shortly after. All in all, it wasn't a bad day. We had fun, we caught fish, and the Pudd once again reassured us that it is a tough lake to fish.

A whopping 12" Pudd bass

1st crazy trout to fall for a Flick Shake

2nd crazy trout to fall for the Flick Shake

04-26-2009, 12:33 PM
nice report man. yeah i dont know whats been going on at the Pudd, but its been fairly tough the last week or two.. maybe the weather patterns have been driving the bass a bit crazy

good job on the no skunk..

04-26-2009, 01:02 PM
good job socal, they stocked the pudd on the 23 of april.

God Bless


04-26-2009, 01:28 PM
It was a tough day at the Pudd, I have yet to have a productive day there. At least we both beat the skunk, which I rarely do. I have to agree both the Ranger boats we're nice, one day hope to own one. Once again, had a great time fishing with you Daryl, definitely nice to fish different bodies of water once in awhile.

04-26-2009, 01:50 PM
Hehe, crazy trouts biting the rubber worms all over lately. Must be the heat getting to them already.

Good work unskunking. Thanks for the report dude.