View Full Version : Seal Beach

04-22-2009, 02:50 PM
Went every monday for the last three weeks with my dad. Nothing but small yellow fin crockers and perch. caught a mess of macks 2 weeks ago and this pass monday caught a couple live bait size. the City of Seal Beach is also in the middle of redoing the wood deck so parking is a mess right now.


04-22-2009, 06:43 PM
hey whats up bro... if im correct i was the dude fishing next to you guys and left shorty after you guys arrived. ive gone there since sunday till today. Trying to fish for halibut... hence "trying".

04-24-2009, 09:55 AM
Well guys...Ive been fishing that spot for awhile now....Ok fishing at the pier but space and fish size is kinda iffy there.

Where fish is the jetty next to the naval station.

Early in the morning surf fishing is ok...but later on you can get some good hits even at night.

I got a halibut about week or two ago....I bought the hail rig from bigfishtackle.

Used whole bait...and modifyed the rig....with another live bait hook at the end. Dont not use treble hooks...way too much stuff to get cought on.

For weight use 5oz-8oz wights torps..... Dont leave slack in line or you wont see the halis take the bait....there kinda like cat fish....you gotta wait for the rod to bend really good to set that hook or untill its starts shaking his head.

Make sure get a gaff or net...you will need somthing like that on those rocks.

thats my 2cents.

04-26-2009, 09:59 AM
my friend went down to the pier a few weeks ago and said he couldnt keep the perch off his sabiki!
and redkorn ive tryed those rocks before at dusk every caught tons of fish except me! it looks like a good spot though

04-27-2009, 05:14 PM
Seal Beach Pier went nuts for me a ferw weeks ago! Tons of small walleye surch with a few croakers, smelt, macks, and even a small hali mixed in. All fish except the hali were on a p-line flouro sabiki with size 14 hooks.