View Full Version : Duct sat- Prepare to LAUNCH.......LAUNCH !

04-20-2009, 10:45 AM
When I say Prepare to launch….I MEAN IT !

Hit the duct after a nice skunk tour of Castaic !

Sloow…………no strikes…

After about an hour, I start feeling bad…just a bit at first….

I thought I’d lay down and shake it off….after a while, it wasn’t working, so I went and laid down in my truck…..

After about a 2 hr nap, I started feeling REAL BAD….off to the bushes and the gulley nearby……

Prepare to Launch !


And I’m doing the Technicolor Yawn !............repeatedly…

Don’t know if I got some food poisoning of some sort or some sort of 24 hr flu but after it passed through me I felt better but just REAL tired out from the experience….REALLY messed up my plans for Stripey !

No fishing Sunday for me as well….just rest…still feel a little weak right now.

A fishless weekend for me……I don’t know how to cope….!

Is there some sort of crisis number I can call now to deal with that ?

I think I must go out and get revenge sooner than later.


04-20-2009, 10:49 AM
go look at my report on the saltwater section...:Envious::Smile::EyePop:

04-20-2009, 10:55 AM
Everybody needs some rest from time to time. You can mentally hone you fishing skills while you lay there.
Get better and get out there!

trail blazer
04-20-2009, 11:08 AM
OUCH,,,,The ole atomic hurrel:Sad:
Hope your feeling better bro

04-20-2009, 11:11 AM
Whew! What a bummer!
That's what I call a win for the fish!

Get well soon. This fish will be there waiting when you return :Wink: