View Full Version : Castaic Upper Saturday Morning

04-20-2009, 10:34 AM
Hit Castaic Upper Saturday morning….went to fish hard !
And fish hard I did..

Started on the Dam slingin swimbaits…….


Went home and got my boat…kinda took my time and got back on the water at 9 or so..

Trolled for a while……metered many fish but not many willing participants..

Got hooked up once on my custom tied bucktails but it shook off..didnt feel too big anyway, maybe 2-3 lbs or so..

Trolled a major portion of the lake……..No LOVE !!!

Went to the buoy line and surrounding areas….trolled….NO LOVE !

Baited down there……NO LOVE ! I only metered a fish here and there and not very big either !
(it was around eleven by then and Hot !)

Didn’t hang around there at the buoy to see if the afternoon bait bite would click on !

Trolled on…….all the way into the mouth of Elizabeth…..NO LOVE !

The fish are funked in a way that I won’t attempt to explain……just thought I’d share my misfortune….

I went to go get revenge elsewhere later….that will be in another report !


04-20-2009, 11:08 AM
hmmm..its ok bud ull get em next time.(hows the water clarity?and water level?)thanks bud.

04-20-2009, 11:22 AM
hmmm..its ok bud ull get em next time.(hows the water clarity?and water level?)thanks bud.

Water is extremely clear, visibility at leasst 15', the water is down a little since about a week ago but seems to be relatively holding around the same level

04-20-2009, 11:39 AM
I feel ya Gary. Bob and I were out there all day Sunday. Trolled all over the lake, hit the bouy line area (which is broken by the way) for some bait & wait as well as several other areas. We had one hit on the troll and that was it... ddidn't see anybody else catch a single Striper. :Neutral: If Bob and I didn't limit out on Trout at the launch ramp... we would have been blanked. Something fishy is going on here with a couple of recent reports... but I'll discuss that with ya later. :Wink: :Secret:

04-20-2009, 12:06 PM
I feel ya Gary. Bob and I were out there all day Sunday. Trolled all over the lake, hit the bouy line area (which is broken by the way) for some bait & wait as well as several other areas. We had one hit on the troll and that was it... ddidn't see anybody else catch a single Striper. :Neutral: If Bob and I didn't limit out on Trout at the launch ramp... we would have been blanked. Something fishy is going on here with a couple of recent reports... but I'll discuss that with ya later. :Wink: :Secret:

YEAUUUUP, even though I don't plan my trip around those reports, it's does factor into whether or not I try those zones, I've spoken to a few people who have mentioned a fish or 2 here or there and that concurs with what I've seen and experienced.

There is clearly NO PATTERNED BITE GOING ON NOW...at least not for ME !

OR if someone is catching striper consistently......they are a better fiasherman than I can be
(and when I say that, I don't mean 4 oz. stripers)

It was definately time to go out and try things out, that is what I set out to do, I sorta knew that would be the case in my heart but it is something one should explore for themself !

It's just not the right time....one just has to be patient and go out there like we did and try things out......hopefully the next time we "try that out" it will be the day they click ON !

I have no regrets at all, I now have 1st hand knowledge of what is going on...

I saw great signs and potential....some of the fish I saw were clearly in a good fishable zone and they were clearly chasing bait....
Most seem to be of schoolie nature but I did see my share of good sizable marks..

When I state that, I am referring to the fish I saw actively chasing bait balls.

They are obviously COMPLETELY keyed in on that bait and don't want anything that deviates from that in any way...

Money in the bank...money in the bank as I see it...

That bait souce will diminish and they will loosen up their focus...OR, the bait will get to the top and they will go into topwater flurry....we could only hope for the latter...

IMPOSSIBLE to predict at this time but something will switch soon enough..it has to

I brought away some knowledge of where and how the fish are grouping up, the day was a learning experience if not anything.

I did see HUGE #'s of HUGE fish in the main channel STACKED at 160' to 200'......

NICE TROPHY class fish...those groupings didnt appear to be on the bait, just holding....RIGHT IN THE MAIN CREEK CHANNEL..out of the launch and right between C point and the east shore

I haven't seen them hold there in that pattern EVER, they usually do that just outside the jet ski area's in that DEPTH..in their normal yearly cycle !

It's a weird year and a wierd pattern (or lack of pattern)

Theyr'e not even really keyed hardcore on the last trout plant !

Wait till those fish come out of that depth and get on the go....it'll happen....we all just want it to happen now and by all means it should be going on now.....


we'll be there when it does though...

I salute you both for giving it the gung ho' approach and not letting down..

It'll pay off soon enough !

I feel the pain though !

04-20-2009, 12:42 PM
Yuuuup! It's been very tuff there lately! I fished it 2 weeks ago all day long hard for NOTHING. Although when I got there Scott's co worker at tackle shop was hitting it up right before gates opened and landed a 28lbr on bbz. (within a week after trout plant) And I saw it with my own eyes. Very nice fish! We need much more of those around hitting the surface. hahahaa That's when it's on!


04-20-2009, 12:54 PM
Water is extremely clear, visibility at leasst 15', the water is down a little since about a week ago but seems to be relatively holding around the same level
thanks for th info bud heading up tomm!!

trail blazer
04-20-2009, 01:56 PM
WTG on the effort gary
Im going to hit up that lake this yr with my boat as soon as it pics up.
and the MID again also.

Maby get to meet some FNNers down there.
Just put my new 57 sticker on my boat ,that will help with the MOJO,,LOL
thanks to dana ive got another 1 for my DUCTMOBILE and im sure thats whats keeping me in fish here.


04-20-2009, 06:20 PM
Sorry to hear about the.....the......the......you know, the......

04-21-2009, 09:33 AM
Sorry to hear about the.....the......the......you know, the......
What are you saying ?

Ha ha ha hahahaha...I will have my revenge....you can bank on that !

04-21-2009, 09:48 AM
I'm hearing rumors of a pretty significant drawdown coming to Castaic, maybe down to unlaunchable levels by July. No official word for now but MWD did mention tapping into State Water soon.

Tell those fish to stay away from the drain :Neutral:

04-21-2009, 09:53 AM
Better luck next time right!

04-21-2009, 10:31 AM
Gary, do you work???? LOL.. You are a fishing fool! If come up to the Duct this week for some night time action PM me and I will meet you there if I can and if you want the company. Artimus is in Northern California so he's not around lately. Been hitting it alone lately. Penny got a blister on her paw from fishing too hard so I went out alone last night for about 45 mins (9:00 pm). No love for me.