View Full Version : Vail Lake Members Only event results

Lynne Peterson
04-20-2009, 09:27 AM
Vail Lake Members Only

Thank you to the teams that participated in the first of 3 events that NBW will host for Vail Lake this year. Today we paid back 100% to the anglers and Vail Lake donated the membership renewal valued at $1,750.

Thank you to our staff team, Pete Marino, Guy Williams. Guy barbecued for all while Pete checked in the boats making sure everyone had bags for the weighin. Thank you also to Jason Chang for going out of his way and coming to the event just to help. Without great staff events do not run smoothly and we are very thankful and appreciative for their support.

We will be hosting another event on May 16th for members of Vail and NON MEMBERS also. First place will be guaranteed $5,000, second place will be guaranteed 2 memberships to Vail Lake!

Hope to see you there.

Team Members Evt #Fish Wgt B/F Total payout was $3,950 plus a Membership renewal valued at $1,750

1 CHRIS PENNINGTON/TONY DE MAIO 5 fish 5.02** 15.22 Vail Lake Membership renewal and $1,200 in cash (1st big bass) $2,950 value for all

2 PETE MARINO/GUY WILLIAMS 5 fish 3.9 15.05 $1,200

3 FRANK TAYLOR-DON SPENCER 5 fish 4.16 13.32 $675 (3rd big bass)

4 BRUCE BIDNICK-JEFF PAXSON 5 fish 4.63 11.59 $525 (2nd big bass)

5 THOMAS SMITH-BRIAN HUDSEN 5 fish 2.42 10.31 $200


7 RICK CEDANO-BRIAN DAY 5 fish 2.7 8.55


9 GORDAN GILBERT-JAMES LEE 5 fish 1.87 8.15


11 GARY JUDAY-STEVE MARTIN 5 fish 2.47 8.12


13 MATT HESS-RON NEWQUIST 5 fish 1.84 7.45

14 MATT KARLING-MIREA GRUIA 5 fish 1.98 7.34

15 JIM VALLADARES-FRED VECHT 5 fish 1.45 6.38

16 BRETT KURTEN-ALONE 4 fish 2.42 5.41

17 PAUL & LOGAN SPERE 3 fish 1.71 3.98




Total Fish Weighed: 82
Total Fish Released: 82 (100.00%)
Total Weight: 154.35

Rod Wynn
04-20-2009, 09:29 AM
18 ART HILL-MATT MAINO 0/0 0 - Is this a type-o or something?

Lynne Peterson
04-20-2009, 09:48 AM
Hi Rod,

A few of the anglers thought that it was going to take more than 20 pounds to cash a check. This however was not the case.....or the norm....for Vail Lake. They threw back their catch I believe. Notheless, it was a fun day for all that participated.

Next event at Vail is open to the public. With the waters warming up a bit, the bite should be back to normal and the limits should be huge and plentiful. Rod for more information, please send me a pm.


04-20-2009, 08:10 PM
15lbs?? I should have fished it from shore, might have won....:Wink:

04-20-2009, 08:22 PM
How do u sign up for the next event? and do u need your own bass boat to be able to enter?

Pete Marino
04-20-2009, 10:04 PM
Thank you Lynne and Mike for putting on another great tournament.

As far as the bite.... The bite was pretty good. Me and Guy went through about 35-40 bass. The hard part was catching the decent size bass to cull up our limit.. It seemed that the better quality bass had lock jaw on saturday. Each of the 20 teams that participated were quality teams that fish Vail often so it wasnt a case of teams just not being good enough to compete. The big bass bite was flat out tough.
I predicted that it would take 28+ lbs to win it but I think the heavy wind in the days prior to the event affected the bite some..
Congrats to The winners they got their last bass to cull up in the last 15 minutes to take the win over Me and Guy. Good job fellas!!!

I had the bass on in the 1st 15 mintues of the tournament that would have won the event for Guy and I but it came unbuttoned... :EyePop:
Oh well thats fishing... we rebounded, made adjustments and worked hard to get what we had...

Cant wait for the next one....

Thanks again National Bass West.....

And congrats again to the winners!!!!


04-21-2009, 08:23 AM
I know Chris P and he is a great guy. Im stoked his team won the event. Looks like everyone had a descent day though none the less.

Pete Marino
04-21-2009, 09:19 AM
Chris seemed like a nice guy. We fished right next to him all day long.
I was the 1st boat into the cove where we fished and I let Chris come along the right side of me and I let Donny and Frank come along the left side of me and we corraled the shad and bass in the cove and they were stuck there all day. Us three boats worked great together in such close quarters...literally our boats were 5- 15 ft apart all day and we all got along great with no arguements because we all knew that we were kinda working as a team to keep the bass and baitfish in the cove.
The funniest part of the day came when Chris rubbed suntan lotion on his partners back....:EyePop: TOO FREAKING FUNNY!!!! we all got a good laugh from it!!! Now that is a dedicated partner.!! hahahahaha


04-21-2009, 04:22 PM
yeaaa my buddy bruce bidnick did good good job bruce:Thumbs Up:

God BLess


Pete Marino
04-22-2009, 12:52 PM
yeah and your idol got 2nd place. :Wink::ROFL:


04-22-2009, 02:42 PM
Nice going Pete.

Is that Donny who use to work at Irvine Lake ?

04-22-2009, 03:32 PM
yeah and your idol got 2nd place. :Wink::ROFL:


haha thats funny...... when you want to get a guide for puddingstone give me a call. :ROFL:

God BLess


04-22-2009, 03:36 PM
that wasnt very funny..... Petes was WAY funnier. He probably could be a better guide than you anyways at Pudd.:LOL:

04-22-2009, 03:50 PM
that wasnt very funny..... Petes was WAY funnier. He probably could be a better guide than you anyways at Pudd.:LOL:

thats what you think haha i can out fish pete at the pudd anytime.

04-22-2009, 03:58 PM
he could out fish you at any lake and any time you want!!!!

04-22-2009, 04:26 PM
he could out fish you at any lake and any time you want!!!!

man fishyboy you are pretty confident with pete it seems you treat him like a idol:Smile: just messing but pete is a really good fisherman but i think i might have a better advantage at the pudd than any other lake becuase i fish that lake alot.

04-22-2009, 07:22 PM
Damn, Pete has a cheerleader eh??

Pete Marino
04-22-2009, 07:44 PM
Basscatcher... am I going to have to get out to Pudd soon and make you buy me lunch.??
I mean a real lunch like Sizzler not del taco!!
Basscatcher...good luck at Vail on friday...look for me, I'll be there. Maybe I'll let you wash my boat after I get off the water. lol


Pete Marino
04-22-2009, 07:51 PM
If we go to Pudd....I'll bring a pillow to prop you up so you can see over my steering wheel when I let you drive me around the lake in my boat.... you midget!! hahahahahahahah just kidding you donkey!!!


04-22-2009, 09:36 PM
I think not. We are just messing around. Pete and basscatcher: I would like to see that day at Pudd with you two going at it. Is basscatcher really that short Pete? :ROFL:HAHAH

Pete Marino
04-22-2009, 10:20 PM
he isnt short..... hes just vertically challanged. LMAO!!!!!!

Just Kidding Donkey!!


04-23-2009, 04:48 PM
he isnt short..... hes just vertically challanged. LMAO!!!!!!

Just Kidding Donkey!!


at least im growing up and not sideways like you :ROFL: JK

Pete Marino
04-23-2009, 08:08 PM
can you autograph this picture of you and send it back to me so i can frame it and put it on my wall??




04-23-2009, 08:37 PM
can you autograph this picture of you and send it back to me so i can frame it and put it on my wall??




just meet me at the pudd ready to lose and if you win i will sign it.

Pete Marino
04-24-2009, 01:26 PM
that SWEET headband as well??

If so ...its on!!! lol


04-25-2009, 03:17 PM
that SWEET headband as well??

If so ...its on!!! lol


yes and IF you win i will throw in the shirt to.

04-29-2009, 09:05 AM

Section 25. The people shall have the right to fish upon and from
the public lands of the State and in the waters thereof, excepting
upon lands set aside for fish hatcheries, and no land owned by the
State shall ever be sold or transferred without reserving in the
people the absolute right to fish thereupon; and no law shall ever be
passed making it a crime for the people to enter upon the public
lands within this State for the purpose of fishing in any water
containing fish that have been planted therein by the State;
provided, that the legislature may by statute, provide for the season
when and the conditions under which the different species of fish
may be taken.

Vail Lake was once a PUBLIC lake and the PRIVITATION of this lake is ILLEAGLE

04-29-2009, 10:59 AM
Uh oh, here comes another 30 page thread....

04-29-2009, 03:40 PM

Section 25. The people shall have the right to fish upon and from
the public lands of the State and in the waters thereof, excepting
upon lands set aside for fish hatcheries, and no land owned by the
State shall ever be sold or transferred without reserving in the
people the absolute right to fish thereupon; and no law shall ever be
passed making it a crime for the people to enter upon the public
lands within this State for the purpose of fishing in any water
containing fish that have been planted therein by the State;
provided, that the legislature may by statute, provide for the season
when and the conditions under which the different species of fish
may be taken.

Vail Lake was once a PUBLIC lake and the PRIVITATION of this lake is ILLEAGLE

i dont think vail was ever a public lake.

04-29-2009, 04:01 PM
It once had public access, but it was never publicly owned. It was created in 1948 when the owners of the Vail Ranch constructed the 132-foot high Vail Lake Dam, which has been owned and operated by the Rancho California Water District since 1978. The property surrounding Vail Lake is privately owned, and recreational access to the lake is privately controlled. The Butterfield Country Recreation Park was established in 1968 to provide public access to the lake and its marina, but the park was closed by its owners in 1989. In 1995, a members-only resort facility was opened at the location of the former park; and in 2000, the area was re-opened to the public on an annual-fee basis.

That is cut and paste stuff from Wikipedia. And if it is in Wikepedia, it must be true.

04-29-2009, 09:23 PM
It once had public access, but it was never publicly owned. It was created in 1948 when the owners of the Vail Ranch constructed the 132-foot high Vail Lake Dam, which has been owned and operated by the Rancho California Water District since 1978. The property surrounding Vail Lake is privately owned, and recreational access to the lake is privately controlled. The Butterfield Country Recreation Park was established in 1968 to provide public access to the lake and its marina, but the park was closed by its owners in 1989. In 1995, a members-only resort facility was opened at the location of the former park; and in 2000, the area was re-opened to the public on an annual-fee basis.

That is cut and paste stuff from Wikipedia. And if it is in Wikepedia, it must be true.

it sounds very true but believe me wikipedia is not always true. i can go and create a account that will allow me to write a biography on something and i can be making the whole thing up.

a biley
04-29-2009, 10:02 PM
it sounds very true but believe me wikipedia is not always true. i can go and create a account that will allow me to write a biography on something and i can be making the whole thing up.

sarcasm mario... lol

Pete Marino
04-29-2009, 10:42 PM
dont say his real name, dont say his real name...he is "mini Me" to you and I!!


Just kidding Tatoo!!!!
