View Full Version : Better late than Never: North LA 4/5

04-12-2009, 08:15 PM
First off, I apologize for this being late. School and a now resolved family crisis made it so I didn't have much free time until today. On to the report!

Sadly, this was not a very productive trip for my dad and I. The salad was inescapable and each of the three spots we visited had massive amounts of kelp rolling around in the large waves. We only lost one swim bait, so that was a positive. The LC didn't perform well and I spent more time removing it from kelp wads than actually fishing. A kelp wad did end up fooling me into thinking I had a big halibut at the second spot, but that was the closest we got to a fish today. This was the first chance I had to really stress test my Phenix X-10 with heavy weight, and it performed flawlessly. The lifting power was very good, and at no point did I feel like I had outclassed the rod. I was using 12lb P-Line CXX on my Cardiff 200.

The water temperature was also a little chilly for halibut, but that problem was secondary to the kelp and waves. Halibut fishing should be good once the water warms up a bit. Hopefully I'll be able to post some nice reports in the coming weeks if I have some time.

Happy Easter and enjoy the pictures!

A Western Fence lizard I caught walking to spot 1. The funny thing about lizards is that they don't care about having grass or fishing line hit their face. If you ever see one you want to catch, make a slipknot in your line or in a blade of grass and try it.

A picture of his belly.

A resting pelican.

Sand piper or a marbled godwhit?

A sea lion that was just relaxing on one of the boiler rocks we fished near.

Also, special thanks to the person who gave my dad and I the spot recommendations. You know who you are :Wink:

04-12-2009, 08:33 PM
A :Skunk: is still a report. At least you had time with family and on the water.

Robert trout hunter
04-12-2009, 08:56 PM
oh man its good to know you had a alright time out on the beach, hope times get better for you
(lol i thought i was the only one with a facination about lizards)

04-12-2009, 10:01 PM
U will get them next time.... Did u try fishing south of the boiler rocks in that sandy beach?... the further south u walk...the less weeds u will snag ;)....cant wait til the hali bite goes off...

04-13-2009, 10:50 AM
Hey Marc, nice Bluebelly Lizzard... was it legal?!? :ROFL:

Thanks for the conditions update. Trust me, when the time is right those places that you hit will be off the hook. :Wink:

04-14-2009, 06:40 PM
Those spots looks really fishy, I love fishing boiler rocks.
Seeing that lizard brings back some great memories of my childhood.

04-14-2009, 08:10 PM
At least you found a way to enjoy your day with the other wildlife.

They will be there next time for you in the water as it will go off soon!


04-14-2009, 08:39 PM
IFTL: Spending time with my dad is always great, even if we get skunked.

Robert: Thanks, I appreciate the kind words. I have always been fascinated with animals, but herps have always been my favorite (aside from fish!). If I see a lizard or snake I will generally try to catch it to take a closer look. This little guy was surprisingly calm, he only bit me once! The Alligator lizards I have found bite way more and actually draw blood if they are large like the one in my yard.

victor: I did, but it was kelp city there too. The beach was covered with it. I'll be sure to try that area again though!

Arthur, notice I didn't mention releasing him :secret:
I am hoping to get back up there if school lets up a bit. APs are a little more important than halibut fishing right now. Maybe I can get away for an hour to my secret spot on Sunday.

blackwater: Boiler rocks are great places to fish. I want to get out there with some calico gear and target those kelp beds! The funny thing is that my dad expressed the same sentiment you did when he saw me catch the lizard.

Steve, part of the reason I like surf fishing is the scenery. A day on the beach is just nice even if I don't catch fish. Although, halibut make any beach outing better. Just a few more weeks...

Robert trout hunter
04-14-2009, 08:52 PM
IFTL: Spending time with my dad is always great, even if we get skunked.

Robert: Thanks, I appreciate the kind words. I have always been fascinated with animals, but herps have always been my favorite (aside from fish!). If I see a lizard or snake I will generally try to catch it to take a closer look. This little guy was surprisingly calm, he only bit me once! The Alligator lizards I have found bite way more and actually draw blood if they are large like the one in my yard.

victor: I did, but it was kelp city there too. The beach was covered with it. I'll be sure to try that area again though!

Arthur, notice I didn't mention releasing him :secret:
I am hoping to get back up there if school lets up a bit. APs are a little more important than halibut fishing right now. Maybe I can get away for an hour to my secret spot on Sunday.

blackwater: Boiler rocks are great places to fish. I want to get out there with some calico gear and target those kelp beds! The funny thing is that my dad expressed the same sentiment you did when he saw me catch the lizard.

Steve, part of the reason I like surf fishing is the scenery. A day on the beach is just nice even if I don't catch fish. Although, halibut make any beach outing better. Just a few more weeks...
omg i caught a 5 inch Alligator from my backyard and it wouldnt let go for 20 mins