View Full Version : Lake Wohlford 4/11/09

04-11-2009, 08:11 PM
I went out and fished Lake Wohlford today. I wasn't going to go due to the weather. It looked pretty ugly out with some drizzle and wind. That changed pretty quick when my 6 yr old boy said,"Dad we should should go fishing, because it looks like trout weather" I got dressed so quick and loaded up the truck and we were gone. I didn't hesitate at all. Anyway, we got to the lake at around 10:30am and tossed out the some Chartruese PB on one rod and an inflated nightcrawler on the other. We didn't get our first bite until about 11:30 and it was off the nightcrawler. My boy was fighting the fish but half way through the battle he lost it. He was cool about though. He said, "dad we'll get the next one." Anyway, the day went on and he said that he heard from grampa that when it's cloudy and rainy to use "Pink" powerbait......so i through some on and within 10 minutes he was fighting his trout and landed it. He said, " I told you so daddy!!" It was just awesome out there spending quality time with my boy. We ended up catching out limit on "Pink" powerbait and a few with the "Pink" powerbait and half a nightcrawler. We caught our last trout at around 4pm. It was a great day out fishing with my son. The biggest trout we caught went 3lbs 2oz on the digital. The rest were over 2lbs. We fished boat dock cove.

Anyway, thanks for reading. I had a blast with my boy today. These are the days he will always remember. Great Memories!!!!

Take Care