View Full Version : April fools!!

04-01-2009, 10:14 AM
Well its April Fool's and we (the residents of California) are the biggest fools of them all.

Today the sales tax was raised 1% across the state and is a high as 10.25% in some cities in LA county.

Thanks Schwarzenegger!! You giant Austrian turn coat idiot! Just what a weak economy needs a tax hike!

California is the largest state in the union and with the amount of revenue this state can genereate we should have the lowest tax rate, but yet we have the largest tax rates of any state.

Instead of squeezing the citizens we need to put the squeeze the people who are to inept to run things.

First send Arnold packing, secondly instead of trying to squeeze teachers how about squeezing the waste in state government? We could probably can half the people who work for the state and get rid of the cluster XXXX and actually be efficient.
Or pay people what their jobs are actually worth. Cut the pay of over paid state officials. In a crappy area like Perris a city councilman makes like $150K a year!! WHY?? A job like that should make $50K tops.
Not only is our state over employed with over paid personell but other things like why are we paying for Octomoms kids care? And not just Octomom but all the other waste in medical and welfare? WHY?


Because we're the FOOLS that keep voting in the same politicans like Boxer , Feinstein and the rest of the crooks year after year.

And in May we'll have another test of how big of FOOLS we are with Prop 1A to see if we continue with the higher sales tax for another year past the proposed two years. BUT guess what if you really think this sales tax hike we'll ever go away , we'll your just a fool.


04-01-2009, 10:32 AM
Today is my Ex Wifes birthday. I hate this DAY !!!!!:Evil:

04-01-2009, 10:57 AM
I wonder when they'll start taxing online purchases....


04-01-2009, 11:12 AM
I wonder when they'll start taxing online purchases....


Dude thats already in the works!! And that one will suck! Bye bye to the only small loop hole we currently have.