View Full Version : prado park bass?

03-29-2009, 10:26 PM
i think ima start going to prado park for some bass since people dont want me at there local lake. hows the bass bite there?

03-29-2009, 10:47 PM
Whose tim? Im pretty sure he doesnt own the lake though bro. Id fish it everyday if I could pwn bass there like you do..... :Wink: Probably gonna hit it up this weekend if I get a permission slip. See ya there.

Prado has a few bass in it. Got one on a kastmaster fishing for trout awhile back but never tried for them. You seem to have learned the catch and release thing. Nice job man. Your turnin out to be quite the drop shotter aswell. Keep it up.

03-29-2009, 10:53 PM
Whose tim? Im pretty sure he doesnt own the lake though bro. Id fish it everyday if I could pwn bass there like you do..... :Wink: Probably gonna hit it up this weekend if I get a permission slip. See ya there.

Prado has a few bass in it. Got one on a kastmaster fishing for trout awhile back but never tried for them. You seem to have learned the catch and release thing. Nice job man. Your turnin out to be quite the drop shotter aswell. Keep it up.

thanks bro =]

calico killer kevin
03-29-2009, 11:57 PM
Do what you please bro. No one owns a lake.

03-30-2009, 07:01 AM
hey man they are jut jealous. i wish i was as successful as you are. i am a little jealous also. i have been fishing a long time and no big bass for me. i like seeing you at the local hole and talking to you, keep it up and don't worry about it.

03-30-2009, 09:59 AM
johnny, keep doing your thing. those peeps dont own ****. that shouldnt stop you from fishing.


Bird dog
03-30-2009, 12:01 PM
Don't be so sure...some days El Weirdo has been known to "own" that lake.I've seen the pictures.

03-30-2009, 12:41 PM
hey man i think you're just not blacking out the pics enough you leave too many identifying features and then people go and rape that park lemme know whenever you're in the south oc and help me out with some tips for those piggies

03-30-2009, 01:53 PM
Just keep going wherever you want. If someone approaches you about fishing the local park then pepper spray his a$s

03-30-2009, 02:12 PM
hey man they are jut jealous. i wish i was as successful as you are. i am a little jealous also. i have been fishing a long time and no big bass for me. i like seeing you at the local hole and talking to you, keep it up and don't worry about it.

Hey, i can assure you he is not jealous, he just wants the bass to have a succesful spawn, and not have people come and keep the bass. I know it's perfectly legal, but they also stock trout and catfish for people to take, let the bass spawn and create a healthy population. I don't think it's how many fish he is catching that's bothering people, it's how often he's going and catching them during the spawn.

Lil'Mis', by all means don't stop fishing, maybe fish a variety of lakes rather than THAT one everyday. It will make you a much better fisherman if you can catch at all the lakes you go to rather than just one...just my opinion...


03-30-2009, 06:01 PM
Hey, i can assure you he is not jealous, he just wants the bass to have a succesful spawn, and not have people come and keep the bass. I know it's perfectly legal, but they also stock trout and catfish for people to take, let the bass spawn and create a healthy population. I don't think it's how many fish he is catching that's bothering people, it's how often he's going and catching them during the spawn.

Lil'Mis', by all means don't stop fishing, maybe fish a variety of lakes rather than THAT one everyday. It will make you a much better fisherman if you can catch at all the lakes you go to rather than just one...just my opinion...


he does hit up some other spots. but for what i have see there is the same 4 or 5 guys out there every day. i also fish this hole a lot, the only difference is he is landing the big ones. it is cool in my book. he is the only one i have see pull out a big bass out of that hole. by the way i would fish the same hole every day if i could, and especially if i could hook up like he does. if he doesn't get them some one else will. at least he puts the back.

03-30-2009, 11:31 PM
I met you an we shook hands U know who I am. If your getting harrassed it's not jealousy it's envy,pure green envy!!! They may have fished for years an not have the skill or touch you have(luck has very little to do with bass fishing).Fish on young man an u will become there teacher!:UDaMan:

lurk 182
03-31-2009, 09:23 AM
don't worry about it. you got your shank on you right?

03-31-2009, 10:12 AM
you got your shank on you right?




I don't think these guys are 'jealous' at you per se, but are under the correct impression that these city park lakes are tiny compared to other reservoirs, thus can't withstand the fishing pressure that other lakes may receive.

When you post pictures and reports up here, you will have an influx of individuals fishing these lakes.

As many City Park fisherman can attest to, the lmb fishery has continually gone downhill, since there are those that don't practice catch and release. It is imperative that C&R happens in these small lakes, and your reports may contribute to having people who don't advocate C&R fishing these lakes.

And yes, it is difficult not letting people know about your success on the water. That's why the Photos section exists, so you can place your pictures there, without 'burning' the lake. In fact, you can even place the pictures there months afterwards. Nobody's gonna hate on that. :Wink:

03-31-2009, 02:51 PM
he does hit up some other spots. but for what i have see there is the same 4 or 5 guys out there every day. i also fish this hole a lot, the only difference is he is landing the big ones. it is cool in my book. he is the only one i have see pull out a big bass out of that hole. by the way i would fish the same hole every day if i could, and especially if i could hook up like he does. if he doesn't get them some one else will. at least he puts the back.

He isn't the only one, i can assure you that. I am more worried about people keeping the bass, than him catching and releasing. That spot he fishes has much traffic, and they will stop to stare and see if people are catching. I made the mistake of fishing there too much last year, and a few weeks later i came back to 10 people in that spot, 5 of them with bass on stringers. Kinda bothered me a little bit to see so many bass on stringers...I can't stop him from fishing that lake, and it's not my intent to do so, just to educate him on overfishing such a small body of water. There are a lot of poachers around, and just driving by and seeing a 2 lb bass is enough reason for them to stop and take a few. Then stop again and take a few...just adds up.

I meant no disrespect to any of you guys, just have been fishing this little lake since i was a kid and would like the many kids that fish there to enjoy it as much as i did, and still do. I know it will calm down after the spawn, that lake gets tough when they move deep. But right now it's important to promote catch and release.

Just my opinion that's all...Nice Bass again lil'mystery, keep at it...

"GRUB SLINGER Don't be Punked!!!!

I met you an we shook hands U know who I am. If your getting harrassed it's not jealousy it's envy,pure green envy!!! They may have fished for years an not have the skill or touch you have(luck has very little to do with bass fishing).Fish on young man an u will become there teacher! "

I'm not envious at all, have caught many nice fish out of that lake NOT during the spawn. right now at the spot he is fishing they are easy to catch, but really fun.

Just incase there is any doubts about me catching fish there...
1st is me, 2nd is a good friend


Peace out all...


lurk 182
03-31-2009, 03:09 PM
i'd have said the second one was me:Razz:
and if the point is that he shouldn't post because it brings out the poachers, i would have kept those pics to yourself right?

03-31-2009, 03:16 PM
i get your point lurk, however those pice were from awhile back, and he's already posted quite a few pics...Those two bass are from a different spot from where he is fishing. I like to catch them in a different spot not many people know about...Thanks for worrying though...lol

By the way, sorry for thread jacking lol...About Prado, i've seen some decent bass swimming around, never tried for them though. Have heard of a few people catching some decent ones...Hit up El Weirdo, i think he fishes there and has done well. It's worth a shot, but you have to pay to fish...Good luck
