View Full Version : Haha, first flyline Senko fish =P (no pics)

03-25-2009, 01:34 PM
Matt and I did some pond hopping this morning (3-25-09).
Bunch of little fish but fun practicing some techniques.
Couldn't keep the tiny fish off my line so figured I'd try a flylined Senko and hope for a bigger one. Got one about 1lb finally and broke him off at my feet in some weeds. Was gonna let him go anyways. Then proceeded to stick a fish about the same size as my Senko, with the Senko :ROFL: If my bait would have had a tail fin, it would have been the same length as the fish it caught. Think I also got one on the LC pointer. Bunch on flylined robos and zoom tricks wacky flyline. Fun to say the least, but all dinky little fish.

Matt might have a pic, I dunno. Tiny little fish though so no difference. Learned that bigger fish like fat worms today and even the small ones do too! No fishies at the second pond. =/
Thanks for reading.

03-25-2009, 01:53 PM
always fun to learn new techniques and catch fish at the same time...look you guys having great time out the pond hoping

03-25-2009, 08:31 PM
Little fish are better than no fish!

I've had pretty good luck flylining robos. In fact, I caught my PB 4lber on a flylined robo!

03-25-2009, 09:36 PM
Its fun getting the ones under a pound, they are full of life and like to strip line.

Socal Bassman
03-25-2009, 10:28 PM
Congrats on your first senko fish bro. Those baits can get addicting to fish with.

03-25-2009, 10:44 PM
That's pretty much how I fish Senkos, EWG 2/0 hook and no weight. Just slow retrieve with pauses every couple of feet. Same with Robos. Give me a 4.5 inch curly tailed "Hologram Shad" Robo flylined on 4 or 6 lb line at Sail Cove in the Spring/summer... and I'll be happy.

matt duarte
03-25-2009, 11:02 PM
haha ya dude defently fun catchin the dinks... we got to check out that new honey hole that that guy was talkin about..... i have a few picks but like tj said there all dinks..the second pond is tricky.. i thinks they bite more at night... let me know when u want to go fish again...im off all week