View Full Version : junior catfish derby dissapointment

03-23-2009, 08:47 AM
The junior (15 and under) catfish derby was this past saturday at sunbeam lake. There were about 500 kids that showed up, which was great.....the problem was that the parents were doing the fishing while the kids were running around....i walked around and talked to many people... a few were actually letting their kids fish....but most were not. The event was supposed to only allow 1 pole per kid.....most had 2 or 3. the fgd and the sponsors did little to enforce or at least try to stick to the derby rules....The derby is to get the kids fishing and to teach them the basics of fishing...not for the parents to take the fish.........to those kids who did the fishing....great job....... and to the parents who did the fishing instead of the kids...... remember the concept of a junior derby, its for the kids and you can fish any time else......sorrry for being on my soap box, but it had to be said......hopefully the next junior derby will be different.