View Full Version : Are you a GenXer? Do you Facebook?

City Dad
03-20-2009, 10:50 AM
everyone I know has a Facebook page except me. I remain totally uninterested.

What's the big deal? (also, I thought we'd out-grown this kinda #*&%.)

03-20-2009, 10:58 AM
Someone say something harsh to you about this?

03-20-2009, 11:16 AM
social networking that's all it is. For some reason, everyone has the need to share their life with everyone else now. A La Facebook, Twitter, etc.

i guess you can look at it like a simplified version of blogging.

03-20-2009, 11:31 AM
I remember the days you "had" friends, instead of "managed" friends.

03-20-2009, 11:41 AM
I get the impression Facebook is more of a "chick" thing though. Lots of housewives/mommies...to include mine.

03-20-2009, 11:45 AM
I wish I was able to manage my friends while I still had some.
"Uh, this one cheated on me. Delete"
"This one backstabbed me, Delete"
"This one flakes EVERY single time. Delete"
"This one is a big fat liar all day long. Delete"
"This one never calls to say what up. Delete"
"This one has zero common sense. Delete"

BTW, I don't facebook or myspace.
Can you guess why?

03-20-2009, 11:47 AM
Im on facebook. Ran into people I have not seen since the 12 grade and a few college class mates. I like it better than Myspace. Facebook seems to be more for adults while myspace more for the youngsters. However some people are addicted on it everyday. I check mines a few times a week only.

City Dad
03-20-2009, 12:04 PM
Im on facebook. Ran into people I have not seen since the 12 grade and a few college class mates. I like it better than Myspace. Facebook seems to be more for adults while myspace more for the youngsters. However some people are addicted on it everyday. I check mines a few times a week only.

...But I'm on the back side of thirty. I should be turning off my computer and turning on 60 minutes!!!

I'm just kidding. making a joke about how old my peers are getting.

... I don't have a facebook page mainly because I'm doing other stuff

However it seems lately that this is the only means by which many people are communicating.

03-20-2009, 12:08 PM
However it seems lately that this is the only means by which many people are communicating.

Yeah, I heard the other day that phones and human speech will be obsolete and all of our communication will be done via keyboard.

Who knew Stephen Hawking would be light years ahead of us.

03-20-2009, 12:11 PM
I played in an awful band just out of high school. Ran into the whole gang on facebook. Thought that was cool.

Love the debates, too. Beats myspace for sure.

City Dad
03-20-2009, 01:40 PM
I played in an awful band just out of high school. Ran into the whole gang on facebook. Thought that was cool.

Love the debates, too. Beats myspace for sure.

... see, it's the whole "I may be through with the past but the past isn't through with me" thing that kind of freaks me out. I'm not so sure I want to cross paths with some of the characters I knew way back when. In case no one has noticed, I am way into annonymity.

But riffing on what DS said... I think the phone was and still is one of the greatest inventions of all time... especially when it is mounted on a wall... and it can't be used as a camera or for texting.

and isn't texting a giant step backwards? I mean wasn't the telephone widely celebrated as a replacement for the telegram? What's the next "advance" - iSmoke Signals?

Bah, humbug to progress! I'll stay holed up in my log cabin with a big stack of Readers Digest and I'll love it!

03-20-2009, 07:18 PM
i cant stand myspace....add me!!!...lol:ROFL: