View Full Version : Casitas Bassin

03-15-2009, 05:32 PM
With the DFG stock plant on Thursday I decided to head up to Casitas. The morning was cold with fog on the lake. We started fishing Station Canyon with no love from the Huddleston after a couple of hours and sore shoulder. I gave up on the swimbaits and head further into the back of Station canyon. This is paid off with a 2lber on a mini jig. We landed a few more little guys at various points,

While we were heading toward another point we saw what looked like a baby bass freak out and jump onto shore. I had my wacky rigged senko rod in my hand and cast to the point and got slammed by an aggressive 2.5lber. I kept working more points looking for stick ups while fishing the senko. On the next point I barely felt a tap and began to reel until I felt the rod load up and landed a healthy 4lber. After we caught a couple more little guys I caught a nice crappie in dead horse canyon.

We caught a total of 6 bass and a Crappie. The photos are the better fish caught. Sunken Island is now semi sunken island (see picture below). Enjoy the fish porn

Captain Castaic
03-15-2009, 05:43 PM
Nice work!!!!

Lets plan another trip soon!!!


03-15-2009, 07:25 PM
Sweet bass. I wish they would get on board and stop banning boats. I would go up there in a heartbeat. Cant they just do what Cachuma does and call it good? F**k.

03-15-2009, 09:43 PM
thnx for the report and pics....
