View Full Version : San Jose Creek...

03-15-2009, 12:31 PM
Decided to get out and practice for a while with my new 3WT setup. This had to be on the QT because I was going to sneak out, without the wife noticing.

Inspired by the Urban Fly Fishing blog, I went down to San Jose Creek. Left my front door, with nothing more than a fly box, a roll of 2X tippet, my 3wt rod and reel, at 10:00 am and arrived at the road crossing the creek at 10:10 am.

Wondered the trail for a couple of minutes then made my way down to the creek. There was a lot of debris in the trees; plastic bags and such that had been blown into the creek from the nearby freeway. But once you just tune it out; you will be surprised at how quiet and peaceful it is.

Hiked under the overpass, where the creek narrowed and some tullies where growing out near the bank. Started casting towards a few of the deeper pockets when the back of something really big broke the surface of the water, about 3 feet passed where my line was landing. It must have been a carp, judging by the size and color. It continued to move across the pocket of water foraging and splashing its huge tail. I continued to cast to it, but it just ignored me every time until finally it was gone.

Decided to move further up stream, stopping when the brush opened up enough for me to get to the water’s edge and cast without any snags.

Changed flies a few times, but still no takers; this was more of an exploration of my neighborhood, with the hope of maybe catching something.

Next time I will head downstream and see what I can find. I now know that there are fish in here and I would have to say; there are some big ones that will give me a run for my money on a 3wt.