View Full Version : Awesome vail bite today 3/12/2009

03-12-2009, 08:41 PM
I met up with my client Scott this morning at my house, and we were on the water at 7:00. Scott is on vacation from Missouri, and he was anxious to sample California bass fishing. Scott was the one who offered to share a trip, but no one was interested. Scott is also a very talented tournament fisherman as well.

We headed over to one of my favorite big fish spots, and I showed Scott what we were going to be using. You should have seen the look on his face when I broke out my Dobyns swimbaits rods. When I told him we were going to be throwing swimbaits, he was excited, but suprised at what we were using. Apparantly in Missouri, they consider Senko's, and flukes, a swimbait.

When we were in position, I told Scott where to cast, and he layed his "BLT" right next to a tree as I directed him. Nothing on the first cast. I threw out, and I was on instantly. It was a 4 pound fish who inhaled the "BLT. While I was unhooking my fish, Scott yells he's on. His rod is completely bent over, and this big fish jumps, and tail walks across the surface. Scott ask, is it a 10 pounder. I said I don't think so, but it's a big fish.

Scott played his fish like a pro, and soon she was in the boat. We broke out the scale, and she went 8.2 pounds. It was a personal best for Scott. Not a bad start. 4 cast, and 11 pounds. But that was it for the swimbait fish. I decided to move, and soon we were on fish, only with a different technique.

Today was a good day for various patterns. They were eating the jerkbaits very good today, as well as crankbaits. We also caught fish on jigs, and of course plastics. We ended the day at 5:00, and we had close to 40 fish. Vail is just about to bust wide open any day now. I predict that by Tuesday of next week, it will be on big time. I was not expecting to have that good of a day, what with the full moon, and the cold weather, but It was a very good day after all.

On a side note, one of my friends was out there today in his boat, and today he caught his personal best bass, a 12 pounder, plus another two that went over 8, and still two more that went over 6. That's over 40 pounds for 5 bass. That guy was on fire today.




Pete Marino
03-12-2009, 08:47 PM
Im out at Vail tomorrow....I CANT WAIT!!!!


03-12-2009, 08:51 PM
I am out there again as well. See you tomorrow.

03-12-2009, 08:54 PM
1 word


03-12-2009, 09:04 PM
Those bass look very healthy.


03-12-2009, 09:44 PM
god job out there art!! i told you pete.

God BLess
