View Full Version : Perris today 3-12

Pete Marino
03-12-2009, 08:37 PM
I had a guide trip at Perris today.
I met Rick and his 12 year old son Derrick at the launch ramp at 7 am. We launched the boat and headed to our 1st spot for the day.
Rick said he wanted to experience the deep water bite Ive been on lately and then go from there.
So I tell them that we are going to go to one of my favorite deep water spots and then let the day play out from there...

We get to the first spot and I give a little explanation on how to properly work the baits then I hand Rick and Derrick their rods and its go time...
FIRST Cast... Rick says...I GOT ONE!!!! And I net his first keeper in as many casts!! :Smile:
We were metering alot of fish but they kinda were inactive after that for about 45 mintues.... Then the bass started to group up more and all hell broke loose....
Derrick screams...IM ON ONE!!! And I net his first bass of the day... a healthy 4 lber!!! :Smile:
A couple minutes later Derrick says..."IM ON AGAIN" and I net ANOTHER HEALTHY 4 lb Perris Largemouth!!!
A couple mintues later...Guess who??.....yep Derrick...yells "HAHAHHA IM ON AGAIN!!!" and I net a nice 2 lber.
Then about 15 mintues later...guess who again?? Yep...Derrick is at it again and he says..."I GOT ONE!!" and I net another 3 lber of derricks.
This is starting to get ugly for Derricks dad...:EyePop:
Then after some trash talking by both me and Derrick to Rick he decided he had enough by silencing both of us when he yelled.." NET...BIG FISH!!" and I promptly netted a monster!!! Ricks 2nd keeper in the boat...a very healthy Perris largemouth that weighed just over 6 LBS.!!!!! Very NICE!!!!
Derrick didnt say a word for the next hour hahahaha in the mean time Rick caught up and caught 2 more very nice 3 1/2 lb bass.
Just when I said that derrick was feeling the presure from Rick he caught back to back bass weighing 3 lbs and 4 lbs. :Smile: So much for presure, this kid had Ice in his veins!!! hahaha
This went on throughout the day until the very end...
Derrick ended the day with 10 Bass that made it to the net. He also had 3-4 others that he lost during the battles.
Derricks big fish of the day was 4 lbs and he had 2 other 4 lbers to go with it. Plus a hand full of 3 lbers and the rest 2- 2 1/2 lbers.
Rick ended the day with 9 bass in the boat and he lost another 2-3 during the day...
Ricks big bass was a very healthy one weighing it at about 6 1/2lbs!!!
I fished on and off during the day when I could and caught some as well...topped off in the last 5 mintues of the day when I caught a very fat 5 1/2 lber. :Smile::Smile: ooops hahahaha
Our best 5 for the day weighed 24-25 lbs.!!

Nice job guys!!!!

It was a pleasure to take a father and son out there and watch them catch fish and have such a good time catching bass and telling stories!! Priceless!!!

Oh one more thing... when we called it a day..we pulled into the launch ramp area and realized that trout were stocked today so Derrick and Rick decided to get some of their trout gear out of their car and do some fishing from shore. Within 10 mintues Derrick already had 2 trout on the stringer and his dad had a big bass follow his swim bait!!
They are probably still there!! hahahahahaha

Rick holding a nice 4 1/2 lber

Derricks 1st 4 lber...

Another 4 lber for Derrick

Me and Rick with one of Ricks 3 lbers.

Derrick and me with one of his 3 lbers.

Rick with a solid 4 lber..

Another 3 1/2- 4 lb class bass

Father and son pose with one of dads keepers..

Rick with the big bass of the day!!!

Thanks again guys and congrats on the nice bass!!!


If any of you want to get out there and hammer the nice bass that Perris is kicking out...give me a call and we'll set you up a trip!!!

(909) 510-5679

03-12-2009, 08:50 PM
NIIIIIICE!!! YOU GUYS KILLED IT! those are some happy customers right there.

03-12-2009, 08:50 PM
Excellent day as usual Pete. You guys killed it out there. Good job, and keep it up.


03-12-2009, 09:38 PM
nic overalls lol good job out thier pete.

God Bless


matt duarte
03-12-2009, 09:48 PM
nice job dude! hey pete one of my good buddys just mentioned to me that he know u and your brother for a long time...said hes been good friends with your bro for at least 20 years! his name is darel and his wife is name sheree hes a long hair dude with a go-te... me and socalrippen thought it was cool cause we were talking about you killin it at perris and darel said hey i know that guy haha...

well nice job out there pete and crew!

03-12-2009, 10:42 PM
That'll be a memorable trip for both of them!

I checked your website for rates, but none are listed, even on the RATE page.

Pete Marino
03-12-2009, 11:07 PM
Yeah it was fun fun day on the water..... Both Father and son will rememebr this day for a long time...thats what its all about..

vortec...you have a PM...

Matt.... whats Darrels last name?? Does he work for my brother??

Rememeber....if anybody wants to do a trip with me just PM me or call me and we will get it set up. If you havent done the deep water bite... its something to learn and have in your bag of tricks for future bass fishing trips.


(909) 510 5679

03-13-2009, 05:33 AM
wow thats a Great Day at the skate park, the look on there face's is priceless

Good job

thats 1 bite I cann't get a hang of but it works great at perris for sure, do you want to spill the beans on what bait your using lol

03-13-2009, 12:29 PM
Yah now!--I love your reports---

matt duarte
03-13-2009, 02:25 PM
not to sure on his last name...he might work with him...he just said hes know him forever..said hes been to a few family gatherings ill check on that last name... Im pretty sure if u see him ull know who im talkin about

03-13-2009, 03:21 PM
Great report Man! Thanks for sharing

03-13-2009, 03:27 PM
Father & son. Awesome day of fishing. Can't' get better than that.

Pete Marino
03-13-2009, 06:53 PM
Yeah I cant really get into the baits Im using... but I will tell you this... its not just the baits, its the presentation AND very importantly, having a good graph and knowing how to use it properly. Knowing what you are looking at on the graph makes deep water fishing a whole lot easier...

If anybody want to get out there and give it a try let me know...

Hey Matt.... find out his last name... I think hes one of my brothers employees....or it may be another guy Im thinking of.



03-13-2009, 07:18 PM
im kinda thinking u guys
just took pics with the 1 4 pounder u caught:???:

Pete Marino
03-13-2009, 07:21 PM

Id appreciate it if you didnt insult me and my clients though.


03-13-2009, 09:31 PM
im kinda thinking u guys
just took pics with the 1 4 pounder u caught:???:

Someone needs to get out there and catch some fish huh? Don't hate, you ever hear the saying 10% of the fisherman catch 90% of the fish? Well you too could be that 10% if you put in your time.

03-14-2009, 03:34 AM
Yeah I cant really get into the baits Im using... but I will tell you this... its not just the baits, its the presentation AND very importantly, having a good graph and knowing how to use it properly. Knowing what you are looking at on the graph makes deep water fishing a whole lot easier...

If anybody want to get out there and give it a try let me know...

Hey Matt.... find out his last name... I think hes one of my brothers employees....or it may be another guy Im thinking of.



I understand that your running a business so I really didn't think you would say if you were using a tail spin, ice jig or spoon. I got the graphs and know how to use them and what to look for its just not my kind of fishing (got atleast 300.00 in spoons, tail spins and ice jig in a plano box that seats in the garage also) I think it is all about the having right bait

Like I said Great Job out there at the skate park

PS. I sure hope your showing these people how to fizz there fish

Pete Marino
03-14-2009, 07:15 PM
i always fizz my bass when they need to be and if my clients want to learn how to do it I show them. But every one of my bass goes back to the bottem with no problems. :Smile:


03-14-2009, 08:59 PM
Report was great but nobody else on the lake caught more than one or two fish. That guy bears a striking resemblance to the infamous TunaCommander and I know "Kid Wiper" fishes at Lake Elsinore from the Jim Matthews fishing report pictures. Come on pete, sure you weren"t playing with a "loaded deck" ?

03-14-2009, 09:25 PM
hhmm. I see, Pete you should hook me up with a free guide trip haha

Pete Marino
03-14-2009, 11:10 PM
Hey Brett...congrats on the new baby. Now that you havea little one you wont be spending as much time on the water.. hahaha... Your life has just changed big time... But its a good thing. I hope everything went well with the delivery. I remember talking to you when you did a trip with me about the whole pregnancy, sonogram and delivery thing....it was funny how we thought and said some of the same stuff...

Good luck with the little one...its great!! You will love it!! But its work..

Mossback you hit the nail on the head!!!


Pete Marino
03-14-2009, 11:42 PM
crappiecommander.... that must be you Rick. hahahaha I had to go back and read your post 4 times before i realized what you were saying!! hahahaha.... Kid Wiper was Kid Bass on this day. And you..."TunaCommander..aka..Crappiecommander...were Bass commander on this day as well. It was fun taking you two out there and helping you get on those deep bass. You guys did well...

And you are right...hardly anybody else out there was catching anything... maybe a couple each.....goes to show how well the two of you did.
Heck Derrick could have also been called trout kid for the trout he caught on shore.
You guys are die hard fisherman... and I love that about you...reminds me of ..........ME!
Hey I want to get out on Elsinore this year with you guys so we can throw that secret bait you showed me. I want to catch some wipers!!!!! And I want some of the monster crappie you told me about!!!

Good job again!

You got me.. lol
