View Full Version : Lake wohlford 1st timer gets it's cherry poped!

03-09-2009, 02:39 PM
On Sat. the plan was to goto a lake near Camp Pendleton cause my wife needed to qualify at the range for the Army Reserves.


My boy in a Real Truck!

Yeah I know the Surf is just a cast away but I had my 9 month son with me so I can't really surf fish and watch him at the same

So did some Goggling and looked at the maps on FNN and found Lake Wohlford and Dixion. HHHMMMMM Decisions? I choose Wohlford cause it shows that you could just drive up, park, unload and fish! Important issues when you have a lot of gear and only one person to lug it! Boy can wait till you get older!

Plan A was to set up at the Senor Shoreline but no space. Plan B was Boat dock cove.

Got there and found a spot @ 10 . As I was pushing the stroller to the shore I see a angler leaving and has a Killer stringer he's pulling out!

He later walks by and informs the person that took his vacated spot that the stringer came in at 17 lbs? Couldn't really hear. but looks like I'm in the right place.

Had 2 rods out, one with rainbow PB and the other with a power mouse (chartreuse worm and red egg)

30 mins go by and the PM rod gets a customer little 1 pounder that I CR'ed and the guy next to me say's "don't let the park rangers see you do that" I didn't know you can't CR. So I figure I'll give them away next time, since I don't want to take them back to Pendleton, so rebaited and sent it out.

About 2 hours go by and nothing! No one else is getting anything knowing had to be back on base @ 1400

Changed up the PB offering since I didn't get anything to PM (Orange worm and chartreuse egg) and about 30 mins later...


came in @ 5.2# on the Rap scale! Great fighter! Made two drag peeling runs! Thought I was in the Sierra Nevada's for a moment!

Over all I really like the lake will it was really nice day for my son and I. Be going back one of these days for sure!

Thanks for reading


03-09-2009, 02:55 PM
Very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-09-2009, 02:56 PM
Nice report man.

03-09-2009, 03:51 PM
Nice fish. I went there 3 times 2 weeks ago and it was slowwww. Everytime, there was about 15 anglers around Boat dock Cove and saw only 4 fish caught each time. I was there when they stocked and they are some nice fat trout.

03-09-2009, 05:10 PM
hey fishhunter,
good job out there!! way ta get the boy started early!!! yeah thats a nice little lake, easy access and beutifull also. BTW, you can catch and release there all you want-im not sure why you were told that but that gentleman was mis-informed. ive been practicing C&R there for years as i live here in escondido, just for future reference, way ta get er done out there!!!!!!!!!!!

Eat Sleep Fish
03-09-2009, 08:08 PM
that fish almost looks like a sarl bow. nice fatty.

03-09-2009, 10:02 PM
nice rainbow bro! I was fishing at that spot last thursday and got 2 out of there. I'll be there agian on Weds. Looks like you and your lil boy had fun. Aswome job out there fellow anglers.


03-09-2009, 11:50 PM
Awesome pics! Good job on popping that cherry while your son watched, my kind of dad! J/K. I thought I was the only father that has pushed a stroller to fish..Pheww Good to know that there are others alike! Thanks for the report!

03-11-2009, 10:21 AM
Very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks! It is pretty nice for a 1st fish out of a new lake

Nice report man.

Yeah I try, when I can get out. Kinda hard with little man :LOL:

Nice fish. I went there 3 times 2 weeks ago and it was slowwww. Everytime, there was about 15 anglers around Boat dock Cove and saw only 4 fish caught each time. I was there when they stocked and they are some nice fat trout.

It was kinda slow but the scenery made up for it! Will be going back for sure.

hey fishhunter,
good job out there!! way ta get the boy started early!!! yeah thats a nice little lake, easy access and beutifull also. BTW, you can catch and release there all you want-im not sure why you were told that but that gentleman was mis-informed. ive been practicing C&R there for years as i live here in escondido, just for future reference, way ta get er done out there!!!!!!!!!!!

Glad to know! I gave the 5.2# away also.

that fish almost looks like a sarl bow. nice

Sure was a fatty! I don't think SARL has fish that "full" tailed :LOL:

nice rainbow bro! I was fishing at that spot last thursday and got 2 out of there. I'll be there agian on Weds. Looks like you and your lil boy had fun. Aswome job out there fellow anglers.


We sure did! But I don't think my son has the "concept" down yet :Wink:

Awesome pics! Good job on popping that cherry while your son watched, my kind of dad! J/K. I thought I was the only father that has pushed a stroller to fish..Pheww Good to know that there are others alike! Thanks for the report!

HAHA! Love the Stroller/rod holder/lunch box carrier/diaper bag///////:ROFL: