View Full Version : CREEK FISHING in the LOS PADRES NF FRI 3/6

03-08-2009, 04:23 PM
My oldest son Greg and I visited a small creek in the Los Padres national forest on Friday 3-06-09. This was his third and my fourth trip in the last two years to this creek. Each visit we try to get a little further up creek.

We did not anticipate it being as cold as it was. Maybe the warm ride up in the car threw us off. At noon it was 40 degrees outside and the creek was 40 degrees also. It did not warm up any during the day. We did manage to get about one quarter mile further than our last visit. We stopped when we reached a spot that presented some problems on getting further up creek and we did not want to be hiking back out in the dark. We decided we would visit the creek again and get an earlier start and maybe it would be a little warmer.

We did a little more exploring than fishing. However, we each caught and released six wild rainbows that were 6 to 7 inches, all with really nice color that the camera did not quite capture. I’m not the best photographer and I don’t like the fish to have to wait for me fumbling around to take their picture before I get them back in the water. I was using salmon eggs on hooks with pinched barbs and a strike indicator as a float with my ultra light spinning rod. I tied my 2 lb leader to my 6 lb main line with a couple of uni-knots to avoid the weight of a swivel. This is a small little creek and I was able to get a really nice drift with this set up. The fish spooked easily and stealth was the name of the game. I stopped fishing on the way out when I lost one little guy who swallowed the egg because I was not paying attention.

Anyway, Had a great time with my son Greg.

Tight Lines.

Scenery on the way to the creek.

Heading out.




Nice little guy.


Further up creek.


The Old Man.

Another nice little guy.

Heading Back.

Bright little guy, the flash distorted the color.

One last cast for Greg.

Catch & Release
03-08-2009, 06:22 PM
Cool post.. I really liked the different creek pics and nice little fish. sounds like you two had a great time. Tight lines

Catch & Release:Wink:

03-09-2009, 06:04 AM
Thanks for the post!

BTW, are those just boot waders? I'm thinking about buying some waders so I can hit up some creeks.

03-09-2009, 09:57 AM
Thanks for the post!

BTW, are those just boot waders? I'm thinking about buying some waders so I can hit up some creeks.

Yes, they are hip waders and they work great for hiking small creeks and streams. They provide better traction than hiking boots and allow you cross or walk in the creek when it is the only way to keep going. They also provide better traction when the ground is wet during or after rain or in thaw conditions as is common around creeks this time of year. There has been many times when I had to turn back in hiking boots, but could keep going in hip waders. They are a little more cumbersome than hiking boots but not as cumbersome as chest waders. I've had these for a good ten years. I'm getting ready to splurge and buy some breathable stockingfoot hip waders and wading boots.
Good Luck.

03-09-2009, 10:06 AM
Awesome Post!!!! I visited Los Padres two weeks ago on a scout mission with my dog. I did bring my pole, but didn't throw out too much. The water was still moving alot and there was quite a bit of mud in the creek I visited. I plan on going back in one or two weeks. I have been researching this area quite a bit. I am going to place waypoints in my GPS as I couldn't find one of the creeks I knew existed. Again, enjoyed the post... Thanks,

Eat Sleep Fish
03-09-2009, 08:10 PM
that first picture is great. postcard material. good lookin wild ones.

03-09-2009, 08:36 PM
i love fishing in the small little creeks. havnt done i for awile though.

03-09-2009, 09:04 PM
Looks like a great time

03-10-2009, 12:00 AM
Beautiful pics! Good job on the little guys! Nothing better than a great father and son fishing trek! Thanks for the report!

03-10-2009, 10:23 AM
Thanks Everyone,

I've always enjoyed the creek and stream reports from everyone that fished in the San Bernadino and San Gabriel mountains. However thats a little too far to drive for me for a one day outing. So, in the last few years I've discovered a bunch of creeks in the Los Padres national forest to explore and fish which is much closer to my back yard.

03-10-2009, 04:22 PM
Hey, where can I buy bobbers that little, and do they adjust on the line?

03-11-2009, 02:48 AM
Those are called "strike indicators". They are used by Fly Fishermen to help detect strikes when fishing nymphs or wet flys. You can get them in the fly fishing section of any of the bigger stores (Bass Pro etc. ). I use a stick on style called Palsa but there are several different styles that are essentially miniature bobbers and work basically the same way.

03-11-2009, 10:26 AM
Castle, txcurry answered your question and yes, they do slide easily up and down your line to adjust depth and are easy to attach.

03-11-2009, 04:15 PM
Nice pics.Its great to see nature once n a while !

03-11-2009, 05:49 PM
Thanks for the info everyone.