View Full Version : Pyramid Lake Sucks!

03-08-2009, 12:22 PM
New summer hours are the Lake closes at 6:00 P.M. This sounds good! but... you have to be off the water at 4:00 p.m. WTF is that? 2 hours before lake close you have to be off the water at 4:00 in the SUMMER! This place is turning into a total joke book! While Castaic is open til 8:00, you have to be off of Pyramid at 4:00! RIDICULOUS!

03-08-2009, 02:05 PM
Thats the dumbest s#$t i ever heard of,how the hell is the lake gonna close at six and the sun goes in at 8 pm in the summer ridiculous.

03-08-2009, 02:09 PM
I hear can almost hear a collective sigh from the stripers....


03-08-2009, 02:09 PM
not only does it close at 6 when Castaic closes at 8, but you have to be off the water by 4. 4 oclock after daylight savings time?????

03-08-2009, 02:14 PM
Well at least i know were im (NOT) gonna be fishing this summer.

03-08-2009, 02:49 PM
They are probably doing that because it takes all afternoon to get all the water sport people off the water and out of there, alot of them are slow and stupid and very rude to the fishermen and women,,,,

Shore Stalker
03-08-2009, 03:42 PM
Don't let anyone tell you that these Public Servants are just doing their job. I have much experience dealing with the authorities of Pyramid. The problem is the Lake is run by a bunch of Gang Bangers called L.A.S.D.! The L.A. Sheriff Department. I know exactly what these guys problems are. A Sheriff has to be a prison guard for something like a year to become a Sheriff. So after going through all this hard core training they are now just Lake cops. I wonder how many real criminals they pull off the water every day. In the Winter they might as well just stay home.

Now I know they have to deal with a lot of jerk skiers but I can tell you from experience out side of the dock these guys don't do anything but harass shore fisherman. The lake cops actually get off 1 exit before there exit just to right tickets for people who park at Vista Del Lago to hike in to fish.I am currently fighting a parking ticket for violating a no parking sign that litterly does not exist.

These guys act like ex-gang bangers who have no respect for anyone on their turf. I always park at the exit before the exit to Pyramid Lake. I have actually been told by the Lake Sheriff that he would have no problem with me If I payed to park at the gate then turned around and drove 5 min to the freeway and parked up by the visitor center.

That is B.S. they charge for parking at thee lake not admittance. If you had a Van full of people with fishing rods they would only charge you for parking the Van. The money they make for parking (especially in the colder months) does not put money in the Sheriff's budget yet if you hike on to the lake for free they act like you are a thief.

Our tax dollars not only pay for the lake but it also pays the lake cops salary. We own that lake and pay everyone who maintains it. Yet we are treated like unwelcome guests when we are tax paying residents of this great state.

The worst part is that we paid Millions of Dollars on the Visitor Center and the park around it. Not only does the visitor center have over 200 parking spots that you can't us but there is a hole park facility that must of cost 10 million dollars that is completely abandoned now yet they us our tax dollars to maintain a facility that no one uses but it does keep city Union members busy.

That whole lake is a joke. The sheriffs of that small lake not only have a Helicopter but a Yacht that is 2 storeys tall. I call it the SS F&@% Me. I think we should just go ahead and close down Pyramid. I know plenty of Streets down in Compton that could us a few officers walking the beat.

03-08-2009, 03:42 PM
Best part of the day to be and fishing, and you'll be on your way home.

03-08-2009, 04:06 PM
I have never been on Piramyd lake
and now, I don't think is worth the drive,
Yes park people get really stupid if they think
you did no pay to get in, I was stopped and almost
cavity checked by a Park manager.
man, what's wrong with this people?

03-08-2009, 04:30 PM
Im not saying that im 100 % sure, but im guessing there building something next to Pyramid lake, or are gonna reopen that one other picnic spot. Im just taking a guess at this. Im probobly wrong though.

03-08-2009, 04:32 PM
Mr Stripey will be able to blow up and boil on shad all afternoon long in the summer without anyone there to bother him! Our Tax dollars at work!

03-08-2009, 04:41 PM
Don't let anyone tell you that these Public Servants are just doing their job. I have much experience dealing with the authorities of Pyramid. The problem is the Lake is run by a bunch of Gang Bangers called L.A.S.D.! The L.A. Sheriff Department. I know exactly what these guys problems are. A Sheriff has to be a prison guard for something like a year to become a Sheriff. So after going through all this hard core training they are now just Lake cops. I wonder how many real criminals they pull off the water every day. In the Winter they might as well just stay home.

Now I know they have to deal with a lot of jerk skiers but I can tell you from experience out side of the dock these guys don't do anything but harass shore fisherman. The lake cops actually get off 1 exit before there exit just to right tickets for people who park at Vista Del Lago to hike in to fish.I am currently fighting a parking ticket for violating a no parking sign that litterly does not exist.

These guys act like ex-gang bangers who have no respect for anyone on their turf. I always park at the exit before the exit to Pyramid Lake. I have actually been told by the Lake Sheriff that he would have no problem with me If I payed to park at the gate then turned around and drove 5 min to the freeway and parked up by the visitor center.

That is B.S. they charge for parking at thee lake not admittance. If you had a Van full of people with fishing rods they would only charge you for parking the Van. The money they make for parking (especially in the colder months) does not put money in the Sheriff's budget yet if you hike on to the lake for free they act like you are a thief.

Our tax dollars not only pay for the lake but it also pays the lake cops salary. We own that lake and pay everyone who maintains it. Yet we are treated like unwelcome guests when we are tax paying residents of this great state.

The worst part is that we paid Millions of Dollars on the Visitor Center and the park around it. Not only does the visitor center have over 200 parking spots that you can't us but there is a hole park facility that must of cost 10 million dollars that is completely abandoned now yet they us our tax dollars to maintain a facility that no one uses but it does keep city Union members busy.

That whole lake is a joke. The sheriffs of that small lake not only have a Helicopter but a Yacht that is 2 storeys tall. I call it the SS F&@% Me. I think we should just go ahead and close down Pyramid. I know plenty of Streets down in Compton that could us a few officers walking the beat.
I've heard a lot of ignorance on this site, But I think that post just took the prize.:Confused:

Real e-z solution........ Don't go

BTW....... Admission doesn't pay for the Sheriffs

03-08-2009, 04:51 PM
I've heard a lot of ignorance on this site, But I think that post just took the prize.:Confused:

Real e-z solution........ Don't go

This is just a post filled with emotion but there are a few really good points here. Pyramid does have over $500,000 worth of boats and vessels and crap to patrol a lake that is open 7 hours a day and takes less than 15 minutes to circle all of its shoreline at 40mph?? It really is a giant waste of resources in a state that has very few to begin with and those we have are severely mis managed!

03-08-2009, 04:52 PM
I am usually tired of the wind by 1 or 2 anyways............
It's just the way it is in California. To many dollars spent on welfare, instead of the working class.

03-08-2009, 05:56 PM
This is just a post filled with emotion but there are a few really good points here. Pyramid does have over $500,000 worth of boats and vessels and crap to patrol a lake that is open 7 hours a day and takes less than 15 minutes to circle all of its shoreline at 40mph?? It really is a giant waste of resources in a state that has very few to begin with and those we have are severely mis managed!

Oh... I agree that it is mismanaged. But the hours and price is based on what monies the "contracted out concessionaires" get from the State. The sheriffs have nothing to do with it. Just cause this ShoreGuy gets hassled cause he wants to fish somewhere where he doesn't have to pay, he doesn't have to blame the Sheriffs. Maybe he should spend the money to get in and fish in the marina and channel.

Just remember -They ALLOW US to be there. The state could decide they don't want to pay the County or the management anymore. And they could do that to every reservoir in the system. Be grateful for what you guys have, caus it can be taken away with one swipe of a pen.

Hmmm...... Are there any natural lakes in So Cal?

03-08-2009, 06:23 PM
Why do people get so worked up over this? It seems like people are just looking for reasons to talk sh*T about Pyramid. I think of it as a service provided by the lake. Be happy that it is open at all. Like someone else said before whining about it on a forum is not going to do anything just don't go.

03-08-2009, 06:29 PM
Why do people get so worked up over this? It seems like people are just looking for reasons to talk sh*T about Pyramid. I think of it as a service provided by the lake. Be happy that it is open at all. Like someone else said before whining about it on a forum is not going to do anything just don't go.

Exactly http://www.clipartof.com/images/emoticons/xsmall2/1233_hand_clapping.gif (http://www.clipartof.com)

03-08-2009, 06:48 PM
I've heard a lot of ignorance on this site, But I think that post just took the prize.:Confused:

Real e-z solution........ Don't go

BTW....... Admission doesn't pay for the Sheriffs

I've heard a lot of ignorance on this site, But I think that post just took the prize.:Confused:

03-08-2009, 06:50 PM
Remember people its YOUR lake, its the taxpayers lake, not idiot government agents

03-08-2009, 07:04 PM
Remember people its YOUR lake, its the taxpayers lake, not idiot government agents

Sorry, Rabbito....... Pyramid is owned by the state....... it's basically part of the state watershed and aqueduct system.

It's like saying "Oh I own the power, gas, etc. before it comes into my home"

03-08-2009, 07:23 PM
lol bing.... sorry to hear about it closing early, ive never been. but i totally can see why you would be pissed. thanks for the report. :Razz:

Captain Castaic
03-08-2009, 07:52 PM

oh..and Pyramid staff sucks.


03-08-2009, 11:37 PM
Stop crying !

03-09-2009, 06:14 AM
Stop crying !
just cause you sold out to paylakes cause you couldnt land real fish out here, and instead target stocker trout at irvine...lmaooo....jk hitts, its all love...i havnt talked smack on here for a whiiiiiiiiiiiile so your the only one i know that wont get butt hurt...lol...(i can only imagine his comeback)

Bing'r, i feel you brotha...it does suck:Confused:

Cod Father
03-09-2009, 07:39 AM
This nothing new, it's been like this for years at Pyramid. The authorities keep a tight leash on it's visitors. This is not the place to go if your paperwork, safety equipment or intensions are not in order. The reason is, too many idiots on the water, breaking the rules, thinking they are exempt from the laws, I see it all the time when I'm there. Like anywhere else, do what they ask of you and they will leave you alone. Yes, please stay away from there, so there is more room for me! :Wink:

03-09-2009, 08:11 AM
The current concession just plain sucks, they were supposed to bring back boat rentals aka Castaic and Piru.

The hours are horrible, and our only hope is the concession will be changed for the better next contract. The sheriffs can be a real pain. I called them as a fight broke out between several drunks near Piru creek, I called from my cell phone and the idiot lectured me for 10 minutes as to why I should have a ship to shore radio.

By the time the sheriff arrived, almost 30 minutes later the drunks were throwing rocks at each other, and lighting fires on the sand.

Don't get me started, but in the end, just don't go !


03-09-2009, 08:35 AM
I say we start a petition.

03-09-2009, 08:53 AM
Had doubts about keeping my boat exclusive to Casitas but these reports make me glad that I did

03-09-2009, 10:47 AM
When I first came to CA, the first time I wanted to go to Castaic night fishing, someone told me that I couldn't, because they closed the lake at night. I couldn't understand what they were saying. Nothing in my experience fit into what they were saying, do they stop putting water in or stop letting it out?:Confused:

Now they close them in the afternoon!

How do bureaucrats with no knowledge of fishing, sitting in an office with a pen and no tan, close the best fishing spots in a lake?

How do they know where the good fishing is?

With this knowledge, we can find fish anywhere!:Razz:

03-09-2009, 10:49 AM
They charge 18 bucks for float tubing now!!!!

03-09-2009, 10:57 AM
Sorry, Rabbito....... Pyramid is owned by the state....... it's basically part of the state watershed and aqueduct system.

It's like saying "Oh I own the power, gas, etc. before it comes into my home"

Hello!! state owned = public owned = taxpayer owned these terms ar synonymous . God help our educational system people don't even no that the citizens of this state own whatever is considerd public or state owned.

Yes "We the people" own the lake the aqueduct, the lottery system, most dams, state parks, freeways etc.

03-09-2009, 11:51 AM
Ok well let me give my true thoughts! Its funny to watch everyone on here cry,but its the truth.10 bux now to get in on weekdays when Castaic in the winter is free.I use to pay 7 dollars to get into the lake.They have half the lake parking lot blocked off to shore fisherman.But have it open to boaters,and they have to be off of the waters by 3:50 pm,or lil man,aka Paul the lil Sheriff will come out on a rampage! So we can fish until 6pm,but only can fish the channel? What if I want to slay with T/O until the lake closes! The snakes come out around that time,so it might be a good thing for Jsauce to be off the lake by then ! Lma00 !!
We are gonna call those "Day light Jsauce hours " !!!! lma000!!:ROFL::ROFL:

03-09-2009, 12:36 PM
Ok well let me give my true thoughts! Its funny to watch everyone on here cry,but its the truth.10 bux now to get in on weekdays when Castaic in the winter is free.I use to pay 7 dollars to get into the lake.They have half the lake parking lot blocked off to shore fisherman.But have it open to boaters,and they have to be off of the waters by 3:50 pm,or lil man,aka Paul the lil Sheriff will come out on a rampage! So we can fish until 6pm,but only can fish the channel? What if I want to slay with T/O until the lake closes! The snakes come out around that time,so it might be a good thing for Jsauce to be off the lake by then ! Lma00 !!
We are gonna call those "Day light Jsauce hours " !!!! lma000!!:ROFL::ROFL:

Keep in mind that for any snakes except Rattlesnakes you will need to have a fishing license.

03-09-2009, 12:46 PM
They charge 18 bucks for float tubing now!!!!

thats insane im going to float tube perris in that case.

God Bless


03-09-2009, 02:09 PM
theres plenty of other lakes to fish!!! crappie lakes stay open really late!!!! lol. j/k..


03-09-2009, 02:26 PM
Hello!! state owned = public owned = taxpayer owned these terms ar synonymous . God help our educational system people don't even no that the citizens of this state own whatever is considerd public or state owned.

Yes "We the people" own the lake the aqueduct, the lottery system, most dams, state parks, freeways etc.

Keep Dreamin "Little Bunny"
"We the people" don't own anything anymore.
The only things our taxes go to nowadays are supporting non-taxpayers, free medicine,special interests and illegals.

So, why don't you go up to Pyramid, stick your chest out and tell them to extend the hours on your lake ( because you own the water) and see how far it gets you.

You're such a confused little rabbit http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/confused/confused0007.gifhttp://http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/confused/confused0007.gif (http://www.thescubasite.com/)http://http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/confused/confused0007.gif (http://www.thescubasite.com/)

03-09-2009, 09:12 PM

03-09-2009, 09:38 PM
Whoever decided to make the new hours is the problem.Find out who makes those rules and why then thats a start.I have a feeling its the sherrifs just wanting to go home early.One time I had a sherrif there come up to me 15 min before it was time for me to start leaving and say"why dont you wrap it up guys".I said ill be off in time.He said"Some of us want to get home".Me and my buddy had a good laugh about that.

03-09-2009, 09:56 PM
Keep Dreamin "Little Bunny"
"We the people" don't own anything anymore.
The only things our taxes go to nowadays are supporting non-taxpayers, free medicine,special interests and illegals.

So, why don't you go up to Pyramid, stick your chest out and tell them to extend the hours on your lake ( because you own the water) and see how far it gets you.

You're such a confused little rabbit http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/confused/confused0007.gifhttp://http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/confused/confused0007.gif (http://www.thescubasite.com/)http://http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/confused/confused0007.gif (http://www.thescubasite.com/)

Ya, i agree with you.

lurk 182
03-09-2009, 10:10 PM
Had doubts about keeping my boat exclusive to Casitas but these reports make me glad that I did

+1, annual pass for a guy from long beach, best deal goin right now.

03-10-2009, 05:36 PM
Keep Dreamin "Little Bunny"
"We the people" don't own anything anymore.
The only things our taxes go to nowadays are supporting non-taxpayers, free medicine,special interests and illegals.

So, why don't you go up to Pyramid, stick your chest out and tell them to extend the hours on your lake ( because you own the water) and see how far it gets you.

You're such a confused little rabbit http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/confused/confused0007.gifhttp://http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/confused/confused0007.gif (http://www.thescubasite.com/)http://http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/confused/confused0007.gif (http://www.thescubasite.com/)

I really hate to argue on the net but your dumb smug little man attitude disturbs me. It really is disturbing. Its like you dont even care that government beaurocrats take "our" lake and impose assinine rules. You are not even mad. You really have a screwed up world view.

03-10-2009, 05:45 PM

oh..and Pyramid staff sucks.


I like what you said. C.C.:Smile:

Rob D
03-10-2009, 06:18 PM
last Sat. was my first time at pyramid,I fished the aba tourney. I could see why the sheriffs harrass the shore anglers. I couldn't believe all the trash and tagging that was along the shoreline everywhere. I know not all shore anglers leave there trash so don't think thats what I mean but unfortunately the cops dont know you so they probably think the worse until they contact you. Also being out of the gate at 4 was crazy.

03-10-2009, 07:57 PM
I really hate to argue on the net but your dumb smug little man attitude disturbs me. It really is disturbing. Its like you dont even care that government beaurocrats take "our" lake and impose assinine rules. You are not even mad. You really have a screwed up world view.

Dumb?..........Smug?............http://www.clipartof.com/images/emoticons/xsmall2/1231_hysterically_laughing.gif (http://www.clipartof.com/)

I'm a realist buddy....... you just have to deal with it and not sweat the "pequeñas cosas" because whatever happens, happens for a reason and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
