View Full Version : girlfriend/wife -Fun Sabotagers

03-08-2009, 11:28 AM
How many anglers deal with their partners jealousy of you having fun. All my friends are in relationships and I don't think I have ever gone out fishing with these guys without their parole officers regulating our good times. Is your girl one of them? Or are you allowed to fish a full day or night without receiving that call, "What are you doing out there?" or "I'm bored" or even "It's not fair that you are having fun!":Explode:I was just wondering if thats just because my buddies are poodles or thats just all women?

Nessie Hunter
03-08-2009, 01:23 PM
"All my Ex's live in Texas"......

A little of that is OK and flattering etc..
But to much is Obsessive, Compulsive and smacks of dominance and/or Insecurity..

SWM, looking for SF with good income and Financial Independence.
Having a bass boat is desired. (please send pic of boat).


03-08-2009, 01:32 PM
Been with my girl 51 1/2 years! We do not bother each other when we are doing our thing. Been married to her 50 years in September, I am a lucky guy:Smile:. We used to go on dates fishing while in high school.


03-08-2009, 04:37 PM
My now wife paid for 1/2 of my very first albacore (2 day) trip after we had been dating less than a year. She even bought me a new pair of deck boots to send me off on a trip she knew I was excited for. One of the reasons I married her and am such a lucky man is that she wants better for me than I want for myself, but I am one of the very few of my circle of friends who has it this way. I have 3 VERY good friends who have basically given up fishing, softball, hockey, etc etc because the price they have to pay for being harassed and bitched at is not worth the day out doing something they love. Very very sad that this is such a regular phenomenon. Take heed single guys, pay attention to the warning signs!!!!!!!!!:Secret:

Deadroots, PM me, we can take my boat out any time for a long day out fishing not brought to an end by an enemy of fun! LOL

Santa Fe Eric
03-08-2009, 04:58 PM
My wife and I talk connect 2 times for about 3 minutes when I go fishing.
The first call is from her when she wakes up. She only asks two questions:
1. Have you caught anything yet?
2. If you didn't catch anything yet are you having fun?

The second call is from me at the end of the day to give her a fish count and let her know if I'm eating dinner with her that night or going to eat with the guys!

I'm very blessed to have a good woman who undertands my needs. My wife states that when I have a good fishing trip, the rest of the week with me is really fun.

For you young guys out there, you have to reinforce this by actually being loving and paying attention to her on non-fishing days. Some Sundays after Church I will take my wife to Living Spaces and walk around with her for a couple of hours while she shares her plans for our dream house. We will have lunch, then we will go to Bass Pro and she will sit and read a book while I shop.
Eventually, I began getting BassPro gift cards from her to reinforce my positive behavior.
Finally, if you maintain the trust of your partner, you shouldn't have problems. If you have broken trust then you should understand why she calls so much...She doesn't trust you!
If she is just a kill-joy, I don't know what to tell you!

Sorry ladies for not being gender inclusive. Just reverse the "she" for "he" if you are the fisherperson in the relationship:Wink:

* JUst to show you that she is human. The one area where we are working on is me being able to get the Family Boat out with the guys. I have my 12 footer and we have a family boat (Glastron GT 185) that she is very protective of. She doesn't care if I load 20 people into my 12 footer, but right now the family boat is "special" just for me alone or with the family. We've had a couple of "couples days" with close non-fishing friends on the boat this past year. I'm a patient man and I know that my girl will relax on this in a year or so! I'll never complain, she paid for the boat:Cool:

03-08-2009, 05:11 PM
I been with mine for 23yrs. She comes from a long line of fisherman. On occasion she ask for some fillet for dinner and wishes me luck. She goes on the boat on rare occasions. It is all good!!!!!:Big Grin:

03-08-2009, 08:13 PM
Deadroots, PM me, we can take my boat out any time for a long day out fishing not brought to an end by an enemy of fun! LOL

That sounds good to me!

03-08-2009, 09:06 PM
This is a great topic!

My last girl use to pay for all my fishing trips, overnight trips, multi-day trips, fuel surcharges, beer, galley tabs, beer, fishing line, beer, new reels, beer, new rods, beer, tackle, beer, gas, more beer and never bothered me when I was fishing. I thought I was in heaven....until that fateful day I found out I wasn’t the only one dynamiting that beaver.

Turns out, her boyfriend dumped her when he found out she was married and he was paying for my all my fun fishing trips with his hard earned dough. Now what was I supposed to do? She lost her income, Dang!

Being the kind hearted soul that I am, I drove her down to Hollywood and Vine and nudged her gently out of the rolling car, with high hopes she would be back to work soon.

Needless to say, in the long run things just didn’t pan out. Her pimp was getting most of my fishing money and I could clearly see things would never be like they were in the good Ol’ days.

Man, I’m sure going to miss her!

Does this make me a poodle? LOL

03-08-2009, 09:12 PM
i get a few phone calls .... but no negative ones .... first is when she wakes up then sometimes there is one just seeing how fishing is, and sometimes when i hit mdr and im not home by sundown there is a phone call asking if im ok that's the phone calls .... but i must say its hard keeping your other half happy when you have an addiction ... she like fishing but not as much as i do... so i get one day out of the weekend to fish with no questions asked if i want more i have to do something in return witch is fair i think. you give some to get some ... im one of the few lucky ones :Wink:
i even feel bad sometimes because i pay more attention to fishing then here.

a biley
03-08-2009, 09:27 PM
i get an occasional phone call from her, "Are you done yet" that's basically it

Native Gal
03-08-2009, 09:45 PM
In our relationship I am the one bugging my husband constantly asking, "When are we going fishing?"
I am still on the mend (10 months) from a leg injury and during most of this time I told him to go fishing without me, he would not have none of that. He mostly felt bad because I could not go. I told him he deserved to go because he spent so much time taking care of me and the household while I was down. Fishing is something we love to do together and have alot of fun doing, we actually spend alot of time together (fishing, working, commuting) and we get along great.
There is much truth into what Santa Fe Eric posted, so don't give up hope.


03-08-2009, 10:07 PM
no my girl doesnt call me or bug me because my girl goes fishing with me all the time she likes fishing also i couldnt ask for anything better thats why we have TonyLisa as our user name here on fnn i love my girl

03-09-2009, 09:06 AM
We kayak 2gether we fish 2gether & if that smile does'nt lie then she truly loves it.


03-09-2009, 09:10 AM
WOW.. Its so nice to read all the positive responses that the significant other is so understanding of the sport and is so encouraging.

Like they say, it takes two to tango!

Granny Fish
03-09-2009, 09:52 AM
It has been my observation that usually when girlfriends/wives (or boyfriends/husbands) consistantly call asking what your doing, when will you be home and complaining about you being gone; it is because they lack confidence in the relationship and become obsesive about controlling it.

Santa Fe Eric, I couldn't agree more with what you said. When you care about someone you enjoy seeing them enjoy themselves. We are all much happier when we feel we have the freedom to do the things we enjoy. When my husband and I met, our first "official" date was fishing. We've been together 27 years and fish together all the time. Sometimes we fish seperately with our friends but usually we are together. We are husband and wife, but we are also friends.

03-09-2009, 10:17 AM
I am usually out there every week fishing with my husband, and I get bummed when we don't go. The only time I call and bug him is when he's out there with his buddies and I'm stuck at work, but it's usually only to see if he's caught anything.


03-09-2009, 11:02 AM
My wife is the best. She supports or joins me in everything. I love her more than I can say and we are best friends. After ten years I can honestly say that it is getting better than great!!

Wouldn't trade her for everything. Honestly. I have even canceled planned fishing trips just because I wanted to be with her instead.

03-09-2009, 11:23 AM
My g/f visits her mom in San Diego at least once a month so I know thats my chance to get on the lake for the entire day, as well as any time she's got something going on durring the weekend. She works 48 hour shifts so now that it's daylight savings time I get a few hours after work to hit my favorite honey holes.
She asked me what if I wanted Basspro gift card for my birthday and I told her I'd be going to fred hall show this past weekend so she give me money to spend there, when I got home I showed her the reel she bought me and thanked her.

Someday I'll actually get her to go fishing with me.

03-09-2009, 05:51 PM
I also get the calls quite a bit. Usually about what time you gonna be home, are you hungry, did you put on sunblock, etc...... I dont really mind the calls unless im on a wfo bite.

Here's the anthem for the fella's out there who never get to get out and fish......


03-09-2009, 07:51 PM
My wife only gets bent outta shape if she can't go along during warm weather. She's not real keen on cold weather fishing, but does hunt in cold temps with me.

I make sure to take her out to the rockhounding sites she likes on winter weekends, then after it warms up she fishes with me. Warm weather = rattlesnakes in desert, so after The First Snake the partnered fishing commences. I'm retired, so I can fish or hunt all week if I want to. And do, sometimes. Often, I have her meet me for dinner out when I get back into town if the time works out. A good life.

Eat Sleep Fish
03-09-2009, 08:02 PM
...im happily single! :Razz:

03-09-2009, 10:08 PM
Ok, honestly, I have 2 friends married and several in relationships and they all give their significant other hell when they get out. Once out, if actually makes it out, they are on the phone either arguing being told to return. Except NoHoArt! I have experienced this personally also! Either you all are saying that stuff to keep your selves out of the dog house or I have had the worst run with women possible!:ROFL: If true though, my hats off to you!:Beer Toast:

03-09-2009, 10:09 PM
I am hughpam and I approve my message.

(Ain't no lying by me about my wife. She's great!)

03-10-2009, 07:20 AM
Striper Chic bought me a brand new skeeter 190,3 months after we began dating!!!

The only problem she has with fishing is not being able to go with all of the time due to work!,but she did win the first club tourny we entered and has become a VERY GOOD angler and i prefer to fish with her at times. She comes home from work telling me she needs to go fishing.

Way cool having a relationship like this!Kinda cool when she TELLS me to go fishin to get out of the house.

03-10-2009, 08:54 AM
Striper Chic bought me a brand new skeeter 190,3 months after we began dating!!!

The only problem she has with fishing is not being able to go with all of the time due to work!,but she did win the first club tourny we entered and has become a VERY GOOD angler and i prefer to fish with her at times. She comes home from work telling me she needs to go fishing.

Way cool having a relationship like this!Kinda cool when she TELLS me to go fishin to get out of the house.

Must be nice!

03-10-2009, 09:17 AM
Striper Chic bought me a brand new skeeter 190,3 months after we began dating!!!

The only problem she has with fishing is not being able to go with all of the time due to work!,but she did win the first club tourny we entered and has become a VERY GOOD angler and i prefer to fish with her at times. She comes home from work telling me she needs to go fishing.

Way cool having a relationship like this!Kinda cool when she TELLS me to go fishin to get out of the house.

You have keeper for sure,:Wink:

03-10-2009, 10:21 AM
I had a friend that's a girl. Almost got serious, until Vday.
I was out with my boi and she called me. Course' I did not
pick up the cellie. The next day I called her back and she
threw a fit. I said I have to go, I'll call you back. After that
I mailed all the close she left at my place back to her. She
texted me to apologize, however I did not respond... We haven't
spoken since..... and I like it that way........

03-10-2009, 11:55 AM
I've got buddies who wish of the days cell phones didn't exist. His phone is constantly getting blown up.

I've also got buddies whose significant others encourage them to go out there and spend the day fishing and hanging with their buds. My GF will call me around noon time to find out if she should wait for me to have dinner. I know that unless there are prior commitments, my fishing schedule can go undisturbed. It's too bad she's so busy with classes this semester that I don't have time to get her out there with me.


Here's something I dredged up. (Sorry Albert, I had to :ROFL:)


lurk 182
03-10-2009, 12:04 PM
i get one day a week, all day, no questions asked. as early as i want to leave, come home as late as i want, no dinner plans on fish day. the other six i'm pretty locked down, but i've got it better than a lot of people. my boat eats up a lot of gagrage space that we could use for home decor that is no longer fit to be inside the house. if she calls its just to make fun of me for getting skunked again, so i usually pick it up.

03-10-2009, 12:11 PM
"dynamiting that beaver"

Hahahahahaha that was funniest thing I have read all day.

But to answer the questions I have never had any issues with constant calling usually just the "should I wait to have dinner" call.

03-10-2009, 01:41 PM
Been married for 18 years and fishing for 40 i can remember getting about 2 calls in that span of 18 years and it was for emergencies.
my better half understands that fishing for me is like therapy i am a better person afterwords lol.
Now if i can find more time for fishing than working that would be great:ROFL:.
NOho Art and i fished about three time already and none of us got a call from the wives during fishing .:Smile:

On the other hand my wife is well takencare of :Wink:


03-10-2009, 01:43 PM
i've got buddies who wish of the days cell phones didn't exist. His phone is constantly getting blown up.

I've also got buddies whose significant others encourage them to go out there and spend the day fishing and hanging with their buds. My gf will call me around noon time to find out if she should wait for me to have dinner. I know that unless there are prior commitments, my fishing schedule can go undisturbed. It's too bad she's so busy with classes this semester that i don't have time to get her out there with me.


here's something i dredged up. (sorry albert, i had to :rofl:)



03-10-2009, 01:45 PM
I also get the calls quite a bit. Usually about what time you gonna be home, are you hungry, did you put on sunblock, etc...... I dont really mind the calls unless im on a wfo bite.

Here's the anthem for the fella's out there who never get to get out and fish......


I think that's the only country and western song i like now :ROFL::ROFL:

03-10-2009, 03:50 PM
I have a buddy, we went fishing 3 or 4 days a week and sometimes more. Then in 2001 he got married. We have not gone fishing even once since then. I'm begining to like his wife even less as I'm typing this.