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View Full Version : Do you feel bad?

Captain Boracho
03-06-2009, 12:06 PM
When co-workers all around you are getting laid off? Do you get scared when the rumors start flying about layoffs coming at the end of the week? Today my company laid off 5 workers (incidently first time since ive been here) I didnt get nervous at all or feel bad for them....am i a bad person? Now before people start saying im heartless let me explain a bit, i follow some simple advice my pops gave me. No matter what your doing in life give it your all and show that your the best man for the job, whether it be scrubbing a toilet or flippin burgers, dont act like the company needs you more than you need them. I watched the people who got laid off milk the clock when we were slow, take long lunches and plain out just have a f' you attitude here.

03-06-2009, 12:51 PM
Survival of the fittest, I say.

Ain't nuthin' wrong with a little social Darwinism to thin out the 'herd.'

Granny Fish
03-06-2009, 01:58 PM
Hard to feel bad for people with poor work ethics when they are let go. I would hate to be looking for a job in today's market.

03-06-2009, 03:45 PM
When co-workers all around you are getting laid off? Do you get scared when the rumors start flying about layoffs coming at the end of the week? Today my company laid off 5 workers (incidently first time since ive been here) I didnt get nervous at all or feel bad for them....am i a bad person? Now before people start saying im heartless let me explain a bit, i follow some simple advice my pops gave me. No matter what your doing in life give it your all and show that your the best man for the job, whether it be scrubbing a toilet or flippin burgers, dont act like the company needs you more than you need them. I watched the people who got laid off milk the clock when we were slow, take long lunches and plain out just have a f' you attitude here.

I knew you wouldn't get it Onyx. You are such a nice gentleman with a real strong work ethic. Guys, he's very kind to people and goes out of his way to help without being asked. Some gal is going to be extremely lucky to land this guy.....OFG

03-06-2009, 04:35 PM
......or Sea Hare!!! (yuk yuk yuk, hardee har har!!)

03-06-2009, 05:30 PM
......or Sea Hare!!! (yuk yuk yuk, hardee har har!!)

did you check the drawers for that purple ink!!!!!!! :ROFL::ROFL:

03-06-2009, 05:34 PM
"Many people quit looking for work once they find a job."

Ya know what I mean...? :Wink:

03-06-2009, 06:02 PM
Hard to feel bad for people with poor work ethics when they are let go. I would hate to be looking for a job in today's market.

It is VERY hard looking for work in today's economy.. I was laid off on Feb 13th. No, I was not one of the bad workers.. Our whole call center shut down and moved to Arizona and Texas.. So, at the worst time I am out trying to find work.. I have 6 years of experience in Collections and is still hard to find work.. BUT and up lift.. I have an interview out in Irvine for a job on Monday.. So cross my fingers I hope I get the position..

03-06-2009, 11:33 PM
I am a teacher with 8 years in this district. I have enough seniority to not worry, but the word is that up to 260 or so teachers will be subject to lay offs. Bummer. I feel for them. One of them I know is a single mom who just bought a house and car.