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View Full Version : Can my fly rod be fixed?

03-01-2009, 10:12 PM
My girlfriend shut a storage shed door on the end of my fly rod (quite by accident, BTW), about 4-5 inches from the tip. Is it possible to repair this by cutting the rod down to the next guide and refitting/replacing the tip? I'm not sure of the value or quality of it, I got it as a teen. It's an 8' Pfluger Summit, for size 6 line (?)
I haven't fly fished for a while and was about to do some this month. Should I just replace it or is this worth fixing? I'm very good with tools and do light wood & electronics work & used to tie flies, and would probably just try it but I figured I'd consult with the fishing gear brainpool that exists here first. A couple of pics are included.
Thanks in advance for any assistance-

Nessie Hunter
03-02-2009, 07:23 AM
You can cut it down yourself and re-glue a new tip on..

Or take it to almost any shop and have it done pretty cheap, cost of the tip is about all (depending on the shop)...

You will lose just a little action, but should not be to bad...

Sorry man, I know how that hurts...

03-02-2009, 07:27 AM
I did the same thing to my $280.00 powell 3 wt.even thou i could have gone to powell. They have a life time policy. Instead, i took it to kennys ,he put a new tip on. I lost about 6" .i actually like it better ,for roll casting at the pudd. I did have to increase the line wieght to 5wt. Putting a tip on the break point, will probubly make yours a little stiffer around a 7wt. Action. Im no expert with only 3 yrs. Under my belt in the fly fishing world. I can only go by my experance with my own.

03-02-2009, 08:48 AM
I was just thinking that rod is now a good canidate ,for bass fishing throwing those larger flys, and poppers with the heavier action.

03-02-2009, 10:28 AM
Alright, then, I'll give it a go. I'm thinking I'll lop it at the next guide so the spacing between them (the guides & tip) is still consistent, instead of just below the break so I don't have only 2-3" between the tip and smallest guide.